625 () posted 4 years ago by DMEC 4 years ago by DMEC +628 / -3 111 comments share 111 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It makes no sense. The military has thousands of troops guarding for the last week and somehow there is a bomb threat?
Qanon? Like that dangerous white supremacist conspiracy theory?
An anonymous lap who isnt real is to blame - msm
The MSM said something that wasn't fully true and / or was lacking context?
Trump farewell speech: mentioned 1917: https://qalerts.app/?q=1917 DECLAS -> Red6
Football traveled with him on AF1 Also football movement in White House. See: 5.5 and 11.3: https://dod.defense.gov/portals/1/documents/law_war_manual15.pdf
I know, crazy right?!!
Is he related to Charlie Chan :-)
Q = "the trust" bolshevik psyop
show me on the doll where the mean truth touched you
It's granny again. ;)
I laughed too hard at this.
Right? How could anyone sneak a bomb in there??
This seems troll but when you think about it not so troll.
The Fireworks have been lit
only bomb is in Naddlers pants
Excellent point.....
probably one of the most defended locations on earth right now, wtf?
Obviously there isn't any actual bomb wtf. 60000 troops onsite you could never sneak a bomb in.
Beam me up Scotty. There’s no intelligent life down here
Shit, why didn't I get that ability when I joined?
They will move everyone to the Capitol building because it is a safe zone. ;)
The safest. Get them in the cage. :)
the most sacredest of safe zones
The Deep State really does not want Joe on The Stage, do they?
Found something we have in common with DS
Top kek
I think it was that grandma lady again
God bless her.
C'mon man
Think about it!
How the fuck could a bomb threat be real when there is over 30k troops there? I smell false flag.
Yes it is across the street from the capitol, deep behind the national guard perimeter.
lmao I feel thats very likely to happen, what is this "inauguration" even going to look like supposing it happens? they literally didn't even get one rehearsal in.
11 exactly as of this comment
All clear. Nothing to see here......yet.
And let the FALSE FLAGS & Psy-Ops begin...
How could that even happen with all of the troops and security? Is this going to be an excuse to move the inauguration?
Seriously LOL ?
Disclose TV just cleared this threat now... https://t.me/disclosetv/312
is the supreme court inside the NG block area in DC?
no, across the street from the senate barricade
So James Bond actually exists?
...what was the name of his tech guy again?
a hacker named "4chan"
Evidently they already cleared it like 6 minutes later or something like that... how peculiar.
fireworks. looks big but no substance. false flag?
Setting the narrative for future FFs against patriots.
All clear allegedly.
Maybe an empty court might come in handy soon.....?
And why would that be? The Justices are either at the inauguration or at home.
There are other active threads pointing out that Q warned to "watch for false flags"!!!!!!!!!!
This is a GREAT sign, IMO!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOHOO......let's get this movie wrapped up!!!!
Red1 POTUS Twitter removal: potus twitter
I'm not surprised. They have zero value. Worthless bunch of JUDGES!
Too bad it didn't go off with John Roberts and Sotomeyor in it.
...and so it begins. Hey if CNN said it?
Yeah, bomb threat - Lin Wood has been dropping bombs about Chief POS Roberts for weeks.