I've looked this up it's victory or a restoration of order. That probably way over simplifies it, it was just some website. I go to church but we don't do numerology stuff.
Here's my understanding of the sequence of this story so far (might not be accurate):
Around 2011, Martha Esch, someone who is not Chinese American or of Chinese descent, bought a property in Locke, California, a town of about 50 people -- none of whom are of Chinese descent -- for $21,000 cash from the estate that owned it.
An artist, she reportedly then invested $80,000 on repairs to the property, taking care to match and preserve the character of the one-block town.
A group of people working together under the name Land Management Association (LMA), a subsidiary to the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency, sent a letter to Esch that included a statement that said, “… to enable the LMA to carry out its legal obligations to its Historic Preservation purposes. (This includes our responsibility to notify the 400 Chinese Ascendants and Descendants of Locke of their own priority to purchase the Locke property).”
LMA also subsequently filed a lawsuit against Esch for not getting permission from them to buy the property before she and the seller mutually agreed on the price and completed the sale. This lawsuit against Esch started the process of forcing Esch to give up her ownership of title to the property for $21,000. The people organized as the LMA, and the court, said this is justified because Esch violated LMA's bylaws, which, according to the Sacramento Bee newspaper, "give the board, and hundreds of former Chinese American residents and their family members, the first right to purchase any buildings in the blocklong town for the sake of preserving its history and culture."
The name of the blocklong town is Locke. According to lockehistory do t blogspot d o t com/2016/02/slander-and-disappointment-in-locke.html, "Locke was built on the land owned by George W. Locke." George Locke was not Chinese or Chinese American. His "family continued to own [property in Locke] until the 1970s when the last of their heirs passed away. ... If it was not for the Locke family, there would be no town of Locke today."
According to Wikipedia, Mr. Locke leased some of his land to Zhongshan Chinese after a fire destroyed several buildings in a small town nearby, at a time when Chinese Americans were not legally allowed to own land. With George Locke's lease, a businessman from Guangdong province in China led the establishment of Lockeport, later called just Locke, to house the Chinese farm and levee workers who'd been displaced by the fire.
Also according to Wikipedia, the town later also became a port-town destination of illicit entertainment, with gambling casinos, prostitution, bootlegging, and opium dens. The Sacramento Bee says, at the time of Esch's purchase and lawsuit, about ten percent of Locke's residents had and have Chinese ancestors. The newspaper also says that the association’s secretary, Deborah Mendel, told them that "...since the Locke Management Association was formed last decade, none of the handful of buildings offered for sale have been purchased by Chinese Americans."
According to deltaconfluence d o t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest, LMA's members are not elected (perhaps they are self-appointed?), and are in violation of a number of laws, including ones that prohibit conflicts of interest and guarantee people the right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies (such as the Brown Act).
According to
sallyoomsblog wordpress d o t com/2016/03/04/historic-town-wins-lawsuit-preservation-now-may-continue-in-chinese-delta-town/, "without the LMA’s knowledge, the defendants began negotiations for the building around mid-January of 2011, with LeBlanc as the prospective seller of the property. Shortly thereafter Esch signed a formal offer to purchase it. ... But 'the contract contained no contingency for the LMA to consider its right of first refusal,' the court ruling said. Defendant Esch was aware of the LMA right of first refusal 'for some time' prior to closing escrow, and admitted to actually reading them prior to closing escrow."
The sallyoomsblog website goes on to say, "In February of 2011, counsel for [the property's seller] LeBlanc notified the LMA too late in the process of the sale. The LMA did vote to exercise its right of first refusal and notified interested parties who had a right to purchase the property, as required in its bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The lists for notification include former Chinese residents, their descendants and ascendants as well as other interested parties added to the list. The court document shows that Esch, in attendance at that meeting, closed on the sale two weeks later, 'with personal knowledge of the LMA’s rights of first refusal….' The judge found that Esch had exercised 'willful disregard.'”
After the court's ruling, $21,000 was "held pending the decision on Esch's appeal" (see the sallyoomsblog website), and LMA filed a motion to dismiss Esch's appeal because she "accepted" the funds.
