xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually don't disagree with you. That is the point I am making. Kiev deserves to lose those territories because Keiv is a pit of monsters on a reign of genocide.

In the end Putin did what he had to do, and now he has won the war. Now millions of people have a future free of the threat of being murdered by psychos because they were the "Wrong kind" of slav.

And the Azov nazis only killed 14,000? I was under the impression the numbers were much higher, but it is very hard to find solid information on Ukraine that isn't being spun by the pro-fascist media in America.

And yes, the West has gone insane. The end of the West is not far away, I pray at least some of good people survive the hard times coming.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its been on going.

But no the "Big war" isn't going to happen.

EU has nothing to fight with, and the USM has very visibly restrained from directly entering this conflict. In fact if anything the USM has been dumping munitions it doesn't want/doesn't work, like the Javelin, on Ukraine.

It has been Ukraine all the way, with the NATO nations choosing to bankrupt themselves trying to prop up the nazi cossasks.

Big War ww3 is never going to happen because with no fuel for the winter, the EU political bloc will not survive the winter. Blowing the Nord Stream pipeline pretty much cinched the deal, and ensured the EU will go cold this winter. And as each EU nation turn Patriot in rebellion for the socialists who brought them to ruin, and breaks away from Brussels doing their own "brexit," the EU collapses.

This then ensures that the USA is the dominant political power in the world into the future, as China goes down with the EU and Russia loses what leverage it had with the Nord Stream.

Without the EU backing them, the democrats in America fall apart as a party. More specifically everybody but the completely lost leftist loonies realizes that things were better under Trump, and what support the democrats had from their media backing, is long gone under Biden's catastrophe of an "administration."

Patriots win in the end. A new world order is coming, a MAGA worder.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its as if the neo-nazis in Kiev threatening to and attempting to kill every last human being in those regions might have swayed opinions on being Russian.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well its leftists...

Its literally no joke that every leftist/socialist has a mental disorder. Like studies found that nearly all people who ID as a "leftist" also admitted they were diagnosed with mental disorder by a psychiatric professional.

They are also below average intelligence. Marketing has know for a while that stupid people tend to lean left. They are also toxic and anti social personalities, autists and people with Asperger's trend leftists a lot. And lastly they generally physically weak people who have no personal sense of agency or ability to affect their own lives, there is a DIRECT observed positive correlation between physical strength/confidence and being conservative in studies done.

In short they are and always were the worthless, toxic, stupid, insane scum of society. These are people who are overwhelmingly unemployed because they are literally too insane to hold even a burger flipping job.

The problem? Social Media gave the kind of people who publishers wouldn't talk to, and news rooms would have security escort out, a voice.

And here is another big difference between social media and real life.

IRL a lunatic ranting on a street corner being ignored in silence by everybody paying them no attention, is getting the ultimate "downvote" because any observer can see nobody is paying attention to them, because in physical space, silent people still exist, theya re there, their bodies take up space and they can be seen being silent. Its the ultimate expression of contempt. And it in turn "silences" even the loudest of unapproved voices.

Also IRL when nobody shows up to a lunatic's speech, it speaks volumes.

But online this breaks. Online when you give silent disapproval, you don't exist. Your "downvote of silence" doesn't registered because online is a game of shouting.

So you HAVE to respond back to leftists to counter them. But remember how I said leftists are NEET scum that are too insane to be employed?

You have to go to work. While YOU are at work, NEET scum leftists are online posting for 50 hours a week.

They also DOMINATE free online spaces like social media, because YOU a man with money will be on PAID online services, games, streaming, paid news, whatever you fancy because its much higher quality. And having a job, you have the money to enjoy the good stuff. Again the NEET scum dominates social media because they can't afford to enjoy paid entertainment.

Like even online video games. "Free to play" video games are toxic waste dumps, while games with a monthly subscription fee have a far more polite, functional, and polite player base. Its one of the reasons the gaming hobby uses "free to play" as insult. When its free the NEET, leftists, scum show up with their literal insanity. Remember I said studies have found near 100% of self-ID leftists also have diagnosed mental disorders.

And then the final kicker, social media was taken over by leftist nutjobs in the management. So now you cannot voice dissent to socialist madness because you will be banned.

I think in the end history will talk about how the invention of social media broke Western Democracy, and brought about the impending end of the world as we know it.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go woke, go broke.

Its not about the price, if it was a lot of people would buy it readily because $1 icecream is a screaming deal even if its just "sugar flavored" with food coloring.

Its about sending a message. Its about nobody wanting their money going to support the turbo-freak leftist woke brigade that is tearing society apart and killing our country.

At this point if people were PAID to eat it, they would pass. They want nothing to do with it. Hell they want even less than nothing to do with it, and would toss these activist fucks out of our country and into the sea if the law allowed them to.

Pride and Woke doesn't understand how badly the burned the bridge, how much of a culture WAR they started. They made it clear the world wasn't big enough for the them and anybody else.

