Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
God promises that all you have to do is seek and ask for the truth. Anyone openly seeking will receive answers. :)
Daniel is a GREAT book. Filled with awesome prophesies. Many that have already come true.
I've been a Christian for 25 years and my husband went to Bible college and has extensively studied scripture. If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to message me! I'll pray for you my friend. I'm seeing God do AMAZING things through all of this mess. You are at least the tenth atheist/agnostic that I've seen that's posted something like this in the last month. It's really cool to watch!
There are lots of things that God can't do. He can't lie or break promises or sin or make mistakes. So no he cannot make a rock so big that He can't lift it lol
All of Creation points to a Creator, my friend. And there are no coincidences.
The Bible is God's Word, given to men so that we might know--and DO--God's will in our lives. It is full of prophecies relating to times gone by, as well as the near and distant future. Prophecy fulfilled is how we can know that God's Word is true, down to the last jot and tittle. It also gives us assurance that future prophecies will all come true in His perfect time. The terrible fourth beast of Daniel 7 will come to pass in short order. Time is short and Christ is coming again.
As a Christian for the past 40 years I would class that as a God-incidence!
Did you know that Jesus said 'If you seek me, you WILL find me' ?
You are at the beginning of the greatest journey of your life, literally.
There are some great videos online to help with any answers, but continue to ask God yourself, He will reveal Himself to you.
Also a website that is brilliant for any questions you have they have 1,000s of answers. Just type in your question and a list pops up (warning you could spend hours there because one question sparks another, but all good sound bible based answers)
After 50 years of evaluating religion and evil vs good, I have found that it is very personal and religion is like politics because there are many religions just like political opinions. I trust and believe there is a true and one God. You may call God by many names, it doesn't matter as long as LOVE and PEACE is the same message
That is not going to get you in to heaven friend. Jesus is the name above all names. Jesus Christ, and his death, burial, and bodily resurrection is what we must believe to be saved. I pray God will open your heart to receive the true Gospel. It isn't believing that there is one God, it isn't about being good. All our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. We are all sinners and deserve to go to hell for our sins. Hell is real, and it is a place of flaming fire that will never end.
This video is a brief presentation of the Gospel, and the Gospel is the only way to receive the free gift of eternal life. Please watch it and then make your decision. It's not even ten minutes long, and it can change your eternal destination.
Sorry, but no. God is God. He is not Krishna or allah or anyone other than the one true God. Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“
Is God love? Yes. But he also will judge us all and judge the nations. Much of the time, That does not look like our mortal definition of love.
That’s awesome to hear. Do a search on atheist turned believer and there are quite a few professors and scientists that will have stories you might find interesting.
Regardless, you wanting to find a connection is a great step and hopefully it inspires others!
Can you explain what is hard about the belief in God for you or perhaps why you prefer to be atheist? I am curious. I am Christian and would like to get your perspective.
I'm not the OP but I'm an agnostic. Here's where I struggle with Christianity, FWIW / since you asked.
There are over 7 Billion people in the world. There are just over 2 Billion Christians. That means, about 5 Billion people (2/3rds of the world population) are not Christian. But according to Christians/The Bible, the only way to enter heaven is to accept Jesus Christ. So - your God, according to your rules, is willing to 'write off' 5 billion people. While SOME of those 5 Billion can be accused of rejecting / ignoring the word of God, there are many of them who could never know of Christianity due to their isolation. And if you want to argue 'no one can avoid the word of God today', what about 1,000 years ago - there's no way someone in darkest Africa could have heard about Christianity 1,000 years ago, and still, by your rules, they would not be accepted into heaven. To me, it makes no sense that God would allow that to happen.
I have plenty of other reasons but I'll leave it at that for now, in case you want to give me your thoughts!
If I may......God knew man would, over time, would pervert his teachings...His judgment is based on individualism, not the herd. All are judged on their deeds and circumstances. The only ones He truly abandons are the wicked...the evil and followers of the fallen angel.
When we get to the gates of heaven and are judged, all that are pure of heart will be heard..Since he created us all in his image he knows us better than we know ourselves.
God is not "writing them off." Man was created with free will. The Word has been all over the world, even in places you don't believe it was. There were voyages by Christians around the world almost 2,000 years ago. There are Christians teaching in nations around the world who would be killed instantly if the government knew what they were doing. I know two former missionaries who worked as a pharmacist and nurse in Thailand. I know a couple of missionaries who teach English as a second language in Asia, a couple more in Ukraine, and another one in Africa.
