LOL how is he gatekeeping? He simply said it takes more effort to find certain things, hence why it is difficult for things that should be up top, to be up top. There actually have to be people here constantly lurking.
White liberal retards thought it would be a good idea to remove the O at the end of Latino and make it gender neutral with an X
If you refer to a group of women, it would be LatinAS
If you refer to a group of men, it would be LatinOS
If you refer to a group of men and women, it would be LatinOS
Obviously, man = bad, so no more Latino
You should probably spend a little more time here. Many of the talking points in the video are exactly the opposite of what this group reflects. I can tell you we don't like Nixon, I can tell you that we don't agree with the Confederacy (which the video claims to be right leaning), you can't justify abortion as "woman's rights" and the video fails to even show any evidence of voter suppression. Don't even get me started on Kaepernick when he supported a group that is a known anti-police terrorist organization.
All the things that your succinct 59 second video focused on (because I guess that is the attention span you can afford) fail to have any logical evidence of why the creator of the video feels the way they do. You simply observe and parrot.
Notice how you fail to address my original point on how mass psychosis requires a position of power? You just strawman to the next thing.
Are there things that conservatives don't want to see come into prominence in US culture? Absolutely! That is what it means to conserve! But the problem now is that you have a small community of the US that are pushing for their ideas of cultural subversion and degradation to American values.
The video focuses on how the right has always been the group of cancel culture. This is the funny thing when it comes to you lefties. Your definitions are constantly changing. If someone is against what you want, it is "cancel culture", but if it is something you are fighting for, it is considered "progressive". Your entire political ideology is based on group identity and not individualism. You want to remove anything that doesn't stand with your agenda and you want to barge into other's business because you deem is appropriate.
A majority of right leaning people could live with some people having lifestyles that are different from theirs. We draw the line when you attempt to normalize your ideology and attempt to brainwash the next generation with garbage when history has proven that your method of politics fails over and over.
How is it cancel culture to say not to watch MSM when MSM is always pushing a fallacious agenda? I simply can't follow your logic. That is pretty dog water argument. MSM has been shown time and time to constantly push their own agenda. So far to the point where their viewership is in the trash can right now.
Did you just watch the first 5 minutes and miss the rest? Mass psychosis needs to be based off of a toltalitarian system. Conservatives are silenced left and right on all forms of media. The MSM pushes fear porn day in and out. Deadly virus! Wear mask! Get an unnaproved vaccine! Vaccine doesn't work! Get mor vaccines! Target unvaccinated despite you being vaccinated!
We build most of our opinions on empirical data and objective evidence.
You simply choose not to see.
Again, according to MSM, he is. I don't trust it. Your video is why he doesn't want to take it. The OP claims he hasn't taken it, except he claims he has. Again, I don't think he did, but without solid proof, we can't tout that as a talking point.