In 2017, when the soft-voiced Esch went by herself to attend LMA meetings, she was accused of harassing the "non-profit foundation" and of preventing the meetings she tried to attend from taking place, was videotaped and commanded by LMA secretary Mendel to leave, and was humiliated into leaving--one time by two uniformed sheriffs.
In videos posted to YouTube, she can be seen being forced to give up her right to attend the meetings, stating that she herself called authorities to ask them to help her at one of the LMA meetings, and politely reminding the LMA members that "we're all neighbors." youtube d o t com/watch?v=pmIxSH03zDY
youtube d o t com/watch?v=IpGB69rm61M youtube d o t com/watch?v=qkoewSk9Cvo sacbee d o t com/news/local/article68446707.html
deltaconfluence do t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest
sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/
According to sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/, the discriminatory statement in the letter from LMA to Esch was reported to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Searches for news about any subsequent action on the part of HUD return zero results.
Searches using the search-strings -descendants of mexicans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of kenyans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of israelis have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of japanese have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of italians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of norwegians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of canadians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of persians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of irish have right of first refusal united states real estate- have been so-far unsuccessful but continue.
Yeah, cyber warfare. The election fraud was a cyber warfare attack on US election systems. So, it is more than just a cold war scenario like it was back in the 80's for example.
It is not a kinetic war, since that could escalate to nuclear, but it is more active than the old cold war (which was fought using a lot of proxies all over the world).
There are going to be a bunch of China sympathizers brought in via a huge dragnet within the next week. I think he's getting us ready for the purge (and when I say 'us', I mean Dems getting ready to see their 'heroes' who have been reelected decade after decade get taken into custody.)
He means CCP infiltrators into all of the societal systems- education, politics, energy, etc. They are well aware of regular CCP troops on borders and have said if they step one foot in this country they will be dealt with swiftly. The Capitol is a fortress to keep people in and the Whitehouse is not nearly as fortified. Which do you think would be more imperative to protect from outside threat? Why do you think they are checking ID’s of people LEAVING DC?
Because Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau is a commie sympathizer and has allowed Chinese troops to be in Canada under the guise of “cold weather training”. Yeah, like they don’t have cold weather in China.
Good explanation, thank you! I thought he was trying to prepare us for kinetic war with all of the troop buildup and such, but your explanation makes more sense.
The Chinese fear the US population, not our military. They have been infiltrating our country to study us. They know the military but the people are the wildcard. We own guns....
We have a militia....We have terrain that in formidable and foriegn to them...They will not just walk in...they know it's suicide. But Trudeau is not our friend and has been allowing them to train there...The "rods of God" will make short work of those numbers (if accurate)..
Trump has strengthened the military. I read years ago that we were buying weak steel from China to be used by our military. No doubt some Chinese-bought Congress-puppets made these deals on purpose to soften us up for an eventual attack. Trump has caught and corrected this and other similar subterfuge.
Here's my understanding of the sequence of this story so far (might not be accurate):
Around 2011, Martha Esch, someone who is not Chinese American or of Chinese descent, bought a property in Locke, California, a town of about 50 people -- none of whom are of Chinese descent -- for $21,000 cash from the estate that owned it.
An artist, she reportedly then invested $80,000 on repairs to the property, taking care to match and preserve the character of the one-block town.
A group of people working together under the name Land Management Association (LMA), a subsidiary to the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency, sent a letter to Esch that included a statement that said, “… to enable the LMA to carry out its legal obligations to its Historic Preservation purposes. (This includes our responsibility to notify the 400 Chinese Ascendants and Descendants of Locke of their own priority to purchase the Locke property).”
LMA also subsequently filed a lawsuit against Esch for not getting permission from them to buy the property before she and the seller mutually agreed on the price and completed the sale. This lawsuit against Esch started the process of forcing Esch to give up her ownership of title to the property for $21,000. The people organized as the LMA, and the court, said this is justified because Esch violated LMA's bylaws, which, according to the Sacramento Bee newspaper, "give the board, and hundreds of former Chinese American residents and their family members, the first right to purchase any buildings in the blocklong town for the sake of preserving its history and culture."
