Oh sorry bro, when did he say to install every update the moment it comes out?
I saw that vid back when it first came out and remember feeling that there is no way this was not all a psyop. CIA most likely. FBI involved as well. It's a bit of a psyop also because the guy at the end, "Taylor Hanson", has been on Elijah Schaefer's show on the Blaze. Which makes me think he was either just there and seemed to be acting weird but wasn't part of it or he is a part of it and they're trying to mess with the right hand side as well. Likely that.
Remember to stay as independently thinking as possible and notice if you're being victim to a psyop as well.
If this analysis is wrong, that is awful. I can recognize both possible realities at the same time I believe. In one reality, I can be heartbroken for a person being killed that way and getting no public response like all the victims BLM thinks are worthy.
If this theory is correct then the psyop has to be much larger than many of us have realized. It would have been a move to control Anons specifically by having one of us killed that way and then ignored. Potentially pushing us to anger and maybe some willing to respond with violence. Do not do anything remotely like that. It is what they are wanting.
Respect her death. Pray for her family. Recognize that possible reality even though you don't know her or anyone who does mostly. Sorry to anyone who does. But stay salty.
Psilocybin is a powerful substance. It's changed my life numerous times. The Ingersoll Lockwood story here is fascinating and I can't wait to see it continue playing out. Hope there's some real meat to it.
Ok let me get the sequence of events straight here. The media started reporting he was found dead in his jail cell in Barcelona less than half an hour ago and his VERIFIED IG account posted a big letter "Q" about half an hour before that?
There are a whole boatload of possibilities here.
• Kill switch maybe? Doesn't seem like it would really do anything just by posting that.
• Someone else had access to his account and posted this as they found out about his death for some reason unknown to anyone but that person.
• This is a sign that McAfee is with the Whitehats and the Q is a tip of the hat to us. The media seems to have not verified his death or the person who verified it to them lied. As crazy as McAfee seems, he would know a LOT of people and he would know a lot of how the world operates. People just haven't believed him on most of it just because of his personality unfortunately.
I suppose the most accurate answer is usually the most obvious one or the most plausible one and that would be the 2nd point there. Possibly the first point after that. But when you've followed Q since nearly the first post, nothing is a coincidence.
Now, what does it mean or what will come of it?
I'm up in Canada and I would drive anywhere in the US (as long as little Justin approves leaving the country by then) to attend a GA meetup. Let's make it happen folks. It would be glorious. I'll bring the popcorn!
I'm not crying...YOU'RE CRYING!
Still good to talk about but I do remember the talk of this on Voat.
Been scrolling the start of the latest email dump from ol' Fraud-ci and found this interesting email from a man named Dr. Pali Nazir. I searched him up and found a guy on Youtube with a short video explaining his proposed treatment for Covid. Calcium and Antibiotics. That simple.
He seems to be the guy since the subject of the email was "Coronavirus Auto Termination" and this Youtube video is "Retrovirus AutoTermination" and he's talking about the Coof.
Can't remember if calcium has been brought up before but found it interesting and how Fauci just asked some to "Please handle" it.
Oh ok so it was all a sham, the Democrats have installed a dictatorship with the media being their absolute propaganda arm? I understand why Q said that more than ever now.
I watched every second of the speeches that morning and the crowd was energized because of patriotism and love of everyone there feeling the same. They literally went to the Capitol and were peacefully assembling, to face Capitol Police firing flash bangs and rubber bullets at them.
How does that look like anything besides a Dictatorship that is actively using violent means to suppress any political opposition and silence those trying to get their message heard since the MSM wasn't doing it.
Now we've had all major MSM outlets and most politicians aside from those demonized in that same media. They have successfully brainwashed the world into believing their narrative. Someone must have posted this video online before. I don't remember if I saw it or not, I don't think it was posted anywhere and if it was it was removed. Is it little wonder they have censored and banned people for posting about anything exposing the truth about the 6th? They had to make sure they stopped any videos like this one from coming out.
They sped up their plan to reopen because Fauci got called out by Rand Paul and the stories from the Wuhan Lab started coming out. Drop the masks! Let them travel! "Meh...vaccine or not, get back out there and forget this ever happened! Quickly!"
There has always been a plan though. Q Team and Us knew what their next moves would be as they made their moves. It's been very easy to see when you know what to look for and when Q has shown you how to make your own decisions about a story and how to find the truth about it. Or at the very least, how to find the lies and then to keep looking for the truth.
They really are as stupid as Q lead us to believe. As an Anon up in the Great White North, I am happy and melancholy to feel that we are approaching some sort of destination (even if temporary) at an increasing pace. WWG1WGA.
Everyone should go back and watch Flynn's interview with Alex Jones the night of January 5th. Me thinks everything he says in that interview is going to be proven accurate. It's already started to drip out.
Sorry are you talking about George Kirby?
It's disgusting. I had higher hopes for our people but apparently our city is full of docile servants to the government. Glad to know there are other Anons in the Peg though.
As an Anon up here in Canada, I am constantly pointing out the absurd hypocrisy of the Biden Presidency. I've been watching a boat load of Salty Cracker videos daily, lots of stuff from the Blaze like The News and Why It Matters. Then my normal fix of X-22, And We Know, Dark to Light podcast, etc.. to get the perspectives of Anons.