The records in Africa are scarce because the jungle is not conducive to the written word. African history is recorded orally and by foreign observers. Most of the records in South America were destroyed by the Spanish. The Indians in North America didn't have a written language. All people are descended from Noah, and they had knowledge of God, whether they passed it down correctly or not.
Read Lee Stroble's books about God, Jesus, and the Bible. He was an atheist who set out to prove it all bogus, but found that it was all provably true.
Remember that some things you may have heard about Christianity may not be true. Each denomination split from the others years ago because of differences in their interpretation of what things meant in the Bible. Read it for yourself and study it carefully.
There is no way that God's word reached EVERYWHERE and EVERYONE, immediately after Jesus' life. Let's say year 100; year 200 - etc. There's no way people spread out to Alaska, South America, North America. We can be pretty sure that the Spanish were the first to reach North America, and that was not until 1500s. Or let's allow that the Vikings reached the North East in year 1000. What about the Indians who were here before then? How did they hear 'The Word'? Sorry, not reasonable. So given that not everyone heard the word, how can you deny them entry to heaven just because they never heard the Word?
The Spanish were definitely not the first to reach North America. Vikings were here hundreds of years before that, and Irish were here early as well. People were getting around the world a lot more than you realize. There was routine trade between the Middle East and Cornwall, England 2,000 years ago.
And there's also direct revelation. Moses was given the Ten Commandments directly.
I'm not denying anyone. The Bible says Jesus is the only way, and the Bible has been proven correct in everything that has been able to be checked so far. I did find a typo in II Chronicles, but it was a single number. Read Lee Strobel's book about the Bible.
You've heard, so you don't have an excuse any more. Read and study the Bible. Start with the New Testament.
Sorry I need to understand a couple of things from you, so 20 questions game.. Do you believe in free will? If you do, is free will good or bad? What is good and bad? What is evil? Does it exist? If there was not God, what authority is there to say what is good and what is bad? If we are in essence, star dust, no different than the dirt under or feet or an ant, we are just bags of a substance called meat, is murder and rape wrong? Why? If there is no ultimate meaning in what we are doing, why does any of it matter?
If this is in response to my post, then I would clarify that I have no problem accepting there is a higher power, that some higher power created us and may have influence over us. That's why I'm agnostic, not atheist. What I can't accept is the specifics of Christianity, relative to (eg) Hinduism or Buddhism or Islam. If a baby is born to a devout Hindu family in India, and never hears the Christian gospel (and again - go back 1,000 years if you want to argue that everyone can be reached today), then if that child dies early, then that child did not 'accept Jesus Christ as his savior, and ... according to the 'Christian' God / rules, cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Another issue - prayer. Similar concept; let's say there are two people, living today in America. One is popular, attends a church, has many friends in the church. The other is a loner, doesn't really have any friends, but is a Christian. They both get sick. In the case of the first person, all his friends rally round and pray for him (I can't tell you how many times I hear that we all need to pray to make something happen - the more, the merrier). In the case of the second person, no one prays for him as no one even realized he was sick. So for person 1, hundreds of prayers; for person 2, no prayers. The way Christians would have it, the more people who pray for something, the more likely it is that God will do something. This really sounds ridiculous to me - God is onmipresent, all-knowing, all-powerful. So why would God do something different based on whether humans ask him to do something or not? Now consider a similar man in, say, India. Devout Hindu. But does not pray to the Christian God. Does he get less attention from God?
I believe because man is so corrupt even if they had the Word they would reject it. Only those chosen by God can be saved. People saw God in the flesh and they wanted to kill him. When Jesus returns to rule people will want to kill him again after the millenial kingdom. If God wanted someone to be saved, He will get the Word to that person one way or another
I am a "seer"...this means I have visions, visitations and whispers form the Holy Spirit. I was born this way and will die this way. I can assure you God is seeking you. I live a pretty darn ordinary life...but it has been spent in service to humanity. I belong to no organized religion because God wants us to listen and learn from his word, not man's. Many churches are corrupt and have changed the word of God to fit their needs not His. This is a time of biblical prophecy...God is separating the wheat from the chaff...The door is open to all...this is what He asks of you now.
Follow the ten commandments....this is His path to salvation.
Read his book...the past IS a window to the future...ask a question and open it randomly, you'll be amazed at the result.