The name of the blocklong town is Locke. According to lockehistory do t blogspot d o t com/2016/02/slander-and-disappointment-in-locke.html, "Locke was built on the land owned by George W. Locke." George Locke was not Chinese or Chinese American. His "family continued to own [property in Locke] until the 1970s when the last of their heirs passed away. ... If it was not for the Locke family, there would be no town of Locke today."
According to Wikipedia, Mr. Locke leased some of his land to Zhongshan Chinese after a fire destroyed several buildings in a small town nearby, at a time when Chinese Americans were not legally allowed to own land. With George Locke's lease, a businessman from Guangdong province in China led the establishment of Lockeport, later called just Locke, to house the Chinese farm and levee workers who'd been displaced by the fire.
Also according to Wikipedia, the town later also became a port-town destination of illicit entertainment, with gambling casinos, prostitution, bootlegging, and opium dens. The Sacramento Bee says, at the time of Esch's purchase and lawsuit, about ten percent of Locke's residents had and have Chinese ancestors. The newspaper also says that the association’s secretary, Deborah Mendel, told them that "...since the Locke Management Association was formed last decade, none of the handful of buildings offered for sale have been purchased by Chinese Americans."
According to deltaconfluence d o t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest, LMA's members are not elected (perhaps they are self-appointed?), and are in violation of a number of laws, including ones that prohibit conflicts of interest and guarantee people the right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies (such as the Brown Act).
According to
sallyoomsblog wordpress d o t com/2016/03/04/historic-town-wins-lawsuit-preservation-now-may-continue-in-chinese-delta-town/, "without the LMA’s knowledge, the defendants began negotiations for the building around mid-January of 2011, with LeBlanc as the prospective seller of the property. Shortly thereafter Esch signed a formal offer to purchase it. ... But 'the contract contained no contingency for the LMA to consider its right of first refusal,' the court ruling said. Defendant Esch was aware of the LMA right of first refusal 'for some time' prior to closing escrow, and admitted to actually reading them prior to closing escrow."
The sallyoomsblog website goes on to say, "In February of 2011, counsel for [the property's seller] LeBlanc notified the LMA too late in the process of the sale. The LMA did vote to exercise its right of first refusal and notified interested parties who had a right to purchase the property, as required in its bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The lists for notification include former Chinese residents, their descendants and ascendants as well as other interested parties added to the list. The court document shows that Esch, in attendance at that meeting, closed on the sale two weeks later, 'with personal knowledge of the LMA’s rights of first refusal….' The judge found that Esch had exercised 'willful disregard.'”
After the court's ruling, $21,000 was "held pending the decision on Esch's appeal" (see the sallyoomsblog website), and LMA filed a motion to dismiss Esch's appeal because she "accepted" the funds.
In 2017, when the soft-voiced Esch went by herself to attend LMA meetings, she was accused of harassing the "non-profit foundation" and of preventing the meetings she tried to attend from taking place, was videotaped and commanded by LMA secretary Mendel to leave, and was humiliated into leaving--one time by two uniformed sheriffs.
In videos posted to YouTube, she can be seen being forced to give up her right to attend the meetings, stating that she herself called authorities to ask them to help her at one of the LMA meetings, and politely reminding the LMA members that "we're all neighbors." youtube d o t com/watch?v=pmIxSH03zDY
youtube d o t com/watch?v=IpGB69rm61M youtube d o t com/watch?v=qkoewSk9Cvo sacbee d o t com/news/local/article68446707.html
deltaconfluence do t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest
sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/
According to sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/, the discriminatory statement in the letter from LMA to Esch was reported to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Searches for news about any subsequent action on the part of HUD return zero results.
Searches using the search-strings -descendants of mexicans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of kenyans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of israelis have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of japanese have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of italians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of norwegians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of canadians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of persians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of irish have right of first refusal united states real estate- have been so-far unsuccessful but continue.
Itr seems to me that this (very possibly) is part of a campaign to expose the reality of the China threat even more, which totally justifies POTUS taking drastic action to save the US.
I heard that Chinese Troops have infiltrated Yuma, AZ. Goal to take over local government discreetly to test method to use on larger cities. Anyone else heard this???