There's been so much that's happened in the first 4 months that I've found a lot of people are waking up to it. Especially when I just ask them "Do you think it's a coincidence that the world has devolved into chaos since Trump left office?". Then, I think because they can't find a good explanation for it, they just look to the side and kind of silently nod.
I think anything is possible to save but I also think that there have been many many times where civilizations have rebooted or started over. We know that as Anons looking at the history of Communism alone even in the last few hundred years.
The only part of finding no fraud that would be rough is having the normies feel like they got a victory. I'd be happy about it as I could just focus on exposing the never-ending hypocrisy going forward. It would also suck though because we'd have to survive whatever catastrophes come next.
We are mostly Conservative here in Manitoba but there is a MASSIVE amount of totally fucking sheep minded Liberals who control the narrative overall and a lot of the Conservatives here are ones who have zero spine. They believe in Conservative ideals but they stay absolutely quiet when the fights actually start. They're scared little children who want our Pallister government to just tell us what to do.
I have plenty of people I know who have largely agreed with me on Covid, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. Some have had in-depth discussions about the data and why so much of what's happening makes no sense. Then the MOMENT they became eligible to get vaccinated, they were online making an appointment and even posted a selfie with their stupid sticker saying they got the jab.
We are all going to end up incredibly isolated and likely labelled as terrorists. Be prepared. Stay peaceful and calm as much as humanly possible. The moment I will not back down and I will not stay quiet is when the government comes knocking to force the jab on me or my kids. I would rather die defending my family's freedom than bend the knee to a totalitarian medical regime.
To any other Manitobans reading this, do NOT stay quiet any longer because this shit is getting out of control and it's happening real damn fast.
Hello fellow WpgAnon. Thanks for responding. It really is sad to see how many in our city (and globally obviously) are becoming enablers of this tyranny.
I know a few people who agreed with me on the vaccines and most of what's been happening with Covid but then took their first chance to get vaccinated and posted a selfie afterwards with theirridiculous sticker.
It's horrifying how people can seemingly agree that this is all so insane but then when it comes to actually acting on it, their sheep mind kicks in and they can't stand up against it or choose not to.
Glad to know fellow Anons are in Winnipeg.
Everyone pray for us here in Manitoba. Way too many people are deathly afraid to speak up about what they actually think of what's going on but the majority just go along like the good prairie sheep that they are. It's a disgusting display of herd/hive mentality and trusting that our government would NEVER lie to us.
Would love to know if other Manitobans/Winnipeggers frequent the GA.
Thank you BabaYaga, very knowledgable man are you.
is there a certain amount of days people are claiming this fades? I have some family who got it recently but the most recent was almost a week ago now. Want to ask one to try this but don't want to look like a goof lol
I enjoyed this. Thanks for the lol. True too which makes it that much better.
I think this is a great comparison but tbh most normies are just going to write it off because they know Gates works in vaccines and has been for a while. So even though both are not doctors, even I can recognize that there's a difference between Joe Rogan and Bill Gates when it comes to vaccines. There shouldn't be, Gates didn't go to school to become a doctor, it's just from "on the job" experience. I just don't think this will work all that well to convince most normies.
Wait...are you arguing for that stat proving the amount of black ppl killed by cops is too high?
Because if you are, you should go look up the violent crime stats by race. You'll notice that black people commit a disproportionate amount of the violent crime in the US and therefore would be involved in more violent altercations overall. Some of which result in someone being shot.
Hey Anons...go read post 1279.
"Define Evergreen. When do you call a plumber?"
When a pipe is blocked? orrrrrr when a boat is blocking a waterway??
Future proves past my friends.
While I totally agree that this shows the power that these large media companies have, by spreading stories that seem to be local but are actually being written partly by automation, having the State name and data plugged in automatically. It's a powerful way to manipulate the whole country and they know that news from local outlets is generally more trusted.
At the same time, much of this is based on a study that USA Today did looking at 2020, during Covid. So I don't think it's a good example of stuff being fully made up. Still interesting but not as big of a deal as it might seem.
Unless I'm wrong, would be open to any arguments ?
He also put together some mockup images for us, mainly for press use. We're a real club over here guys and if we're going to attack the Capitol on the day that our dear savior and Orange Man is inaugurated for cereal so we can totally take over the government even though it's really the day we take power anyway. Wait...guys...this plan doesn't make much sense does it? Is he being inaugurated or are we burning some stuff to the ground? I'm kind of lost. Maybe it's all the oil paints without lids back in the art department here...gonna go have a nap
https://ibb.co/h7Bk2st https://ibb.co/G54929s https://ibb.co/3TBbgjr
p.p.p.p.s.s I hope you can sense all of my super serious undertones of really planning this. I'm serious. So so serious....watch out for all those Anons in their computer chairs, chowing down a bowl of popcorn! They be danjerous!
I take Trump’s words on the jab as a challenge. As a point to prove that I/we do not worship him as a leader I follow no matter what. No politician should be followed like that. If there were a clear enough reason to get it, they wouldn’t have to convince me with words because the horror of Covid would be obvious and horrifying.
People talk about how Anons believe everything Trump says. That we apparently take secret, dog-whistle orders from him even. I put no government or politician above God. God gives me my rights and freedoms, not the government. No one else forced me to do anything with my body.
I am terrified for my loved ones who got the jab, I sincerely hope nothing goes wrong and that they’re all perfectly fine. I’ve just seen enough to make me question it.