Libertarian here that lends my support to conservatives. I face backlash from my wife for supporting you all. I am constantly concerned that the flip side of cabal is Christians going from freedom loving which supported your agenda (and mine) to slipping into authoritarian control as you begin to regain power. This sounds incredibly positive from Trump. I also hate abortion but your (Christians) overzealous and uncompromising take on an issue that is not as black and white as either side makes it out to be, is going to deliver the cabal the election on a silver platter. Mind your own family and fight for freedom, stop trying to tell others how to live because you think you speak for god.
Trump will continue to have my loyalty and support.
Alright , get mad, I don’t care. My brain always sees the larger picture and republicans are just as wrong as democrats when you go to the edges. Define your own values, raise your family the right way, but don’t use the power of government to do it and enforce your morals on others. Here, I’m your side, have been red-pilled far longer than you, I’m certain. Marxist is government centralizing the power. Freedom is dispersing it to the people. What is this?
For me, I think this is why I’m red pilled for 22 years now. My default assumption is and always has been: I don’t know the truth. That goes for Q stuff for me too, I’m simply not privy to the information to determine what is or isn’t truth. The only truth is what personal I experience.
I was actually Libertarian first, then discovered Ron Paul.
For me, libertarian is a direction. The direction of ever dispersing power and not allowing it to consolidate, or else, you have what we have today, what Trump is fighting.
The issue I take with what you said, is that in order to achieve the goal of more morality, you have to consolidate and increase the power structure. It’s the opposite direction from the power is within the individual.
I agree with you, on the ground, in reality. Of course, real me doesn’t. If these degenerates didn’t have the power they have then it wouldn’t be so much an issue for you, I think. Had we listened and started dismantling those power structure, their degenerate ways wouldn’t be as much concern.
I was a huge champion on Ron Paul going back to 2004 or whatever it was, before he initially ran. The years following opened my eyes to the media and what was really happening. I just wanted pot to be legal to start it all off. Trump was the first Republican I ever voted for.
Sometimes we genuinely disagree with each other. I’ve been here since very early, escalator time before this site existed. I’m libertarian and disagree with many of you on several topics, I rarely speak up on those topics because there’s no point, MAGA is more important. Don’t take every opposing opinion as shill, if we do that we become them in the long run.
Before Q, I always maintained that Musk was Satashi. I kinda still think that.