What, with the Marine Corps Air Station there, one of the busiest air stations in the country? Two miles from downtown Yuma? Nah, don’t see them being able to infiltrate anything but some local Chinese restaurants.
He did call out a bunch of Governors, didn't he? Not by name, but said he would if they didn't start playing Trump's way. And look at all the arrests of Chinese CCP agents in the last 4 yrs. Compare that to the 8 under Hussein. And Bush. And Clinton. And the 4 under H.W. and the 8 under Reagan before all that. At least.
The CCP has A LOT of military hardware that looks like our stuff. Generations of tanks, trucks, planes, helos, fighters, etc. We've been at war with Communism in general since Marx.
How many Chinese infiltrators? How long did they own long Beach port? How much stuff could you bring in and preposition through that port if a government turned their eyes away?
does that sound like they're about to hand the keys to China Joe...?
No... I want to believe I'm this close... Been a whole life of watching bad guys win though.
I don't know. Please tell me!
I've looked this up it's victory or a restoration of order. That probably way over simplifies it, it was just some website. I go to church but we don't do numerology stuff.
1 is God, 7 spiritual perfection
We've been at war with China for years. He's just trying to make the sheep see it.
He's soft revealing covid as a deliberate bioweapon IMO
Posting a true story:
Here's my understanding of the sequence of this story so far (might not be accurate):
Around 2011, Martha Esch, someone who is not Chinese American or of Chinese descent, bought a property in Locke, California, a town of about 50 people -- none of whom are of Chinese descent -- for $21,000 cash from the estate that owned it.
An artist, she reportedly then invested $80,000 on repairs to the property, taking care to match and preserve the character of the one-block town.
A group of people working together under the name Land Management Association (LMA), a subsidiary to the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency, sent a letter to Esch that included a statement that said, “… to enable the LMA to carry out its legal obligations to its Historic Preservation purposes. (This includes our responsibility to notify the 400 Chinese Ascendants and Descendants of Locke of their own priority to purchase the Locke property).”
LMA also subsequently filed a lawsuit against Esch for not getting permission from them to buy the property before she and the seller mutually agreed on the price and completed the sale. This lawsuit against Esch started the process of forcing Esch to give up her ownership of title to the property for $21,000. The people organized as the LMA, and the court, said this is justified because Esch violated LMA's bylaws, which, according to the Sacramento Bee newspaper, "give the board, and hundreds of former Chinese American residents and their family members, the first right to purchase any buildings in the blocklong town for the sake of preserving its history and culture."
The name of the blocklong town is Locke. According to lockehistory do t blogspot d o t com/2016/02/slander-and-disappointment-in-locke.html, "Locke was built on the land owned by George W. Locke." George Locke was not Chinese or Chinese American. His "family continued to own [property in Locke] until the 1970s when the last of their heirs passed away. ... If it was not for the Locke family, there would be no town of Locke today." According to Wikipedia, Mr. Locke leased some of his land to Zhongshan Chinese after a fire destroyed several buildings in a small town nearby, at a time when Chinese Americans were not legally allowed to own land. With George Locke's lease, a businessman from Guangdong province in China led the establishment of Lockeport, later called just Locke, to house the Chinese farm and levee workers who'd been displaced by the fire. Also according to Wikipedia, the town later also became a port-town destination of illicit entertainment, with gambling casinos, prostitution, bootlegging, and opium dens. The Sacramento Bee says, at the time of Esch's purchase and lawsuit, about ten percent of Locke's residents had and have Chinese ancestors. The newspaper also says that the association’s secretary, Deborah Mendel, told them that "...since the Locke Management Association was formed last decade, none of the handful of buildings offered for sale have been purchased by Chinese Americans."
According to deltaconfluence d o t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest, LMA's members are not elected (perhaps they are self-appointed?), and are in violation of a number of laws, including ones that prohibit conflicts of interest and guarantee people the right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies (such as the Brown Act).