And the irony was the extreme, utterly extreme majority of conservatives, even in history, were content to live and let live with the gays. But some of these dumb shits has to be the dumb fucks that wanted to fuck on the lawn of school just be a shitheel and cause trouble. And Pride decided to pander to perverts, pedophiles, and "rebels without a cause" freaks instead of just pushing for basic human rights for gays.

Honestly I feel sorry for the quiet, polite gay people now. They had like 2-3 years where they had it all. Then the pedos and trans-freaks took over and its grooming and mutilating kids now. I know a couple are actually going full "1950" and trying to pass as straight so people will take them seriously in the wake of Pride's disaster.

But at the same time I don't. Gays failed to stop the freakjobs from taking over their movement. They protected pedos and trans even when normal people tried to warn them those people are sick in the fucking head and had to be dealt with, preferably in prison.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I....this is old news at this point. Yes it jackboots tyranny, but its not like this is a new incident.

xzars_folly 12 points ago +20 / -8

Yes share us a video with 14 pixels and a crazy 60+ bitty ranting about "SCUD" missiles, which were soviet ballistic missiles, as in they come down from very high up, and wouldn't be available to Dick Chaney in 2001.

Sorry but I can't tell what is going on, only that a blur of 2 potato pixels hit the building.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotta love this desperate blue check..."Nazis cheered in a crowd, therefore people cheering are all nazis" levels of logic. Might as well join other bits of insight such as "nazis wore pants, therefore people who wear pants are nazis."

This is what passes for political discourse in democrat America. With incredible, penetrating logic like this, no wonder neoliberal democrats are running America into the ground faster than an occupation by an enemy bent on destroying it ever could.

xzars_folly 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well we all know that not being democrat enough is the definition of "white supremacy." They are in simple terms trying to build a one party system, and the key note to doing that is to make any disagreement with "the party" illegal as they can.

So its a very easy trick. they take any flavor of dissonance, lie and call it something nobody likes, like Nazism/white racism, and then punish it with the applause of the retarded twitter brigade.

They then go the distance with groups like the SPLC and redefine racism as anything consertives/gop does.

Its a Biden spin on CCP rulership tactics. And yes, the soviets did the same damn thing.

Biden is nothing more mysterious than the exact kind of tyrant the founding fathers tried to build the government to stop, which is why he had to overthrow the government via an election stolen with the help of the CCP, to gain power.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am trying to think of the last time a Head of State had an open casket funeral or had the government let their corpse be viewed.

Only one I can even think of in my memory is Vladimir Lenin, and Abe Lincoln before him. One was believed to be assassinated, the other was openly assassinated, which might be more of making a point than for national grieving.

There is something damaging to national morale to see their previously living leader as a corpse. Its always a flag draped box.

Also the embalmed open casket funeral is a American tradition.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rocket artillery is much cheaper than nukes, and Russia has been using plenty of it punishing effect.

Notice that "offensive" went nowhere. Guess what happens when the Ukrainian advanced marched into the Russian's fall back and set up of rocket artillery?

Russia doesn't need to nor wants to get up close to slug fest them. They will just bury them under a steady rain of artillery. Shells, more shells, even more shells, and rockets to the rockets power is the Russian land war doctrine. They shell the piss out of stuff and advance, or they fall back and shell the piss out of anything following them.

And artillery is cheap, a Few $hundred per shell, and about the same per rocket because Russia's government arms companies manufactures muntions at cost, unlike the West that has to buy from the "golf club" Military Industrial Complex and its insane markup.

So the US "donates" a $1 million missile. The Russians lob a $250 artillery shell. Same poundage of TnT and same level of boom. That is 4000 howitzer shells for the cost of one Javelin.

Its how they won WW2, its how they won Syria, and its how they are winning Ukraine's war.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is because these people are not real.

Its a blue check, it easily could be shill account made by the many political entites that directly seek the cooperation of Twitter admins to pose as normal people for the purposes of propaganda.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

My bet? They are going to try and offer money for community gardens and urban farms as some kind of food initiative "for people of color" or "disadvantaged communities" so on. Which there is probably a LOT of money to grab if you know how to do their paperwork.

The trade off, they know about your garden, so if they decided you have to suddenly meet commercial USDA criteria, or pay taxes, yah...

So this one is on you. Do you want federal money to grow your garden in exchange to being subject to their dominion. Probably not for a private garden.

That said, absolutely yes get permits from your local county or city if you do go about making a private, personal food garden. Too many horror stories out there about pencil-neck bureaucrats sending bulldozer teams to raze somebody's suburban garden because Karen down the street complained it will ruin their property value to have anything but lawn behind your house. But if you got a permit from the local authority, they will enjoy telling Karen to pound sand, see permit, she can go fuck herself, to honor her request would be work they don't wanna do, like going to court to challenge your permit. Because the inverse is true if you don't have a permit, you become the easier one to fuck over because calling the city workers to rip up your garden is easier than putting up with that bitch Karen calling in, or walking in, every Thursday after she gets her nails done to bitch about you.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0

lol its not subliminal at this point.

Its racism, overt and systemic. The USA has become a systemic racist society based around ethnic supremacy, with the law and authority protecting and enforcing racist mandates, again. This time having African DNA is mandatory to being allowed to participate in society.