Search not for religion, search for peace and comfort from Him.
Pray...have patience and have faith that in seeking you will find your path...
Ask for forgiveness for your sins against others in your prayers...and you will be forgiven. God knows your heart...
Hi pede, God will honor your search. One author who has helped me is Lee Strobel. He has written numerous books and there are many excelled videos with him. Here is one of the shorter videos. He was an atheist himself and now teaches many people about the Good News of Jesus.
Good for you! I also listen to a daily devotional by Kris Langham and a couple chapters from the Bible. I listen to the Bible Gateway “dramatized” audio of the New International Version Bible. That way i can listen to God’s Word when I’m getting ready, driving, or doing work around the house. I’ve also used the YouVersion app on my phone and have listened to Francis Chan go through the book of James. I do this with about four other friends and we can each text a little comment to the group. All the best on your spiritual journey!
I was a lifelong agnostic until I found God in 2020. I had made some half-hearted efforts before, but what helped me break through the barrier I put up was making a commitment to talk with God (pray) every night. As soon as I started taking it seriously, I felt his presence. It was overwhelming and as much a "sign" as anyone could ask for. I've continued this every night and started encouraging my two boys to pray before bed and we are reading through a children's bible storybook at night. It has already started changing our lives for the better.
Don't squander this moment to cultivate your relationship with God, I'm certain you not regret it!
I’d say you’re not an atheist. An atheist is like militantly anti-god. You’re definitely more of an agnostic, but even then you’re searching for god so somewhere deep down you already believe.
I was in the same boat. Atheist then sometimes agnostic throughout my life. I’m not pious much at all but the longer I live the more evidence I see of God, which really is as good as it gets for humans knowing truth.
I know I’m a sinner, I know I’m plagued by demons, I know I often fail, but I always find a reason and path to be better through God.
This isn’t hard. Reach out to your Maker in your head. According to JC, the Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you. So just ask. Sincerely. The sincere part is important. Or fuck it.
If you get no answer, then live your life as you will.
After seeing the rabbit hold of Pizzagate and Adrenochrome harvesting going on worldwide for the past 30+ years, forgive me for not putting my faith in God.
If you are genuinely interested, this short video is an excellent presentation of the Gospel, and what we must do to get the gift of eternal life. It doesnt involve repenting of your sins, getting baptized, going to church, or anything like that. While we should do these things, all we must do to be saved is believe on Jesus Christ.
Amen. And every modern Jew is a rejector of Christ. They don't believe the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament), they follow the Talmud, which literally says that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is in hell, burning in a lake excrement. That Mary was a whore, and Jesus is the son of a Roman soldier named Pantera, and that Jesus practiced sorcerery and black magic.
I do disagree that God left us a historical record to prove everything in the bible. If you can prove it is all 100% true, which I believe, then it doesn't require faith to believe it. All secular historians will tell you Jesus was a real man who walked the Earth. But they don't believe he was the Son of God, and that he was God.
I would highly recommend watching this short video which clearly explains the Gospel. It's less than 10 minutes long, and it changed my life and got me saved. And that is what got me sober from heroin and alcohol. It saved my physical life, and gave me spiritual eternal life as well.
Honest question because you seem to be pretty knowledgable about history and some of the elite jewish families that have made things happen. Could you kind of explain WW2/holocaust to me? So I have heard the funded what made the war go on but what is with the holocausting of the Jewish people if it is funded by certain jews?
So it's OK with you for God to wipe out almost the entire population of the earth (the flood), even though not all those people had committed any sin? Wiping out thousands / millions of people just because 'some' were not behaving themselves seems terribly over the top!
Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
God promises that all you have to do is seek and ask for the truth. Anyone openly seeking will receive answers. :)
Daniel is a GREAT book. Filled with awesome prophesies. Many that have already come true.
I've been a Christian for 25 years and my husband went to Bible college and has extensively studied scripture. If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to message me! I'll pray for you my friend. I'm seeing God do AMAZING things through all of this mess. You are at least the tenth atheist/agnostic that I've seen that's posted something like this in the last month. It's really cool to watch!
I there anything at all that God cannot do? Can He make a rock so big that He cannot lift it?
There are lots of things that God can't do. He can't lie or break promises or sin or make mistakes. So no he cannot make a rock so big that He can't lift it lol
All of Creation points to a Creator, my friend. And there are no coincidences.