According to sallyoomsblog wordpress d o t com/2016/03/04/historic-town-wins-lawsuit-preservation-now-may-continue-in-chinese-delta-town/, "without the LMA’s knowledge, the defendants began negotiations for the building around mid-January of 2011, with LeBlanc as the prospective seller of the property. Shortly thereafter Esch signed a formal offer to purchase it. ... But 'the contract contained no contingency for the LMA to consider its right of first refusal,' the court ruling said. Defendant Esch was aware of the LMA right of first refusal 'for some time' prior to closing escrow, and admitted to actually reading them prior to closing escrow."
The sallyoomsblog website goes on to say, "In February of 2011, counsel for [the property's seller] LeBlanc notified the LMA too late in the process of the sale. The LMA did vote to exercise its right of first refusal and notified interested parties who had a right to purchase the property, as required in its bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The lists for notification include former Chinese residents, their descendants and ascendants as well as other interested parties added to the list. The court document shows that Esch, in attendance at that meeting, closed on the sale two weeks later, 'with personal knowledge of the LMA’s rights of first refusal….' The judge found that Esch had exercised 'willful disregard.'”
After the court's ruling, $21,000 was "held pending the decision on Esch's appeal" (see the sallyoomsblog website), and LMA filed a motion to dismiss Esch's appeal because she "accepted" the funds.
In 2017, when the soft-voiced Esch went by herself to attend LMA meetings, she was accused of harassing the "non-profit foundation" and of preventing the meetings she tried to attend from taking place, was videotaped and commanded by LMA secretary Mendel to leave, and was humiliated into leaving--one time by two uniformed sheriffs.
In videos posted to YouTube, she can be seen being forced to give up her right to attend the meetings, stating that she herself called authorities to ask them to help her at one of the LMA meetings, and politely reminding the LMA members that "we're all neighbors." youtube d o t com/watch?v=pmIxSH03zDY youtube d o t com/watch?v=IpGB69rm61M youtube d o t com/watch?v=qkoewSk9Cvo sacbee d o t com/news/local/article68446707.html deltaconfluence do t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/
According to sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/, the discriminatory statement in the letter from LMA to Esch was reported to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Searches for news about any subsequent action on the part of HUD return zero results.
Searches using the search-strings -descendants of mexicans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of kenyans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of israelis have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of japanese have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of italians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of norwegians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of canadians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of persians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of irish have right of first refusal united states real estate- have been so-far unsuccessful but continue.
Yeah, cyber warfare. The election fraud was a cyber warfare attack on US election systems. So, it is more than just a cold war scenario like it was back in the 80's for example.
It is not a kinetic war, since that could escalate to nuclear, but it is more active than the old cold war (which was fought using a lot of proxies all over the world).
The Chinese is already within the borders that is what they are telling you. Why do you think the capital is being turned into a fortress.
There are going to be a bunch of China sympathizers brought in via a huge dragnet within the next week. I think he's getting us ready for the purge (and when I say 'us', I mean Dems getting ready to see their 'heroes' who have been reelected decade after decade get taken into custody.)
He means CCP infiltrators into all of the societal systems- education, politics, energy, etc. They are well aware of regular CCP troops on borders and have said if they step one foot in this country they will be dealt with swiftly. The Capitol is a fortress to keep people in and the Whitehouse is not nearly as fortified. Which do you think would be more imperative to protect from outside threat? Why do you think they are checking ID’s of people LEAVING DC?
Because Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau is a commie sympathizer and has allowed Chinese troops to be in Canada under the guise of “cold weather training”. Yeah, like they don’t have cold weather in China.
Do they mean literal soldiers, or are they referring to politicians like Biden, and their control of our big businesses and such.
Good explanation, thank you! I thought he was trying to prepare us for kinetic war with all of the troop buildup and such, but your explanation makes more sense.
Nuclear war is no longer a threat to the USA. We have missile intercept capabilities.
Calling out Feinstein, Xiden et al? Love it.
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
I think when we get this msg it will not really be about rounding up traitors. this will signal military action with ccp
Aren’t they one and the same for many, including Xiden
Note the seal. It says "Richard Nixon."
At Nixon Library. Nixon is credited with opening up China to the world
opening up China? as in trade?
Even before that. He was first president to make official visit to china. Began the legitimization of china in the eyes of the world
first president blackmailed by China hah
Hmm, I didn't notice that. Why do you think that's there?
