xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do not look to the revelation for end time prophecy. That is the enemy's (Satan's) way of confusion. It is not there! Is the signs and wonders in the heaven. Absolutely! Look at Ophiuchus which is Christ stolen by the Greeks. Lol. Once you look this up please get back to me with questions., we are covering such a wide range of topics Ie: mythology and religion. That it will be easy to become confused quickly. So let's just take this and small bite-sized pieces. If I can help you in any way please let me know. Be blessed today!

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Rev is Revelation. Revalation 12:2 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. This is a duality of meaning. 1 Mary giving birth 2 The Word (Jesus made flesh)

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Rev happened in the 1st 100 years CE. God definitely puts signs and wonders in the heavenly areas stars. The book opens and closes with declarations indicating that the things revealed in the book "must soon take place" (1:1; 22:6). A thorough understanding of Rev. Must be know to interpret signs and wonders. Confusion from the enemy (Satan) is to easy if not. If you have any more questions please let me know. Be blessed have a great day

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Without going into great detail the revelation, has already occurred. Please don't hesitate ask me if you have any questions.

xax68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Media scapegoats for when the Taliban starts cleaning house?

xax68 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will say: It is dark without you. But just as sleeping birds wait for the sun. We wait for the coming of the Light, to see you again. Your scarafice may seem in vain, but your courage, devotion, honor, integrity and fortitude; Guide us in this darkness and serves as a constant reminder to us that the Light isn't that far away.

xax68 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're very welcome. When you can over the next couple of days no update would be very nice please.

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand the concept that you're trying to get at. And understanding that is probably all fake and fictitious. What would be the chance of that statement being true. Aerosolized and seeded? Not quite ready to put the tinfoil hat on just yet LOL. But I do not put it past them in any way shape or form.

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there any sort of death database for hospitals. Any Tucson Pedes, are there a lot of ER hospitals in the area? Some of the reports stated that she quit about three weeks ago. I do not mind calling the director of nurses for those hospitals. Except that I am not familiar with the area of Tucson. It becomes apparent when we start questioning the hospital's ability to care for patients or the mass amount of deaths happening at their Hospital. That the tune changes rather rapidly.

xax68 2 points ago +2 / -0

No did not. Only er manager at a tuscon hospital. That was what started my spidey senses tingling :) it seems to be another false reporting Dogma about holding phones for dying covid patients. Would be wonderful to be able to pop that balloon.

xax68 0 points ago +0 / -0

Consider this Frens, just consider. The Antichrist is a Spirit that has been here since after eves punishment. Please study Daniel chapters 2 7 and 9. Leave revalation alone for a bit. Use the Nasb Bible easier to understand for those who haven't studied a lot. If you have any questions please ask. Been doin this alonnnnnng time :) Blessings on y'all.

xax68 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hmm how to put this..... Durham NC Gitmo :) Plane Autists do your thing.

xax68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Long time Christian paranormalist here. It definitely happens. Not all are bad. Through the years we have found out that they are everywhere. We have literally thousands of hours of proof on this. You can always use your phone use the voice recorder on your phone or download one if you don't have one. And play back and listen to it. We use audacity it's a free program. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to reach out to me. Be blessed and have a great day.

xax68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Father we are in agreement today for a refreshing and enhancing of this person's strength and spirit. The troubles the enemy is throwing at this person, pale at the Glory and Power that is his to command. May the things that need to be done be done without collateral damage and may your wisdom direct and light the path for them. In Jesus name we believe. Amen

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