A lot of people hear the PBS broadcast, with the outrageous lies and can't be bothered to argue with the radio, or television. The comment section gets turned off when the lies get too thick.
Forced organ donation whilst human is still alive to the highest bidder probably of Illuminati bloodlines. I heard that David Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants before he croaked in 2017. Freak probably got them all from these poor people.
I mean - in that case there’s a lot she doesn’t know.
World is a lot bigger than the USA. Even based people on this forum often walk around with blindfolds on with regards to international events..
Usa is having a meltdown during one George floyd drug dealer and 9 time convicted fellon going down... and they don’t even know that in same period - in Nigeria black cops gunned down a crowd of peaceful protestors.
Look up marikane mine killings also in South Africa by the ANC police force you can even find footage on YouTube. (Nelson’s Mandela’s party he endorsed till his death with huge corruption)
They opened live fire with AK -47 on miners coming at them with sticks.
The news media pretends the white farmer attacks and land grabs without compensation doesn’t exist - trump said he would explore so Americans might know that.
But how often do they publish also the black xenophobic attacks.. where they beat to death and burn people in tires.
How about American rape culture - when it’s a fact that 40 percent of South African women in black communities have been raped - often multiple times... reporting? The back article hidden somewhere..
And then the all mighty late Ginsberg judge - who everyone is afraid to criticise including republicans sometimes - gets up on a fucking podium and pronounces that the new South African constitution is better than the American one - that has allowed for land grabs and Black economic communist empowerment..
You’re talking about a damn American high judge meant to revear the American constitution.. endorsing crimes against humanity - because she has Nelson Mandela fever.
The hypocrisy is ridiculous...
World societies reaction to that criminal George floyd is everything wrong with the world.
But black Americans are “opressed” - the 18 richest nation in the world... with not even a 10th of the population of iran or Nigeria - and having a higher gdp... are somehow opressed...
Many of them should take a walk through parts of Romania - former Soviet Union countries, former Yugoslavia... or even Africa.
These people don’t even realise how many Europeans were slaves, over the years. It’s all a damn lie. Europeans somehow had an easy life...
It’s so rediculous how these movements are built on so many lies.
Well, people rely on MSM for their news, and the MSM has totally failed to accurately report anything unless it supports their agenda. So there is that.
Pompeo is a favorite of mine. His resume is almost unthinkable — he’s that good at fucking everything he does. So intelligent, great diplomat, a ridiculously good speaker (like wtf? I enjoy listening to SOS hour long speeches now), AND GETS SHIT DONE. AMERICA FIRST BABYYYYY
Can't wait to get his autobiography once he finally writes it. But I don't mind waiting until he helps save the world, gives it a better ending after all.
I can't believe you haven't seen Team America. It's pretty old now (17 years old): before Hollywood became completely unbearable. Worth a watch (in my worthless opinion).
He posted this to call out the CCP on their BS propaganda. CCP is forcing the women to be sterilized or have abortions, and claims this is a good thing that frees them from the burden of having babies.
If we seize their assets anywhere we can get our hands on them, they've already been put on notice before the WORLD that they are subject to this action due to their human rights violations
I though the one child edict Joe Biden praised applied to all chinese...which is the reason they have a shortage of girls because boys are more valuable to parents.
Sounds like he is talking about forced abortions and sterilization of moslems in China. But this can be easily related to our so called liberated women.
The Chinese Embassy post is quoting the section on Women's Equality in Agenda 21/2030 . Pompeo is shining a spotlight on how Globalists intend to "empower women"- forced abortions and forced sterilizations "free" women from child rearing and create a larger workforce to produce more for the elites. It's concerning that people here follow Q, but know nothing about Agenda 21/2030, which is the Globalist's playbook- it's the checklist that leads to their idea of Utopia. Obama's 2 terms accomplished way too many of the items on that checklist, Trump undid them, and now Biden/Harris are supposed to reinstate them AND finish off the list. You all really need to know the enemy better.
Nope. The Embassy directly quoted it. I'm pretty impressed with Pompeo that he chose to counter the direct quote by outing what the Agenda's rhetoric actually looks like in practice. I tend to think it's a strong indication that he's a white hat. Btw- the "not being familiar with Agenda 21/2030" was directed at the rest of the responses, not you! I figured it was a loaded question, to see who recognized A21 rhetoric in action.
Ya, I want to do my best to ask some open ended questions on here to help people think differently and try to help us all make different/new observations and correlations.
The treatment of the Uyghur Muslims by the CCP and the concentration camps they have where they beat, torcher, murder and harvest organs, rape, permanently disfigure and disable Uyghars and forcefully sterilize them will be used as the main Catylst for getting the whole world on board for war on China and the justifications for it. Will start with massive sanctions enforced by world Navies which will then move into armed conflict once China retaliates. China will loose and loose big. They need another 10 years to be ready for war and they do not have that time frame.
I can't figure it out. I don't thing he claps back at foreign countries very often on here, so it seems out of place. There is no link to the tweet or article from the Chinese Embassy, rather just a screenshot of the text part of the tweet with some of the picture.
