Never mind the cars. Please remind me when was the last time of such an occasion for the libtards, signing a stack of 17 EOs that undo so many great things done by Trump, and yet I see not one gloating libtard anywhere near the chief moron. They usually bring in a bunch of retards to observe, gloat and garb a pen.
No, really, tell me the last time anyone can recall this?
If he is actually inside the Oval Office at the Whitehouse in dc and not inside some movie studio fake whitehouse oval office the view outside the window should not be a parking lot.
Not true. Look at aerial photos of the White House grounds, there is a curved driveway that runs adjacent to the Oval Office just like it is seen in this image of Biden. We just aren’t accustomed to seeing vehicles through the windows behind the real POTUS because I’m sure there’s a “no parking” allowed at anytime rule. But since Biden isn’t legitimate, all bets are off. Plus, the soundstage “Castlerock” that they refer to has either a green screen or photo mural background for what is seen out the windows.
The MI state hearings were mind-blowing. In Detroit, the city told employees to ignore matching signature and identification requirements, back-date ballots and absentee applications, etc. It wasn’t just boxes of stuffed ballots, it was the government itself systemically breaking the law.
There’s a ton of unrebutted analysis that the election was stolen from Republicans, and there’s a mountain of evidence. The fact that they stopped counting before midnight in several key swing Democrat cities alone is proof they were cheating. They had hired staff for 24/7 work. Why they all did it remains unanswered, months later. When you see 150K ballots, 93% for Biden showing up in the middle of the night in the time-series data, after they had officially stopped counting, it starts to make sense.
Time stamp and show the votes. 5:47am cst 1/22/2021 2.8K up 4.3K down
Everybody who watches the vid, please time stamp it. Let's see how YouTube changes the vote tallys.
I read something on Reddit about the vote deleting. Clearly, they're trying to help him out, but apparently votes they're deleting are views of less than 30 seconds. If you can stomach it, watch at least 30 seconds so your vote is "valid" in the eyes of the Communists at YouTube.
Just a note, if you don't play enough of the video youtube will remove your down vote. Skip to the end and let some of it play out before you vote. That should keep it from being removed. Refresh or visit the page again later to make sure your vote is still there.
Isn’t there something more productive to do that actually makes a difference? Why even tune in to these videos? It supports the platform hosting the vids and also shows that people care enough to even fucking turn on and watch. Just ignore them. Don’t legitimize an illegitimate president.
Hey frens member DMEC says we are shills for calling for down votes on pedojoes videos. Maybe all his posts should be down voted as well. Trying to tell us what we can and can't do DMEC is not your boss most joined this site before him.
Some people are limited in how they can help. Anybody can click a mouse.
It's annoying if not demoralizing for somebody to watch the downvotes build. And, lulz.
Right now it feels like Trump and the Military are being the sort of parents who when they catch you with a cigarette make you sit there and smoke the whole pack in an hour to teach you a lesson, problem is we're the siblings who weren't doing anything wrong but have to sit in the same room and hotbox with the naughty sibling until it's over.
Now some have 10 times more likes they’ve dominioned the numbers
Keep spreading, our downvotes shall blot out the sun!
screen capping is important , so we can keep the tally, they cant hide if we screen share, the internet is really a beautiful thing
President Trump: Trying to produce a movie to awaken the masses
GAW: Keep spoiling the movie. "That guy isnot the real president" "The army does not listen to him" "The whole inauguration was a scam"
Can you send a link?
Say wut?
Have there always been cars in the background?
Never mind the cars. Please remind me when was the last time of such an occasion for the libtards, signing a stack of 17 EOs that undo so many great things done by Trump, and yet I see not one gloating libtard anywhere near the chief moron. They usually bring in a bunch of retards to observe, gloat and garb a pen.
No, really, tell me the last time anyone can recall this?
C'mon, man, you know their game is "mUH CoViD." You really think they'd pile 10 people in that office?
Also doesn't a real and legitimate President always hold up and pan across his desk the EO that he just signed so the camera can see his signature?
As well to see that the signature isn't on blank pages?
yeah i look at this story too!!! im close to bein all in!
If he is actually inside the Oval Office at the Whitehouse in dc and not inside some movie studio fake whitehouse oval office the view outside the window should not be a parking lot.
