tiredoldhag 10 points ago +10 / -0

A beautiful story…..may your Dad R.I.P. prayers for your comfort and strength.

tiredoldhag 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s BIG, it’s Bold, it’s CONFIDENT, it’s COURAGEOUS, it’s POWERFUL…….it says, best POTUS ever !

tiredoldhag 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bondi wrote Kash a letter today saying FBI defied her order. She expects those docs delivered by 8:AM tomorrow. As I see it, Kash is now FBI boss, he should do a Maralago type raid on that NY FBI office tonight and deliver his boss Bondi her request tomorrow morning.

When these two were nominated heads exploded. Now they are in, time for heads to roll. If they don’t take control now they will lose that control…..no 14 day investigation, an overnight raid is what I expect.

Here’s her letter, starts strong then morphs into you have 14 days to “investigate”. How about ACT first, investigate later !


tiredoldhag 2 points ago +2 / -0

40 years ago my father, a WW2 vet saw me writing a check to Red Cross. He told me, “never give a dime to Red Cross”. He explained when he was waiting on line to get on the ship off to war, Red Cross was there. They gave him a cold cup of coffee and a stale donut, then asked for a nickel.

When he got off the ship the Salvation Army was there on the other side of the world. They handed out hot coffee, a donut, and a little plastic bag with a pack of cigarettes, a candy bar, a pack of gum, razor blades and a small note pad and pen. Then they asked if he would mind being prayed over.

The lesson was NO $ to Red Cross, always give Salvation Army. From that day on I did that, I did it monthly, all these years. About 3 or 4 years ago in my monthly envelope reminder, came a letter letting me know I should be aware that being white was not a good thing and to keep a check on myself….it said more but that was the gist.

I sent that letter back with a nasty note in the donation envelope….minus the donation. They must read the mail, after 40+ years I never received another reminder.

tiredoldhag 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only NOW do I fully appreciate……..“It had to be like this”

tiredoldhag 3 points ago +3 / -0

Praise God for sending PDJT . Ordained to save his true chosen people in the true promised land. In the name of Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

tiredoldhag 5 points ago +5 / -0

The only POTUS who is close to God, gets rushed out of his bible swearing in.

Imagine all those houses, all those moves and he never lost, misplaced his childhood bible….

DJT is the real deal.

Father God, Lord and savior Jesus Christ….continue to bless your chosen leader for your chosen country, founded in your name…..one nation under God, in God we trust…now and forever

tiredoldhag 7 points ago +7 / -0

Father, for your protection and the mercy of Your Son, for your faithful and those in need.

tiredoldhag 5 points ago +5 / -0

I caught that too. She really does adore him and the beautiful son he gave her.

tiredoldhag 10 points ago +10 / -0

Never stop praying……

It looks like God is in on the plan.

tiredoldhag 5 points ago +5 / -0

Praise God

Protect Guard Guide and keep him Healthy.

We Love you Almighty Father, thank you.

tiredoldhag 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks J1D…….happy to see POTUS back to normal, not worrying over the steal like he was this morning……hopefully he was just letting off steam…..

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