Where is speaking from, some middle class backyard??
male and female white hats front row
that really is some serious tweet here.
Prelude to a reckoning.
We have been. Likely since the end of the cold war.
We’ve been at war with China. It’s called Mosaic Warfare. At one point Pompeo mentioned in a tweet I believe
Trade wars are good and easy to win
Here's the key: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/true-lessons-nixon-and-kissinger%E2%80%99s-china-strategy-165495
His tweets went from 2hr to 1hr and now 30min. I’m clocking for awhile to see.....
Infiltration Not Invasion
There is no Chinese military in DC, what in the world source do you have on that?
The Chinese fear the US population, not our military. They have been infiltrating our country to study us. They know the military but the people are the wildcard. We own guns.... We have a militia....We have terrain that in formidable and foriegn to them...They will not just walk in...they know it's suicide. But Trudeau is not our friend and has been allowing them to train there...The "rods of God" will make short work of those numbers (if accurate)..
Trump has strengthened the military. I read years ago that we were buying weak steel from China to be used by our military. No doubt some Chinese-bought Congress-puppets made these deals on purpose to soften us up for an eventual attack. Trump has caught and corrected this and other similar subterfuge.
He has known much about the Cabal since before he agreed to run...We must keep the faith that this is ending...Blessings during this time to all...
i've seen rumors of this and it would make the huge troop buildup make sense, but nothing really conclusive.
Don't we have those planes with cameras and satellites to see this stuff?
Posting a true story:
Here's my understanding of the sequence of this story so far (might not be accurate):
Around 2011, Martha Esch, someone who is not Chinese American or of Chinese descent, bought a property in Locke, California, a town of about 50 people -- none of whom are of Chinese descent -- for $21,000 cash from the estate that owned it.
An artist, she reportedly then invested $80,000 on repairs to the property, taking care to match and preserve the character of the one-block town.
A group of people working together under the name Land Management Association (LMA), a subsidiary to the Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency, sent a letter to Esch that included a statement that said, “… to enable the LMA to carry out its legal obligations to its Historic Preservation purposes. (This includes our responsibility to notify the 400 Chinese Ascendants and Descendants of Locke of their own priority to purchase the Locke property).”
LMA also subsequently filed a lawsuit against Esch for not getting permission from them to buy the property before she and the seller mutually agreed on the price and completed the sale. This lawsuit against Esch started the process of forcing Esch to give up her ownership of title to the property for $21,000. The people organized as the LMA, and the court, said this is justified because Esch violated LMA's bylaws, which, according to the Sacramento Bee newspaper, "give the board, and hundreds of former Chinese American residents and their family members, the first right to purchase any buildings in the blocklong town for the sake of preserving its history and culture."
The name of the blocklong town is Locke. According to lockehistory do t blogspot d o t com/2016/02/slander-and-disappointment-in-locke.html, "Locke was built on the land owned by George W. Locke." George Locke was not Chinese or Chinese American. His "family continued to own [property in Locke] until the 1970s when the last of their heirs passed away. ... If it was not for the Locke family, there would be no town of Locke today." According to Wikipedia, Mr. Locke leased some of his land to Zhongshan Chinese after a fire destroyed several buildings in a small town nearby, at a time when Chinese Americans were not legally allowed to own land. With George Locke's lease, a businessman from Guangdong province in China led the establishment of Lockeport, later called just Locke, to house the Chinese farm and levee workers who'd been displaced by the fire. Also according to Wikipedia, the town later also became a port-town destination of illicit entertainment, with gambling casinos, prostitution, bootlegging, and opium dens. The Sacramento Bee says, at the time of Esch's purchase and lawsuit, about ten percent of Locke's residents had and have Chinese ancestors. The newspaper also says that the association’s secretary, Deborah Mendel, told them that "...since the Locke Management Association was formed last decade, none of the handful of buildings offered for sale have been purchased by Chinese Americans."
According to deltaconfluence d o t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest, LMA's members are not elected (perhaps they are self-appointed?), and are in violation of a number of laws, including ones that prohibit conflicts of interest and guarantee people the right to attend and participate in meetings of local legislative bodies (such as the Brown Act).
