Telegram has already started removing channels for reported abuse / "hate speech". This is why censor-proof chat is needed. The end user should be responsible for what they post. But at no point should someone, anyone, have the ability to silence another person's speech. As we've seen, too much power in one person's hand is why we are where we are. Even the WIN websites - the admins may be for one view now, but it may not always stay that way. Websites change hands, people change their views, and ultimately free speech suffers.
If you're religious--- God cares how we feel about it. Love your enemy. In his shoes, any of us could have done as he did. We need justice to be served, but with empathy and compassion as much as possible.
Can we not enjoy a little justice though after the amount of abuse we have taken for four years? I pray they see the light. I pray they become better for it, but these are not reasonable people. These people are evil and don’t care if you live or die. You are cattle to them. So I’ll enjoy a little justice.
I am weak in many areas, but empathy is one place I have a very high stat- sometimes even too high. If you're at all interested in meditation, try out a loving-kindness meditation sometime. The first time I ever did it, literally I felt so amazing that it was better than any drug on planet Earth. Truly an immense feeling and way to build empathy..
First, think of someone you absolutely love 100%. Your Mom, your child, your dog, anyone that you love completely unconditionally. Focus on how much you truly just want them to be happy, you don't want them to suffer, you genuinely just love them entirely. This will fill you with positive feelings of loving kindness.
Once those positive feelings start to build, next think of someone you're neutral about. Also wish them loving-kindness, as you know that someone out there (their mom, their child) feels about them the way you feel about your person.
Next, move onto yourself. Picture yourself in your best moments. Picture yourself trying to help others, or going out of your way to be kind. Wish yourself love and kindness.
Finally, your feelings of loving kindness will be immense inside of you. At this point, finally think of someone you truly hate, and send loving kindness to them. Because they, like you and those you love, are only human. Though they have chosen a wicked path, you pray and hope they can change their ways.
I consider myself a christian, but when it comes to turning the other cheek--I missed Sunday school that day. I want Jack to feel the pain that those he attacked unjustly, feel.
I think God also hates sin especially those who are complete abominations to his word. I am no scholar (and would appreciate input from a real one), but I just think we should seek justice but with a level of compassion. On td.w there were people who were saying they wanted woodchipper executions, feet first (lol). To me that's an example of being too vengeful about it. I would support legal executions for those whose crimes warranted the punishment, but in a humane way.
i think i had 3 posts in 2009. one about a meeting and another two about ron paul. for whatever reason that was bannable. maybe they knew i was a smart ass from my email. really dont know why i got banned
Yeah, F#*K YOU, Jack. You've outlived your usefulness and if you know what's good for you, you'll sell all your stock and go live in that louse infested commune that you so clearly came from.
So from a tactical view. If you have whistleblowers with big info you would first build your care and not give him a warning. Therefore this tweet is to lure in whistleblowers.
In addition It will also increase survilence and (info)security inside twitter.
Love how he uses Jack's app for the contact LOL
LOL! Agreed.
He's on the front page of Signals website. They use him for an endorsement.
it's also not for profit AFAIK
Not the backend. Only the front end client. Get it is end to end encrypted and decentralized. It is 100% censor proof. This is the way.
Telegram has already started removing channels for reported abuse / "hate speech". This is why censor-proof chat is needed. The end user should be responsible for what they post. But at no point should someone, anyone, have the ability to silence another person's speech. As we've seen, too much power in one person's hand is why we are where we are. Even the WIN websites - the admins may be for one view now, but it may not always stay that way. Websites change hands, people change their views, and ultimately free speech suffers.
Twitter is tho.
Oh he’s freaking out. This is great! He deserves every bit he gets and more
Do we really care how he feels? I was really feeling angry when he banned me. Twitter should go down in flames.
If you're religious--- God cares how we feel about it. Love your enemy. In his shoes, any of us could have done as he did. We need justice to be served, but with empathy and compassion as much as possible.
Can we not enjoy a little justice though after the amount of abuse we have taken for four years? I pray they see the light. I pray they become better for it, but these are not reasonable people. These people are evil and don’t care if you live or die. You are cattle to them. So I’ll enjoy a little justice.
