wisconsheepgirl -1 points ago +3 / -4

How is this unvaxxed person going to prove they got it from the vax person.

Did this person (the unvaxxed) ever mingle around another person (unvaxxed or not) for 15 minutes or longer?

This is during a "pandemic" of a communicable disease.

You and your theory will hold no where. Sorry.

You will not find even a lawyer to take this case.

by BQnita
wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so sorry you lived it.

by BQnita
wisconsheepgirl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Happens. In 80's mid 90's this was not heard of or understood. Do not put your knowledge into a different era. It is truly not intellectually honest or historically correct.

The parent would not know. Parents. It was just not on any radar screen.

by mpow13
wisconsheepgirl 1 point ago +2 / -1

How are they planning on checking if you are fully vaccinated? Just show up. Support your brother.

Anything else, 'they' win again--Separating families and family functions. Give 'them' no more wins.

wisconsheepgirl 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe that it was said during the Georgia hearings that Dominion placed a person within polling places that had internet connection. Perhaps the thermostat was simply allowing these Dominion (contracted) people to have internet service.

This was different that the phone Dominion people who remotely fixed things (of course through internet connection).

It was described to be Dominion people sitting helping with voters and their....well I can't recall WHAT they said they were there for. But at a table or sitting alone with their laptop.

That may be a missing link to your theory which is highly likely, u/qwhyamihere.

wisconsheepgirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have walked a mile in your friend's shoes. Don't need to know more about you.

Of course speak the truth. However you wrote off your friend, and walked away.

Walked away. You said it yourself.

wisconsheepgirl 0 points ago +2 / -2

As a friend you should stop and think about what a friend is. Do you dump a friend in their time of direst need?

You did.

I care not why and the wherefore's of your reason.

You never were a real friend.

wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +3 / -1

The "fatherless" home are really that FATHER as in God the Father is absent. That is the core issue. The Trinity was absent from their lives.

So their parents did not raise them with knowing the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This reaches deeper than the 1960's. But the Boomer generation was the first to be propagandized via television.

wisconsheepgirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Months and months ago I was asked by a customer service person to wear a mask.

I simply said , "No".

Are they going to kick you out? Tackle you to the ground? Demand you leave? The only thing they require is shoes, shirt etc.

My money is just as green with or without a mask.

I say, return to the store and simply not wear a mask, and ignore them. They really don't want a confrontation either.

wisconsheepgirl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah. This is a nothingburger.

wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent response. Thank you for sharing and the time you took to post it.

wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks for posting this.

I actually think I now figured out what FF means. An event used/undermined for nefarious purposes. I think in WikiLeaks it has an email from John Podesta where they were discussing a shooting that occurred. They did not run with it because it didnt have the "correct" color of people- either shooter or victims.

However the term FF is used in conjuction with conspiracy theories that it is lump into the hoaxes or whatever. The term itself FF should be retired, and we should come up with something that is clear and concise. Not muddled as the term FF.

Just curious do any come to mind as far as suggestions go? I am drawing a blank.

wisconsheepgirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry just saw this question from you.

There is no way that I know it's LdR. However the board REALLY believed it. Perhaps they did digging prior to going into the posting frenzy that occurred. My best guess.

wisconsheepgirl 0 points ago +1 / -1

1Markseeker --

u/sukebandeka think he/she is an intellectual.

He/she does not even have a foundation in philosophy of any kind. As he/she is devoid of anything to ground him/her, they lack any sort of moral compass.

Clearly he/she are intentional time wasters.

My opinion, of course.

wisconsheepgirl 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are too dim-witted to continue any sort of dialogue.

wisconsheepgirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because Trump statement uses quotes at beginning and end of statement, I say Trump is quoting someone and not making a Trump statement. Those do not have quotes.

wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Trump statement uses quotes at beginning and end of statement, I say Trump is quoting someone and not making a Trump statement. Those do not have quotes.

wisconsheepgirl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Trump statement uses quotes at beginning and end of statement, I say Trump is quoting someone and not making a Trump statement. Those do not have quotes.

wisconsheepgirl 5 points ago +5 / -0

Still fetal cells. Of course it is replicated. How else do you get millions of cells for a line. A child was aborted. The timing of when the children were aborted matters not.

Using anything with at its origin, products from abortion is morally wrong. It is reprehensible. Made worse that you attempt to defend it.

You know. That makes you (if you knowingly and willfully) guilty.

Most importantly, God knows.

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