Affirmative action gatewayed Reverse Jim Crow.

xzars_folly 14 points ago +15 / -1

There is a different between divided by race and a bunch of anti-American anti-white, genocidal ethnical nationalists who have declared war on everything WWG1WGA stands for. (and note people with ancestor from Spain, Mexico, Asia, or the middle east are also "white" according to them)

Americans who happen to have dark brown skin are great, welcome, and good. They are Americans loyal to the concept of freedom, to see anything else would be bad.

Afro-nationalists attempting to "kick white out of America" need to be stopped. What they believe in is the very enemy of the Declaration and everything this land stands for. America wasn't founded to have anybody purged based on the color of their skin, to have the coincidence of their birth decide their lot in life. But that is exactly what these Afro-nationalists want. They want your darkness alone to gatekeep your opportunity and success.

So stop with this bullshit, we need to call out and stamp out racism when it happens even if the vile racial supremacist is dark skinned.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Demanding heads of state ride public transit.

Not saying its a trap, but....

Also...please tell me we can shove Biden on a public bus in London.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really, the great majority of FFL's do the great majority of their business via online sales.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

look at that...

Using corporations to sidestep the entire democratic legislative process.

And since its a private corporate "agreement" SCOTUS can't touch it.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Royals are also more inbred than an Ozarks clan of hillbillies.

Its the complete failure of Old European dynastic system. It was 100% absolute bloodline based around eldest son, rather than appointment by moot or vote of the dynasty. Its why they never rule for long, they get inbred trying to keep the bloodlines pure because that determines succession, and specifically they always had to prove purity of genetics aka "bloodline" to the founding Patriarch of their Royal Family as "fitness to rule" rather than demonstrated ability. So they just inbred rather than promoting in the dynasty based on service and merit like the Dynasty's from places like Egypt or China that lasted thousands of years did the past.

In moot or dynastic systems, new blood often entered the "royal family" in the form of promoted vassals who proved themselves to the Dynasty though loyal service. This influx of outside genes was a godsend to fighting off the ravages of incest and the deformities and literal retardation that was the results of inbreeding. Its one of the reasons why European nobility was rather ugly and known for many debilitating conditions which stood in very stark contrast to the quite genetically healthy, freely marrying subjects they ruled over.

Because Colonial European nations married their sons and daughters off to each other and never married-in people from the lower aristocracy out of terror of not having a "pure" bloodline, they became a continent-spanning genetic family of 2nd cousins. This lead to the failures of European monarchies one by one, leading to people rising up and creating republics to replace their inept rule. And now the Windsors are the last European Dynasty, and their future is dim indeed.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does he look like a patient in a nursing home?

Then yes its a current pic.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +5 / -1

If you just replace anti-vax with "jews" suddenly their rhetoric seems all too familiar....

xzars_folly 16 points ago +16 / -0

Its almost like Putin, born and raised in the Cold War, and a Cold War counter-spy member of the KGB in the 1980's, fully understood how to kill a nation with a proxy war having watched it happen to the Soviet Union with Afghanistan.

Ukrainians are Cossacks and Tartars, both known for their bravery and boldness in war, but also their stupid-aggressiveness that leaves them easy to bait with the right strategic maneuvers.

That and the west is starting to seriously feel the pain of bankrolling AND fully supplying Ukraine's belligerent, aggressive war Ukraine started. So Putin is doing a strategic "retreat" giving Ukraine a chance to charge in declare a few "wins" so the West will then see "hope" and double down on the shipments bankrupting themselves further. It will also boost sagging Ukrainian morale so they will keep fighting instead of negotiate.

And he fully knows Western digbats will ship Ukraine all their cash reserves, all their possible debt load, and most of their fuel because they are convinced they can repeat Afghanistan vs the Soviet Union in Ukraine. Russia will then do nothing, ship no oil nor resources forcing the USA to fully support BOTH Europe and China, bleeding itself of every possible resource until it keels over. And exploit all of it to end the EU and the Biden Regime, forcing the west into system collapse to ensure western people revolt, thus meeting Putin's goal for Western EU/US regime change, or its economy comes to a hard stop and the West as we know it ceases to exist. At which point Putin will have command of the Eurasian continent, and Alliance with Russia will be the ruin's of the Eurozone's only hope for survival.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0

Funny how when somebody IS the law, literally, they make sure the law favors them theirs.

And if somebody complains its a "Two tiered" system, at NO point did the word Monarchy imply that all people are equal in that society.

This is why the USA had 2 wars with England.

That "special relationship" is largely a marriage of convenience for WW2 because Germany was the bigger enemy. Why does the USA owe them ANYTHING anymore? They are not our friends, they are not like us, and they don't actually care about us. All they have done since is live off the USA like parasites.

The only reason the "special relationship" continued was Elizabeth was smart enough to realized that the UK needed the support of the USA to survive, so went out of her way to make sure America stayed her friend. Charles is not nearly that smart.

Expect a series of arrogant gaffs and insults that will ensure, despite what cocksucker Bite-em thinks, Americans HATE the UK because of that twit Charles.

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