Rejoice in the justice, but pray for their souls . Poor lost souls.
JUSTICE here we come!
I need some work in this area. Badly. Jesus, please help me!!!?
I am weak in many areas, but empathy is one place I have a very high stat- sometimes even too high. If you're at all interested in meditation, try out a loving-kindness meditation sometime. The first time I ever did it, literally I felt so amazing that it was better than any drug on planet Earth. Truly an immense feeling and way to build empathy..
First, think of someone you absolutely love 100%. Your Mom, your child, your dog, anyone that you love completely unconditionally. Focus on how much you truly just want them to be happy, you don't want them to suffer, you genuinely just love them entirely. This will fill you with positive feelings of loving kindness.
Once those positive feelings start to build, next think of someone you're neutral about. Also wish them loving-kindness, as you know that someone out there (their mom, their child) feels about them the way you feel about your person.
Next, move onto yourself. Picture yourself in your best moments. Picture yourself trying to help others, or going out of your way to be kind. Wish yourself love and kindness.
Finally, your feelings of loving kindness will be immense inside of you. At this point, finally think of someone you truly hate, and send loving kindness to them. Because they, like you and those you love, are only human. Though they have chosen a wicked path, you pray and hope they can change their ways.
I like you
You, sir, are onto something...
They do make it difficult don’t they? I will rejoice the day they go down but I will pray for their souls. God is the final judge and jury.
I’m 110% certain I would not do as he has.
God was also quick to smite degenerate paedo faggots like Jack.
I consider myself a christian, but when it comes to turning the other cheek--I missed Sunday school that day. I want Jack to feel the pain that those he attacked unjustly, feel.
I think God also hates sin especially those who are complete abominations to his word. I am no scholar (and would appreciate input from a real one), but I just think we should seek justice but with a level of compassion. On td.w there were people who were saying they wanted woodchipper executions, feet first (lol). To me that's an example of being too vengeful about it. I would support legal executions for those whose crimes warranted the punishment, but in a humane way.
Jack says, "But, but, muh feelings. :( "
i think i had 3 posts in 2009. one about a meeting and another two about ron paul. for whatever reason that was bannable. maybe they knew i was a smart ass from my email. really dont know why i got banned
It will be nice when all of his assets are seized. Then that socialist moron can take comfort in his role in wealth re-distribution.
Yeah, F#*K YOU, Jack. You've outlived your usefulness and if you know what's good for you, you'll sell all your stock and go live in that louse infested commune that you so clearly came from.
People should start looking into the other people on Twitter's board of directors. I don't think he's the biggest rat on the ship.
God judges not us. ..
Proverbs 18:5
It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
Jack's reasons for the ban are disputed. Patriots know.
Another Q Proof immanent
Goodbye @Jack had literally translated into Trump being booted from Twitter, together with a boatload of Patriots.
That's some goodbye.
Al that is needed is short
Q was right! Bye @jack
Is that the real james o keefe?
I swear James O' Keefe is the best
4346, 3111
Goodbye @jack
James just made the first drop.
I guess we'll have so many huge things happening all at once where we'll NEED popcorn it'll just be so juicy.
I heard that the 19th is National Popcorn Day...
Isn't 18th MLK birthday holiday? Free at last, free at last. Thank God free at last.
Did anyone hear about Trump declassifying Obama gate? It’s happening. Lou Dobbs on Fox just announced it.
Jajajajaja pew pew mothasucka
Bye @Jack.
I hope he calls a press conference and Budd Dwyer’s himself for posterity’s sake
So from a tactical view. If you have whistleblowers with big info you would first build your care and not give him a warning. Therefore this tweet is to lure in whistleblowers.
In addition It will also increase survilence and (info)security inside twitter.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Here we go.
That fool is so out of his league.
How long before James gets banned
About to? Why not just do it?
Ummmm this is pretty big deal
This claim of Twitter censorship is disputed, and this Tweet can't be replied to, Retweeted, or liked due to a Risk of violence.#
Go get 'em James. You're a legend!
Jack even sucks at faux empathy.