what about all the healthcare companies that had data breeches of millions of records. and they are worried about Elon....gimme a break
she needs to explain where all the wampum came from....
Whos yo daddy
the only difference is they will get it for free since they have been paying for it in the past
my message........ You should have got rid of her sooner
i like it .... "Since you said it was racist to fire Reid a black woman we will just fire you too a white woman so we're even right? Its all good"
i think we should make them pay it back
make it easy...firing squad.......
sure hope your right
i want my money back and see all the crooked politicians arrested and executed
aint that the truth lol
dont forget the witch i mean whitmer
i am sure he will love it....
well BD i hope you sent this to our own Ashland Dog....lol
whats far right?....anything outside the progressives little box
deport this brother humper
yep thats the point they were spending their time on Reddit........
oh boy dis gon be good...........
in fact many other countries and states are saying wow we need to do this too..wonder what we will find.........WW
NOW they need to find out how it got there......somehow i dont think this will play out like the bag of coke they found with the potato
they must all be loosing weight ..shitting their pants so much
tired of winning ?? Hell No ...LFG...........when the arrests start coming it will be the coup de gras
yep hes totally lost it
i am in the same boat with ya fern and it pisses me off to no end.....they take it every week and then want more while some of these liberal system suckers dont pay a dime but get a 10000 refund...that sucks a big one.. how THE FUK do they get a refund if they didnt pay any to begin with........