I think they answered their own question. They weren’t real people. They cheated with all the absentee ballots in 20/0 from many of those major cities. Add to that Kamala is not exciting for their base at all
I worked the ballot table last Friday at my polling center in NC. A black female Dem came back with her ballot and asked us to spoil it since she voted twice in the Presidential section.
Then she asked about the write in vote section at the bottom of the presidential area. I never looked at her first ballot but I assumed she circled one candidate and wrote in another as an afterthought. Or couldn’t decide between Stein or West. But I did understand she didn’t want to vote for Kamala.
NC poll worker here.
You can wear whatever you want into the polls here in NC. Had a couple come into to vote early in Trump gear from head to toe. But you aren't allowed to discuss politics in the polls.
But as a poll worker I cannot wear any political garb nor can we discuss politics. We need to appear non partisan.
I'm a poll worker in NC .. Don't forget your picture ID. A current passport or driver's license is good for those under 65. (If you're older than 65 you can use an expired one as long as it expired on or after your 65th birthday). Or you can use a Federal photo ID (no expiration date is ok) or one you got from the Election Board prior to voting. Some counties are allowing other photo ID's. Check for them on your county's Election Board site.
ONLY use a ball point black pen to mark your ballot here. Felt is not good.. will bleed through and spoil your ballot.
And here's a number to call in NC if you see or hear ANYTHING untoward. It's the NC Republican Hot Line (919) 372-4856. Copy it down and take it with you to the polls.
Im of the opinion that this was disinformation in the early Q posts to get the anons attention.
I personally hope he does get arrested eventually for his pedo ways but I doubt we will see it this year. Just my 2 cents. I have a feeling none of the deep state peeps will be arrested until after Trump gets back into office.
I have a Bekley water filter. And stored up some black filters to purify the water
Have a large lake behind my home to use if a true emergency.
Also have a wood fired pizza oven outside and a small volcano grill that cooks with a variety of fuel. (Wood, charcoal or propane).
Plus plenty of stores food in large 10 lb cans. Including flour and wheat grinder to make bread. Can do in my pizza oven if need be
In NC we as poll workers can't wear political attire. But if you have on full Trump regallia or otherwise when you come in to vote we let you vote that way,
However, NO ONE including voters are allowed to talk politics in the voting precinct. So we do remind people to not speak and if anyone leaves a party cheat sheet in the voting booth we have to remove it immediately for any other voters who may come in there.
As a former SLP who worked with young children I saw how the vaccines destroyed so many young children and their families. One family had three autistic children who were all normal before their MMR shots. It was so sad. After they were disabled, I told them not to take them in for annual flu shots due to them possibly causing them further harm.
A friend gave her son a flu shot when he was 3. Not even a week later he had lost his ability to make eye contact and he became nonverbal where he had been speaking in full sentences before and he had issues with his balance, too.
I started doing Speech Therapy back in the 70's. I used to work with kids who just had lisps or articulation errors. But by the time I retired almost everyone on my caseload was autistic with multiple language, behavior problems, and sensory issues.
Trump still has a trifecta: Presidency, Senate and House. And never forget he has the majority of SCOTUS, too.
FWIW he won NC but we still have Dems here that have taken over the Council of State. Mark Robinson lost along with Lt Gov, Secretary of State among other contests all lost to Dems. My only hope is NC still has a super majority in the State House and Senate to override Stein