I went to the Chinese Embassy twitter feed (amazing propaganda - I recommend spending a few minutes scrolling there), but couldn't find the tweet he sent a screenshot of anywhere and I went back as far as the mobile app would let me.
The most i found was several posts about US/China partnerships including pictures with politicians (governors, I think), butbi haven't dug into those posts yet to figure out who they are.
Ultimately, all i can think of is that he was trying to draw our attention to the Twitter feed to better understand the threat of China on the world stage and how blatant their propaganda is.
IMO, Pompeo seems to be calling out all the countries who are included in the EO, as a forewarning that they are in the cross hairs OR that they need to BUTT OUT if the USA starts spanking the troublemakers.
how about the post with a picture of obama, kerry, and rice, on a post about something totally irrelevant to the pic? something is happening, friends. Where is pelosi? Pompeo's speech today was entirely code. He was letting everyone know its going down. If you picked up on what he was doing, you're one of the smarter among us all.
Because it should be known. Normies are oblivious to the re-education camps in China. Too busy having sand in their vaginas.
This shows why it's important that we push back on the commie bullshit.
People are simply not awake. They're misinformed.
Be polite, be friendly, and spread the truth.
A lot of people hear the PBS broadcast, with the outrageous lies and can't be bothered to argue with the radio, or television. The comment section gets turned off when the lies get too thick.
You know, it's almost like there's a concerted effort to keep it at a low level of public consciousness.
It's been going on for decades.
my husband had no clue either until I told him to today.
Imagine the stuff none of us here know.
Forced organ donation whilst human is still alive to the highest bidder probably of Illuminati bloodlines. I heard that David Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants before he croaked in 2017. Freak probably got them all from these poor people.
Not forgetting the heinous trade in aborted baby parts! PP is there for a reason, and it's not great!!
Yes, I know I've seen the pics. Awful, Evil.
yeeesh thats rough pray that JUSTICE is finally here.
I mean - in that case there’s a lot she doesn’t know.
World is a lot bigger than the USA. Even based people on this forum often walk around with blindfolds on with regards to international events..
Usa is having a meltdown during one George floyd drug dealer and 9 time convicted fellon going down... and they don’t even know that in same period - in Nigeria black cops gunned down a crowd of peaceful protestors.
Look up marikane mine killings also in South Africa by the ANC police force you can even find footage on YouTube. (Nelson’s Mandela’s party he endorsed till his death with huge corruption)
They opened live fire with AK -47 on miners coming at them with sticks.
The news media pretends the white farmer attacks and land grabs without compensation doesn’t exist - trump said he would explore so Americans might know that.
But how often do they publish also the black xenophobic attacks.. where they beat to death and burn people in tires.
How about American rape culture - when it’s a fact that 40 percent of South African women in black communities have been raped - often multiple times... reporting? The back article hidden somewhere..
And then the all mighty late Ginsberg judge - who everyone is afraid to criticise including republicans sometimes - gets up on a fucking podium and pronounces that the new South African constitution is better than the American one - that has allowed for land grabs and Black economic communist empowerment..
You’re talking about a damn American high judge meant to revear the American constitution.. endorsing crimes against humanity - because she has Nelson Mandela fever.
The hypocrisy is ridiculous...
World societies reaction to that criminal George floyd is everything wrong with the world.
But black Americans are “opressed” - the 18 richest nation in the world... with not even a 10th of the population of iran or Nigeria - and having a higher gdp... are somehow opressed... Many of them should take a walk through parts of Romania - former Soviet Union countries, former Yugoslavia... or even Africa.
These people don’t even realise how many Europeans were slaves, over the years. It’s all a damn lie. Europeans somehow had an easy life...
It’s so rediculous how these movements are built on so many lies.
Well, people rely on MSM for their news, and the MSM has totally failed to accurately report anything unless it supports their agenda. So there is that.
Pompeo is a favorite of mine. His resume is almost unthinkable — he’s that good at fucking everything he does. So intelligent, great diplomat, a ridiculously good speaker (like wtf? I enjoy listening to SOS hour long speeches now), AND GETS SHIT DONE. AMERICA FIRST BABYYYYY
I just like Pompeo.
Can't wait to get his autobiography once he finally writes it. But I don't mind waiting until he helps save the world, gives it a better ending after all.
There are leaders, and there are followers.
But I’d rather be a dick than a swallower.
Kanye West
Song: New Slaves
wow great quote there I may use that sometime.
I havent seen that movie, so turned off by hollywood I dont watch much anymore. What do you mean you made this?
reminded me of southpark. I did watch the pandemic special it was funny as shit.
got it wasnt aware of that meme. thanks. I will still use it and now it is mine. lol.
I can't believe you haven't seen Team America. It's pretty old now (17 years old): before Hollywood became completely unbearable. Worth a watch (in my worthless opinion).
That's some profound shit right there.....
He said pick, not dick
He posted this to call out the CCP on their BS propaganda. CCP is forcing the women to be sterilized or have abortions, and claims this is a good thing that frees them from the burden of having babies.
