If only we could....
He's even used the language of sorts "(I'm going to do this great thing that will benefit everybody) whether you like it or not..."
It's the whole 'rising tide' lifts all boats thing, but I agree that we should be able to exclude the naysayers from the benefits. And any DOGE checks for sure!
I was also wondering what the connection might be.
Also feeling sorry that the guy didn't get to see the public knowing the truth - whether or not he would like the idea, I don't know enough about him in order to speculate...
Sorry to say: ...traditional wives, who when brought back, most often go the way of the OP's graphical path. It's too enticing to them. 'All the women I meet here are like this...' Try staying a traditional wife in this society. I know it exists, but it rare.
It seems like a conflict of interests... SHE has to confirm the win of her own opponent. Those tears will be salty! Can we predict there will some sort of pushback or protest to this? Never mind any other shennanigans we can expect...
Once the wife withdraws respect, the switch is flipped, and it's over - unless you want to live your life belittled and emasculated. Brace for impact, even if it's your own controlled demolition plan, short of a heart-changing miracle. You're going to need that Hope and a Saviour. We're all hoping for and with you.
Answering her question, I estimate zero (0) people will self quarantine for 4 weeks after taking this crap. This is basically another biological weapon, stockpiled by our own 'government' - the 'cure' just doubles down on the problem. Basically murders the unvaccinated? And they are admitting it in the warnings...
Love this, thank you for posting. Printing one now.
Hey that's how Camel started her political career! On Willy's willie! Imagine that you end up the 'most powerful person' in the world just from that?
Poor Monica Lewinsky didn't know how to parlay her Willy's slick-willie into a career.
Agreed - thought similar. I'm also hoping there is nothing else nefarious about this! He licks his lips afterward, and that worries me too.