theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is ivermectin the call for this one too? or is there another super cheap Rx we can order from India to have on hand? I am one of those people who gets 600 mosquito bites at a BBQ while everyone else has 0 or 1 so I actually get nervous when they start talking about mosquito borne shit..

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

thank you!! this is def in the vain I was thinking

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

that would be amazing. clean sweep of all the mods and lessen all the mods power as well. so easy for fascist mods to ban you from a sub simply bc they disagree and I'm so sick of it.

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

UGH IT REALLY IS. I feel like so many fantasy/creative interests have such a large leftist fanbase and it drives me nuts as a creative type. all of the things I enjoy have majority the worst people as their fanbases but surely it cannot be only some teeny percentage of based people who enjoys these things. just have to figure out where the based people are...

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

saaaame :< we should all make one - I just have zero reach to get people actually ON it. if Elon made a reddit equivalent on X it could be an option

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

the irony LOL. and ya I come here to get reprieve but I'd just love to find the same crew of people on here to shoot the shit with about other stuff.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

not anymore to libs - black is black. ify ou even just LOOK black you get to claim it bc however you "present" is how you're treated according to them so you could be a dark Mexican and call yourselves black according to them.

theladypatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

is there any way to organize the site into "subs" where its a little easier to look for stuff? i often want a quick update on certain things but its a giant cluster of all sorts of posts. it would be super awesme if we could have categories if possible..

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like they're gonna do Michelle Obama. a BLACK WOMAN - liberals will cream their pants to vote for the first woman president, who's black, and the husba--I mean wife, of their favorite Kenyan moron.

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

please god let them tank and let George Lucas buy back Star Wars so they stop fucking destroying it. the agenda is screaming every line in that new Acolyte show & EVERYONE fucking hates it. it's a rough world we deserve some good fantasy that doesnt have all the social narrative BULLSHIT in it ffs.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

thank you so much!! i've seen that brand but wasnt sure if i should trust it or not. I'll def give it a try bc recently I was feeling like i should be eating liver but man.. its hard to eat for me LOL. supplement is easier if i can!

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

same for me! i have had the flu badly twice and then i feel like ive had full weeks where i feel fluish and exhausted but not full on flu like 5 times. I feel like it's every month if not more often and I'm getting so sick of it. I'm similarly unvaxxed and havent gotten a flu shot since i was 12 and I'm 24 yrs past that. I went so many years without getting sick and even more without getting the full blown flu. since the plandemic I have gotten sick SO many times. and I take so many antioxidant, food/amino/mineral based supplements that theres no reason i should be getting sick.. I will check out organ supplements - what brand do you take and trust?

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel the saaaame! seems so much more than years past..

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

is anyone else getting sick WAY more often than normal? I'm not vaxxed and take a strong regimen of supplements, but I feel like i'm getting stuffy/sore throat pain like every few weeks. is it from being around vax shedders or are they just fucking pumping virus particles into the air constantly? curious if anyone else is also feeling like they're getting sick (or at least fighting something off) constantly...

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

how did they do? theres so much corruption i almost feel like itd be good to follow theirs for my own bracket?? like trading like Nancy Pelosi lol

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've watched a lot of Putin interviews and speeches over the years and he has been one of the few to just openly speak about the deep state and all their bullshit for years. Russia is one of the few countries powerful enough to possibly stand against the DS and I sometimes think they will be the country that saves the western world if our own country doesnt take some drastic measures.

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks!! ya I'm not suepr familiar but not sure I'm in the right spot. I see the Welcome and Help tab but is there a general chat tab? where do you guys mainly communicate?

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

hi there - MAGAkitty responded to my post asking if there was any meetups or ways to interact with folks from here and guided me here. I tried that discord link but i think it expired already (not super familiar with discord but assuming thats what happened). may I join the community as well? I was raised Christian and went to Catholic school and while my faith is not so much confined to solely Christianity now, it aligns very heavily with it. I have had some bad experiences going to church in L.A. but I feel this discord would have the kind of people I've been looking for and havent found here. happy to answer any other questions. thanks in advance.

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

are there any meetups for us likeminded based folks or is there a less public forum that discusses such things? being in L.A. its hard to find other based folks. esp since most of us just keep it to ourselves amongst strangers bc its generally a safer bet here..

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think they're legit pumping covid strains into the air or in the water or whatever. practically everyone I know has been sick for a LONG time, myself included. like, I just cant kick it. ivermectin massively helps but it keeps coming back. I think best bet is just pounding immune boosting supplements. for those of us who dont live in the middle of nowhere on a ranch, we have a lot less control over them poisoning us one way or another.

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

my job is pretty intense so I don't have tons of time to come on here and I just try to skim around to take the temperature, but does anyone have any insight into what insanity the DS is going to try to pull this year? I feel like I'm just waiting for some absurd bullshit, whether it be another attempt at a pandemic, weather/climate shit, culture wars (I REALLY dont want a repeat of 2020 on this bt the BLM bullshit, the riots, etc), but for the deep divers do you have any thoughts?

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

or maybe she is dating him intentionally bc he is SO publicly Pfizer supportive. Taylor Swift has done many chess move type maneuvers in her career. if the DS threatened her (which they definitely would threaten anyone this famous they dont control) then her simply dating a pro vax dude makes all the idiot libs go SEE?~ SHE'S PRO VAX & WOKE YAY. the fact that people are so easily categorizing her bc of this is something the leftist simpletons would do. there's a lot of inconsistencies with Taylor Swift. Trump also promoted the vaccine - you going to say he's actually part of the DS because of it?

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