winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. How much longer is this bullshit going to keep going? I’m losing hope this is going to wrap up anytime soon. It’s starting to look like it will drag on until the fall or winter. China can’t invade Taiwan unless the tides are favourable and the March window is closed, so the next opportunity is October. So at least until October at this point.

winter12362 1 point ago +3 / -2

I think it would be especially ironic if we were to later find out the protest leaders actually are funded and directed by Israel themselves.

winter12362 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no one to vote for in this country. The people’s party but they are too fringe to win. The main parties are all treasonous puppets. One worse than the next.

winter12362 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still won’t touch bitcoin. I will stick with gold and silver. Bitcoin has no value unless backed by something of real value so it may be a form of currency, but it lacks the characteristics of money.

winter12362 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just created a Reddit account two weeks ago to fuck with people and so much banning and censorship it’s actually kind of infuriating. I did not realize what an absolute clusterfuck of fuckwittery existed there until I experienced it myself.

winter12362 12 points ago +12 / -0

For $15k? That’s a pretty low going rate for treason. Is it a race to the bottom in the treason market these days? Rates are in free fall? Too much competition?

winter12362 0 points ago +1 / -1

😂 so many assumptions. I just told you my opinion and then provided supporting information outlining at least part of why I think these things. You reply with personal insults, but are completely incapable of articulating why you believe what you believe or provide any supporting information contradicting what I say. So what shall I do? Accept that some random fuckwit is smarter and better informed than me because they called me retarded but they can’t support their position with any facts, reason, logic or common sense? Or shall I dismiss you as a fuckwit? 🤔

Look, before the fed, under a sound money system people used to buy government bonds to save their money. Investing in the stock market was considered crazy risky. They would get 7% interest and be very happy. So don’t worry. Whatever bonds you bought with your bitcoin dollars will probably pay you the same return. You didn’t lose all your purchasing power. You just are too stupid to know what money is.

winter12362 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah. It’s just a derivative of the US dollar. When you buy bitcoin, that money is being used to buy US treasuries, so you are funding the US debt. The government loves it if you buy bitcoin and hates it if you are acquiring gold and silver. When the dollar collapses and loses its purchasing power, so will Bitcoin. Whatever purchasing power bitcoin had will collapse back into gold where it derived its value from in the first place. Just like all derivatives of the dollar will, like stocks, treasuries, real estate… you name it. It’s not that those assets don’t have value. They do. Just not their current purchasing power.

Gold and silver are real hard assets that have intrinsic value of their own. Not just they required energy to produce, but they have real world uses that set a floor on their value. For example, outside of oil, silver has the most patents and industrial uses and is absolutely strategic; in addition to having all the characteristics of money. Bitcoin has none of that. No one needs bitcoin for anything and most people and businesses won’t accept it for transactions. I can take an ounce of gold anywhere in the world, power or not, and exchange it for goods and services.

I don’t know what’s going on with this crypto bullshit but personally I’m not touching any derivatives in a financial collapse. I’m going to hold the original deposit all the derivatives derived their value from in the first place. Gold and silver.


winter12362 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not sure what he is talking about when he says none of it can be confirmed through open source research. That’s literally the whole reason the anons were convinced Q was legit. 4chan, 8chan, 8kun… the most powerful investigative force on the planet, and he thinks they are nutjobs? Starting to wonder about this guy to be honest. I saw he was trying to black pill people about the Epstein stuff ever being released as well and turn people against Trump

winter12362 8 points ago +8 / -0

As a Canadian, I am well aware of how completely criminal and unliveable this fucking country is with our government and financial system. People are so stupid here. Not everyone, but a lot it seems. Please psyop the fuck out of this country and end this fuckwittery if possible. I welcome the opportunity and unbelievable privilege of possibly becoming an American.

The only thing that gives me hope is that we are right on your boarder and you guys can’t just completely let this place blow up.

winter12362 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure Elon did not decide to support Trump. More likely he decided he did not want to go to prison and sold all his assets and agreed to some deal to cooperate.

winter12362 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good! Very good! It soon will be time that people will be absolutely insisting on arrests!

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