toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

From the first day of kindergarten until the last day of high school, from the hours of 8am to 10 pm, kids spend 7% of their timer in front of teachers... the other 93 % is spent in the care of parents/guardians. etc. We saddle teachers with an undue responsibiltiy in regard to the future of our children. A child rises or falls based upon the guidance an influence at home.

toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Memphis needs a bowel movement...

toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

@2:27 mark..." make the feed public, everyone needs to see this"...hmmmm

toddapollos 12 points ago +12 / -0

He's mocking all things NASA...using humor to slowly pull he curtain back, just like he did with that whole "Tesla car in orbit" stunt. Normies must be spoon-fed reality slowly, or, like medicine, they spit it up.

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe some shocking truths will be revealed in the interim? Prompt "reconsideration"?"

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

The initial filing was last Oct. 24th. They voted yesterday whether to Hear the argument. That decision, yesterday's, will be revealed Monday.

toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly accurate. Woe to those shepherds who falsely lead the flock. May the Lord draw our nation back to Him in earnest, by whatever means.

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Through Spacex, did Elon learn things about the nature of our world that have hitherto been kept hidden? Remember that stunt when he launched a Tesla into "space"? "Its real because it looks so fake" he said...This, imo,was an epic troll.. Spacex gives him the bona fides to begin to disclose, very slowly, and parallel to the social revelations, truth.

toddapollos 1 point ago +2 / -1

If ruling in favor of the plaintiff, how is the remedy ( arrest 385 elected officials) carried out? Could the court rule in favor, but demand a less optically nuclear remedy? I dont see the court ordering this...but possibly deferring to the National Guard/ Military to hold new elections, while each official's position is put on "pause". Providing a remedy without ascribing blame, at least in the short term.

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

From your lips to God's ear...Let it be so.

by Kokonut
toddapollos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting timing...

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anything but announcing a new party. Thats an announcement for after the justice comes.

toddapollos 4 points ago +5 / -1

I would like to see Trump carry himself tomorrow with a seriousness of tone. Different from the way he delivers at the rallys. The manner in which words are conveyed are sometimes more important than the words themselves. Standing at the podium, written words prepared in hand ( not teleprompter) I feel would add weight to the message...similar to when Eisenhower spoke nationally of the troops heading to Little Rock to guard those kids at school. This change of "frequency" would be noticed by those who've grown numb to His rallyspeak.

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Close. Like many, I have fallen into a type of hypnotic trance..numbed by the process of hope/let down. Yet, even now, like the end of Godfather 1, a great, climacticending will snap me out it :)

toddapollos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump can't "directly" announce any plan. He must look ancillary to anything the white hats are doing, else the screams of "conspiracy" and "coup" against Biden/ Midterm election will diminish the acceptance. He can appear to "react" to something major, to appear as "surprised" as those in Normie Land. Trump must appear miles away from anything we are hoping for/expecting. I could envision something happening tomorrow, then Trump speaking to it, as a casual observer with a Mic, on Tuesday. But who knows...

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