Not true. Look at aerial photos of the White House grounds, there is a curved driveway that runs adjacent to the Oval Office just like it is seen in this image of Biden. We just aren’t accustomed to seeing vehicles through the windows behind the real POTUS because I’m sure there’s a “no parking” allowed at anytime rule. But since Biden isn’t legitimate, all bets are off. Plus, the soundstage “Castlerock” that they refer to has either a green screen or photo mural background for what is seen out the windows.
It's possible to put a car a there.
Seeing him wear that mask at the desk screams “You obey me, I’m obeying someone else...”
The one he keeps touching and won't stay on his face.
He's so feeble and has no clue what he's doing.
The abacus in front of him screams "China!"
Also post some text:
The MI state hearings were mind-blowing. In Detroit, the city told employees to ignore matching signature and identification requirements, back-date ballots and absentee applications, etc. It wasn’t just boxes of stuffed ballots, it was the government itself systemically breaking the law.
There’s a ton of unrebutted analysis that the election was stolen from Republicans, and there’s a mountain of evidence. The fact that they stopped counting before midnight in several key swing Democrat cities alone is proof they were cheating. They had hired staff for 24/7 work. Why they all did it remains unanswered, months later. When you see 150K ballots, 93% for Biden showing up in the middle of the night in the time-series data, after they had officially stopped counting, it starts to make sense.
The comments. lol they never stop
well until they disable them.
Subscribe. Thumbs down. Turn on notifications.
80 million subscribers. 80 million thumbs down. Let's go!
Power in numbers!
Do YOU understand that at least someone else should have been there for such a "proud" moment? Super Spreader, at least? Chief of Staff? Someone?
can you explain, i kinda get what your saying but, things are kinda crazy rightnow
Time stamp and show the votes. 5:47am cst 1/22/2021 2.8K up 4.3K down Everybody who watches the vid, please time stamp it. Let's see how YouTube changes the vote tallys.
Omg lmao. I love you all. We will get through this Truman Show Clown World. This is great.
Yeah, I'm banned on YT. GL with that.
Just went and down-voted them all. That felt GREAT!
Who the fuck is that figure in the background outside?
I read something on Reddit about the vote deleting. Clearly, they're trying to help him out, but apparently votes they're deleting are views of less than 30 seconds. If you can stomach it, watch at least 30 seconds so your vote is "valid" in the eyes of the Communists at YouTube.
yeah its true, we are screen capping, and keeping tally but word is they will soon figure that out too.
Like it's hard to run them in them in another tab with the audio muted and come back to downvote after a few minutes.
Just a note, if you don't play enough of the video youtube will remove your down vote. Skip to the end and let some of it play out before you vote. That should keep it from being removed. Refresh or visit the page again later to make sure your vote is still there.
He kept Trump’s curtains?
They look wrinkled like they weren't done professionally.
Trumps weren't wrinkled, his curtains were ironed beautifully.
dude, fuck that vaccine, its all just a fucking joke... or a nightmare really :o
fucking big pharma needs to go. lets get trump back in 1st then we need to make a form about that shit
Why is he wearing a mask (incorrectly) and why an ABACUS?
That picture is what an American dictatorship looks like..... that huge stack represents the pointlessness of Congress at this point in our history.
Just be honest and truthful. Lies don't win.
Isn’t there something more productive to do that actually makes a difference? Why even tune in to these videos? It supports the platform hosting the vids and also shows that people care enough to even fucking turn on and watch. Just ignore them. Don’t legitimize an illegitimate president.
Hey frens member DMEC says we are shills for calling for down votes on pedojoes videos. Maybe all his posts should be down voted as well. Trying to tell us what we can and can't do DMEC is not your boss most joined this site before him.
I didn't know there is a parking lot outside the oval office. The curtains and flags are wrinkled.
Some people are limited in how they can help. Anybody can click a mouse. It's annoying if not demoralizing for somebody to watch the downvotes build. And, lulz.
yeah, i want my vote back that bad lol
yeah you have to recheck them because they will remove them, but its still yours to controll
For now. Soon YouTube will find a way to remove this metric and make excuses that don’t include the truth.
I'm surprised they haven't, you already see some of their COVID videos that they push that don't show a count.
Cant stop wont stop!!??
lots i need to get a job.... well after im trump is back, ill be a good drone.. deal?
Right now it feels like Trump and the Military are being the sort of parents who when they catch you with a cigarette make you sit there and smoke the whole pack in an hour to teach you a lesson, problem is we're the siblings who weren't doing anything wrong but have to sit in the same room and hotbox with the naughty sibling until it's over.
yeah screen capping is important