weholdthesetruths 3 points ago +3 / -0

You’re right I’m sorry. I’ve just used so much of that stuff without any side effects I really wanted him to go big with the stuff. It’s really sad he lost the dog. I’m just frustrated cause I really felt it he could have saved the dog if he had done it but you’re right and I feel bad.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +2 / -1

Should have tripled the dose like I told him 50 times.

weholdthesetruths 0 points ago +1 / -1

I appreciate your church’s efforts. It’s how you speak of prayer as if it’s “sitting and bitching.”

Listen, I honestly think most peoples prayers can be described that way. I think for many people you could replace the word “pray” with “beg faithlessly” and for such people, perhaps the best way to effect change in the world is the direct approach.

But what the scriptures teach us is that there is another kind of faith that can effect immeasurably greater change in the world than any physical effort. The Israelites didn’t ban together with buckets to part the red sea. Peter didn’t use inflatable shoes to walk on water. Jesus didn’t raise Lazarus with a defibrillator.

Nothing wrong with using the law to effect positive change in the world. But there is another way to effect change that is infinitely more impactful and infinitely more rewarding. To know the difference is to know God.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +3 / -2

Good for you. Your arm of flesh has done well. Or at least the one you belong to. But your lack of faith in the power of prayer will always keep you from your real potential. The prideful bragging doesn’t help you much either.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +3 / -2

We’re promised a lot more than that. But even Christians often love darkness more than light, and eschew the personal responsibility for using faith to create the miracles that can and would save the world. They wait on Jesus. And eat their bread. And pat themselves on the back as though they were good, all while reading stories of men walking on water, parting seas, healing the sick, raising the dead, and working all other manner of miracles. They take to message boards and bitch about the world like one who has never read the scripture, and die with the rest of them expecting glory for their weakness and ignorance of how this world really works when they get to the next, leaving the worlds ills for their children to suffer and resolve.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Stop bitching and learn to pray right so we can finally win this thing.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously only an idiot could watch the four Matrix films and believe that insanely baseless and simplistic explanation as being authentic. That movie has one core message: faith is the ruling power of this universe or any other universe in existence. It supersedes and overpowers every law, every philosophy, and everything, and he who would be the chosen one, is he who is brave yet humble enough to accept the mantle and the responsibility that comes with it to put in the time to sanctify themselves and take the leaps of faith necessary to work the miracles reserved to the chosen throughout human history.

At their core, The Matrix and the Bible have the exact same message. Sorry not sorry it’s true.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please tell me your title is sarcasm. This is GAW not PDW. Here all bad news is good news.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

This. They can’t hear every case. They might relegate it to a priorities list and squeeze it in some other time. People need to understand the difference between ruling, staying, and temporarily refusing to hear. They’d get less pissed at news like this.

weholdthesetruths 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would that worry you?

weholdthesetruths 6 points ago +6 / -0

There will never be another “pandemic.” That ship has sailed.

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