The wheels are going to start coming off the traitors bus fast now.
Lin Wood releases audio confession and BOY there is a lot of talk of assassinating SC and other judges. Roberts is done with this as is many others.
The wheels are going to start coming off the traitors bus fast now.
Lin Wood releases audio confession and BOY there is a lot of talk of assassinating SC and other judges. Roberts is done with this as is many others.
Same stuff from a month ago?
Yep, with the same shitty audio
Whistle blower. Not a confession.
Very informative anyhow.
This is old.
not to some. spend time typing something useful.
This is information warfare, and we're posting things that are old. Why do new accounts keep doing this? All it is doing is muddying the waters and slowing us down.
I understand your sentiment completely, and we have tried to tell people these things for so long. However, let's also be patient that are waking up to these things finally. Remember your excitement when you learned some of this.✌?
I hadn't heard it so very much appreciate this post. Made the mistake of looking up pictures of roberts family. Kids are beautiful. I will have nightmares about this. Pimping children. Chief justice is nothing more than a pimp of the first order.
It could be new to this guy and any other new users. I don’t mind these things being reposted. It’s evidence of new people waking up imho.
good reminder
Don't mind posting old stuff, but it's kinda lame to post something as if it's new
if its new to him he thought its new. how does he know we've heard it before?
Theresa Forir the picture in the beginning of the video....
I work in the Grosse Pointe area. And I have been down the street she lives on many times. I am actually surprised there is Antifa there. It is one of the wealthiest areas in the Country. 80% patriotic Trump supporters and 20% rich white liberal.
Did not expect to see that.
Thanks, I was trying to listen to this via his telegram but was unable to.
This isn’t even Lin Wood’s voice.
this is not a fucking confession op
Who uses that font anymore?
That's what seems fake to me. Like it was printed on a daisy wheel cartridge.