Seems similar to Maui. I smell deepstate, possible DEWs? How many of these homeowners, renters, whatever are pals of biden, the left, on epstein and or ditty lists? Praying for the safety of ALL. including the critters.
YES, I know that our friend James Woods is not on any lists, etc. Prayers for James as well.
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally, I believe that we need to forgive them, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
We ALREADY MATTER and they know it, that is why they cowardly hide behind their lies and get things done via mkultra and other immoral processes/procedures. It becomes more apparent that we matter when we LEGALLY find them guilty of the most heinous of crimes and see that they are held accountable. WE NEED TO FORGIVE THEM. God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally, I believe that we should forgive them, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
BTW - our heroes need to be treated better than the politicians treat themselves. I see a vet and I thank them for their service. They real seem to appreciate it. You can see it in their eyes. God† bless.
Yep, weed them out, Legally try them, if found guilty they will need to be executed.
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. I have indeed forgiven them. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this. Go to 7:50 and there it is.
Ok - so cool for all the changes. Yay! Amazing times ahead for sure.
What about the slime that tried breaking each of us and our world? They thought nothing about others - only about themselves. They are the worst of humanity and can not be trusted. They offer nothing to of for mankind. Please prove me wrong on this. The only value that they can offer is their absence.
God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. I've already forgiven them all. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we MUST forgive them, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.
Definitely whitehat and they are scanning for the evil one's traps and things they may be up top for eventually trying causing chaos w/ dirty and/or biological bombs. Bottom line - President Trump doesn't seem too worried, therefore we shouldn't be either. Enjoy the show and God† bless.
I want to know all now as do you and most everyone else, but I'm ok with us learning what we don't currently know at a time and place that is determined by Q. Good things are worth waiting for. God† is in charge. Peace and God† bless.
"Person of the Year" USED to mean something. To those who support and love President Trump, he's already "Person of the Year". We don't need a rag like Time to tell us anything.
It's like Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition - It used to matter - now it induces vomiting.
They never thought hildebeast would lose. There is no sign of compassion, morals or ethics in any of them. They were arrogant, prideful and sloppy and now they are going to be held accountable. They need to be made examples of, so that this will never happen again. The masses need to be horrified by what happens to them and it needs to be that way so this never again happens. Pray for them and their families and especially pray for the innocent millions who were murdered and their families. The left and their pals are responsible for this - something needs to be done. We need to come back to God†.
All celebrations of Christmas should be more God† centered and remembering the real gift that the world was given - our Lord† and Savior† Jesus† Christ.