Also highlighting the same CCP dogma over here
Also, the EO.
If we seize their assets anywhere we can get our hands on them, they've already been put on notice before the WORLD that they are subject to this action due to their human rights violations
I though the one child edict Joe Biden praised applied to all chinese...which is the reason they have a shortage of girls because boys are more valuable to parents.
Sounds like he is talking about forced abortions and sterilization of moslems in China. But this can be easily related to our so called liberated women.
Liberal indoctrination is so strong they even pay for it!
They probably feed them to the hogs.
He is going hard at China. Well played. They do not like to talk about the Uyghur people. It’s one of their dirty secret.
Because the US is officially AT WAR with China. Most average Joes Just don't realize that.
The Chinese Embassy post is quoting the section on Women's Equality in Agenda 21/2030 . Pompeo is shining a spotlight on how Globalists intend to "empower women"- forced abortions and forced sterilizations "free" women from child rearing and create a larger workforce to produce more for the elites. It's concerning that people here follow Q, but know nothing about Agenda 21/2030, which is the Globalist's playbook- it's the checklist that leads to their idea of Utopia. Obama's 2 terms accomplished way too many of the items on that checklist, Trump undid them, and now Biden/Harris are supposed to reinstate them AND finish off the list. You all really need to know the enemy better.
I'm familiar with 2030, I think I was just trying to see if I could find some other correlation.
Nope. The Embassy directly quoted it. I'm pretty impressed with Pompeo that he chose to counter the direct quote by outing what the Agenda's rhetoric actually looks like in practice. I tend to think it's a strong indication that he's a white hat. Btw- the "not being familiar with Agenda 21/2030" was directed at the rest of the responses, not you! I figured it was a loaded question, to see who recognized A21 rhetoric in action.
Ya, I want to do my best to ask some open ended questions on here to help people think differently and try to help us all make different/new observations and correlations.
Hmmm...now there's a project! Challenge accepted.
UN Resolution Agenda 21 has been posted in New Topics, along with the link to the text.
Maybe he’s pointing out these slaves have been baby factories for the pedo fucks.
The treatment of the Uyghur Muslims by the CCP and the concentration camps they have where they beat, torcher, murder and harvest organs, rape, permanently disfigure and disable Uyghars and forcefully sterilize them will be used as the main Catylst for getting the whole world on board for war on China and the justifications for it. Will start with massive sanctions enforced by world Navies which will then move into armed conflict once China retaliates. China will loose and loose big. They need another 10 years to be ready for war and they do not have that time frame.
tell us what the evil left wants to do to us ?
Kill us, enslave us, and rape us. One for some, but the aim is all three for everybody in the name of equality and justice.
He's just showing what CCP demonstrates what they believe liberation for women to be - forced sterilization (IOW, in this case, a form of genocide)
The Democrats, MSM, "Liberals" are all the top being apologist for the CCP so he's kind of effectively broad brushing them altogether on this
I can't figure it out. I don't thing he claps back at foreign countries very often on here, so it seems out of place. There is no link to the tweet or article from the Chinese Embassy, rather just a screenshot of the text part of the tweet with some of the picture.
I went to the Chinese Embassy twitter feed (amazing propaganda - I recommend spending a few minutes scrolling there), but couldn't find the tweet he sent a screenshot of anywhere and I went back as far as the mobile app would let me.
The most i found was several posts about US/China partnerships including pictures with politicians (governors, I think), butbi haven't dug into those posts yet to figure out who they are.
Ultimately, all i can think of is that he was trying to draw our attention to the Twitter feed to better understand the threat of China on the world stage and how blatant their propaganda is.
It's what's coming for the rest of the world if we fail.
IMO, Pompeo seems to be calling out all the countries who are included in the EO, as a forewarning that they are in the cross hairs OR that they need to BUTT OUT if the USA starts spanking the troublemakers.
That’s a bit forceful to go at them like that. Makes you wonder why... ?. (Apart from the fact they’re commie pos ofc)
It’s not on his account. Did he delete or is it fake?
He has two accounts
It's right here
Wow. I missed it. Sorry brother thank you
No worries! Here to help
Typical spin worthy of our press. It’s encouraging to see this truth posted.
Holy shit it straight up sounds like a huge lobotomization camp. They're not even hiding it if this is legit. This must end.
Maybe just some true but at the moment not so important post more about 'timing' of other posts, countdowns, go signals, whatever.
Watch Pompeo’s twattter closely; would bet there is someone else using it to post...go back and take a look...who speaks like that?
how about the post with a picture of obama, kerry, and rice, on a post about something totally irrelevant to the pic? something is happening, friends. Where is pelosi? Pompeo's speech today was entirely code. He was letting everyone know its going down. If you picked up on what he was doing, you're one of the smarter among us all.
vaccines cause abortion and sterilization
The modern day version of ethnic cleansing, aka Eugenics, a la Planned Parenthood.
Obviously not; It's called Ewomancipated, bigots!
Pompo's account has been spamming a lot of old stuff lately. May be a repost.
Because they're not.
Because it's true.