According to sallyoomsblog wordpress d o t com/2016/03/04/historic-town-wins-lawsuit-preservation-now-may-continue-in-chinese-delta-town/, "without the LMA’s knowledge, the defendants began negotiations for the building around mid-January of 2011, with LeBlanc as the prospective seller of the property. Shortly thereafter Esch signed a formal offer to purchase it. ... But 'the contract contained no contingency for the LMA to consider its right of first refusal,' the court ruling said. Defendant Esch was aware of the LMA right of first refusal 'for some time' prior to closing escrow, and admitted to actually reading them prior to closing escrow."
The sallyoomsblog website goes on to say, "In February of 2011, counsel for [the property's seller] LeBlanc notified the LMA too late in the process of the sale. The LMA did vote to exercise its right of first refusal and notified interested parties who had a right to purchase the property, as required in its bylaws and the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. The lists for notification include former Chinese residents, their descendants and ascendants as well as other interested parties added to the list. The court document shows that Esch, in attendance at that meeting, closed on the sale two weeks later, 'with personal knowledge of the LMA’s rights of first refusal….' The judge found that Esch had exercised 'willful disregard.'”
After the court's ruling, $21,000 was "held pending the decision on Esch's appeal" (see the sallyoomsblog website), and LMA filed a motion to dismiss Esch's appeal because she "accepted" the funds.
In 2017, when the soft-voiced Esch went by herself to attend LMA meetings, she was accused of harassing the "non-profit foundation" and of preventing the meetings she tried to attend from taking place, was videotaped and commanded by LMA secretary Mendel to leave, and was humiliated into leaving--one time by two uniformed sheriffs.
In videos posted to YouTube, she can be seen being forced to give up her right to attend the meetings, stating that she herself called authorities to ask them to help her at one of the LMA meetings, and politely reminding the LMA members that "we're all neighbors." youtube d o t com/watch?v=pmIxSH03zDY youtube d o t com/watch?v=IpGB69rm61M youtube d o t com/watch?v=qkoewSk9Cvo sacbee d o t com/news/local/article68446707.html deltaconfluence do t com/content/2016-09-14/locke_management_association_under_fire_alleged_conflict_interest sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/
According to sacramentopress d o t com/2011/09/07/locke-property-dispute-part-1/, the discriminatory statement in the letter from LMA to Esch was reported to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Searches for news about any subsequent action on the part of HUD return zero results.
Searches using the search-strings -descendants of mexicans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of kenyans have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of israelis have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of japanese have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of italians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of norwegians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of canadians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of persians have right of first refusal united states real estate- and -descendants of irish have right of first refusal united states real estate- have been so-far unsuccessful but continue.
His latest tweet with the flags is clearly a comm code. Hard to interpret any other way... https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1350563510762221568
Ship container missiles
Itr seems to me that this (very possibly) is part of a campaign to expose the reality of the China threat even more, which totally justifies POTUS taking drastic action to save the US.
I heard that Chinese Troops have infiltrated Yuma, AZ. Goal to take over local government discreetly to test method to use on larger cities. Anyone else heard this???
What, with the Marine Corps Air Station there, one of the busiest air stations in the country? Two miles from downtown Yuma? Nah, don’t see them being able to infiltrate anything but some local Chinese restaurants.
You don't say. Their puppet appears to be sworn in as president in a few days.
He did call out a bunch of Governors, didn't he? Not by name, but said he would if they didn't start playing Trump's way. And look at all the arrests of Chinese CCP agents in the last 4 yrs. Compare that to the 8 under Hussein. And Bush. And Clinton. And the 4 under H.W. and the 8 under Reagan before all that. At least.
The CCP has A LOT of military hardware that looks like our stuff. Generations of tanks, trucks, planes, helos, fighters, etc. We've been at war with Communism in general since Marx.
That just doesn't sound like someone who's giving the govt over to China Joe next week.
How many Chinese infiltrators? How long did they own long Beach port? How much stuff could you bring in and preposition through that port if a government turned their eyes away?
2012 - 2019