The actual homeless numbers are much bigger. The data doesn't account for working homeless and retirees. We live free out in RVs and campgrounds and on empty owned land. Its a healthy and wholesome life style if you can work and keep your nose clean. The working homeless outnumber the derelicts of the cities, but they spread out and don't report to socialist programs and don't take handouts, so its a nearly invisible population.
I like your perspective. You worded that really well. Decentralization technologies and systems are cutting edge right now, and opposed by established centralized powers. I think tge future needs be a hybrid of what you describe and of deployment of the decentralization ethos.
Out in the shit, yes, that is a constant. A warfighter eventually comes home though, and even in peace will say the same thing after taking account of the big picture gains of wars fought -- nothing of value to the warfighter was gained except the preservation of the men next to him. That's why vets are dropping out of society after their service in substantial numbers. Drugs, suicides, self-destruction, they can't justify the sacrifices that were made. It's no coincidence the Q movement has a very strong pull on vets. Accountability needs to matter. The souls of our warfighters matter. The soul of our nation matters. It isn't just admin bullshit. I am 100% willing to fight next to this Marine. Even if that meant kicking the great old tree over so the saplings can grow.
You're right, soldiers wait till their contracts are over and become alcoholics because their fight never served the people if there's no accountability in these institutions. Its what soldiers mean by 'fighting for the man next to him'. People don't realize what a resignation of national purpose that is. How cynical military service is, absent of righteous action on behalf of a good and honorable nation.
I do understand the compulsion to preserve these institutions though. Will we continue to preserve them at great cost to the souls of those people that made those institutions worthy in the first place? At the cost of serving 'not the people'.
Things change. Out in the forest, one great tree falls over, 3 saplings rise to take its place. Given time those 3 saplings will be great too in their time. We will always have warriors.
How to make that transition occur in a way that doesn't harm the people and the security of the nation, is the real issue. The great old tree is going to fall.
Christ's church is happening 7 days a week and wasn't meant to be divided into denominations or contained and quarantined into special buildings or only at designated events.
Whole world is the church, every day.
ISIS-K, for people asking. I am digging at this one a bit, trying to get a better picture because I lost touch with what's going on in Afghanistan after about 2012. Wikipedia is shit, but its as good a place to start as any.
I think Islamic State, (IS), is a deepstate upgrade of their command and control system over muslims. Omar was building a Caliphate organically. The DS decided that was a great idea, but wanted it to be their Caliphate and their Caliph.
That's what I was thinking too. Americans don't abandon their allies.
Best way to take our country back when there is a mind war to usurp dominion over the nation's soul is just to be the best version of ourselves. The fake versions (narrative projections) wont be the last version of us standing. We will.
Apparently being American can be some serious wildwest cowboy shit when needs be. What an outstanding people we are.
Service guarantees citizenship.
Would you like to know MORE ?
For reference, a USMC Battalion Commander, a Lt. Colonel, and at around 40, is not a trivial position or accomplishment. This Marine is sharp as a tack and fosters the values of the USMC in everyone he associates with. In terms of competence and accountability, they are a force of nature, more than a job or profession.
At a certain point in a military career, Raytheon and friends take an avid interest in corrupting guys like this. I believe that point is at full-bird Colonel, right before they get selected for a command that will get them that first star on their chest
It is very common for great officers to not progress beyond Lt Colonel. Typically, CSMs and Lt Colonels are the the most unrelenting and consquential leaders of patriots in the United States. Its the actual apex of military service before it becomes elitist muddy and political. If the Lt. Colonels are calling shit out, the military is not happy.
Likely mentored and handled by RINOs. He's a really dumb kid. He wouldn't have the brain power to be a malignant, but he also doesn't have the self-awareness to be righteous either.
A propagandist asshole with.a printing press shitting all over the front page of a newspaper is a terrible metric for measuring reality.
To answer your question, assuming its not rhetorical emotion-baiting shillcraft, of "what we do with them"; if they committed a crime, they should be held accountable by law and if convicted and sentenced, they pay their debt to society and move on. If they committed no crime, they get to be free like anyone and everyone else. They're going to be like lepers though in terms of social standing. There will be discrimination against these idiots in terms of how employable they are, and no one will want to patronize their businesses -- or even associate with them. A few generations will go by, and they'll be gone. Like a weird cult that existed for a only a few generations in history.
That's just a retard folks. Don't get too spun up over it. We have fake doctors, fake representatives, fake judges, and yes, fake soldiers too. The thing is, the left fails up in life as a standard. When the shit hits the fan they will regret their systemic incompetence.
Am I the only one in disbelief that she decided to go through that window even though there was clearly someone on the other side, less than 2 meters away, pointing a gun at her?
Now this headline appears?
If the elites were worried about catastrophic rises in sea level, they wouldn't be monopolizing beachfront real estate.
However, on May 22, 2021, OSHA abruptly changed course and suspended the recording requirement until May 2022. OSHA’s motivation for suspending the enforcement requirement to record adverse injuries or death from COVID-19 shots appears to be an attempt by the Biden Administration to promote vaccinations.
You could have messaged catsfive privately to voice your expectations and ideas for better moderation and better content management. Usually if your ideas are good on their own merit, people will listen.
Are you a community division glowie?
GAW is crushing it on informative shit. My save folder is growing faster than I can eat. We're going to have to start building libraries of information soon.
Larry is a big threat. The Federal Gov't cant hurt Big Media and Big Tech (because they are complicit, but also their authority is limited), the other states can't do shit about them either. California, when liberated and awake, can destroy the most powerful tools the DS has over the people. Almost over night -- the people can call on the government to seize or freeze every asset and lock them all in pending investigations and legal procedures.
"If you do not lament the fall of the United States you have no heart."
After all fuckery is held to account we are also not the shining beacon of liberty we were led to believe. I think there is a parallel here. The Soviet Union propagandized the USSR as the liberation of the honor driven industrious human spirit of self-determination.
Ministry of Truth level shit. That.
"Cross over... I cannot arrest all of us!" Karen : "I don't want to be around you."
What did I just watch?
Its the same thing as the Taliban. Emus are a populist movement of tough as nails fighters too dense to ever quit and too simple to ever be bribed.
I wonder if "engraven images" are a prophetic reference to this branch of humanity. Its like a fetish to them. Their words say one thing, their fetish for engraven images says the opposite.
I don't understand how he could go from talking about how we are still indentured to England (and so the Bank of England (Rothschilds)) for 15 seconds like that's not a big deal, and then talk about life insurance companies that came after, pin it on protestants (???) and go on for over an hour like that's the real and only threat.
Life Insurance companies are in the web they wove, but surely they are not the spider itself? The evil was there before the life insurance companies were even thought of.
Could not agree more with this.
Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!
Little things like that. The more I read this book and look at society today, we were warned about everything thousands of years in advance. Churches were gatekeepers, they couldn't offend society and comfort and "progress", because society and comfort and progress paid their bills and grew their power. Some of these churches literally will take donations and THEN pray that the congregation be "blessed" with a windfall of social success and money. Disgusting.
Exactly. It was not very long ago, the DS was the top dawg shadow government in town.
The new guard scares the shit out of them.
Its kinda funny, Hollywood gives this image of highly principled, diligent, professional FBI agents and ingenious, highly extraordinary CIA agents.
The truth is, they're all fucktard degenerates.