The Bible is God's Word, given to men so that we might know--and DO--God's will in our lives. It is full of prophecies relating to times gone by, as well as the near and distant future. Prophecy fulfilled is how we can know that God's Word is true, down to the last jot and tittle. It also gives us assurance that future prophecies will all come true in His perfect time. The terrible fourth beast of Daniel 7 will come to pass in short order. Time is short and Christ is coming again.
"Knock and it shall be opened unto you"
Here is how you receive eternal life...
Watch the full video...
Very inspiring.
As a Christian for the past 40 years I would class that as a God-incidence!
Did you know that Jesus said 'If you seek me, you WILL find me' ? You are at the beginning of the greatest journey of your life, literally. There are some great videos online to help with any answers, but continue to ask God yourself, He will reveal Himself to you.
Alpha Film Series // Promo -
Also a website that is brilliant for any questions you have they have 1,000s of answers. Just type in your question and a list pops up (warning you could spend hours there because one question sparks another, but all good sound bible based answers)
After 50 years of evaluating religion and evil vs good, I have found that it is very personal and religion is like politics because there are many religions just like political opinions. I trust and believe there is a true and one God. You may call God by many names, it doesn't matter as long as LOVE and PEACE is the same message
That is not going to get you in to heaven friend. Jesus is the name above all names. Jesus Christ, and his death, burial, and bodily resurrection is what we must believe to be saved. I pray God will open your heart to receive the true Gospel. It isn't believing that there is one God, it isn't about being good. All our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. We are all sinners and deserve to go to hell for our sins. Hell is real, and it is a place of flaming fire that will never end.
This video is a brief presentation of the Gospel, and the Gospel is the only way to receive the free gift of eternal life. Please watch it and then make your decision. It's not even ten minutes long, and it can change your eternal destination.
Sorry, but no. God is God. He is not Krishna or allah or anyone other than the one true God. Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“ Is God love? Yes. But he also will judge us all and judge the nations. Much of the time, That does not look like our mortal definition of love.
That’s awesome to hear. Do a search on atheist turned believer and there are quite a few professors and scientists that will have stories you might find interesting. Regardless, you wanting to find a connection is a great step and hopefully it inspires others!
Can you explain what is hard about the belief in God for you or perhaps why you prefer to be atheist? I am curious. I am Christian and would like to get your perspective.
I'm not the OP but I'm an agnostic. Here's where I struggle with Christianity, FWIW / since you asked.
If I may......God knew man would, over time, would pervert his teachings...His judgment is based on individualism, not the herd. All are judged on their deeds and circumstances. The only ones He truly abandons are the wicked...the evil and followers of the fallen angel.
When we get to the gates of heaven and are judged, all that are pure of heart will be heard..Since he created us all in his image he knows us better than we know ourselves.
God is not "writing them off." Man was created with free will. The Word has been all over the world, even in places you don't believe it was. There were voyages by Christians around the world almost 2,000 years ago. There are Christians teaching in nations around the world who would be killed instantly if the government knew what they were doing. I know two former missionaries who worked as a pharmacist and nurse in Thailand. I know a couple of missionaries who teach English as a second language in Asia, a couple more in Ukraine, and another one in Africa.
The records in Africa are scarce because the jungle is not conducive to the written word. African history is recorded orally and by foreign observers. Most of the records in South America were destroyed by the Spanish. The Indians in North America didn't have a written language. All people are descended from Noah, and they had knowledge of God, whether they passed it down correctly or not.
Read Lee Stroble's books about God, Jesus, and the Bible. He was an atheist who set out to prove it all bogus, but found that it was all provably true.
Remember that some things you may have heard about Christianity may not be true. Each denomination split from the others years ago because of differences in their interpretation of what things meant in the Bible. Read it for yourself and study it carefully.
There is no way that God's word reached EVERYWHERE and EVERYONE, immediately after Jesus' life. Let's say year 100; year 200 - etc. There's no way people spread out to Alaska, South America, North America. We can be pretty sure that the Spanish were the first to reach North America, and that was not until 1500s. Or let's allow that the Vikings reached the North East in year 1000. What about the Indians who were here before then? How did they hear 'The Word'? Sorry, not reasonable. So given that not everyone heard the word, how can you deny them entry to heaven just because they never heard the Word?
The Spanish were definitely not the first to reach North America. Vikings were here hundreds of years before that, and Irish were here early as well. People were getting around the world a lot more than you realize. There was routine trade between the Middle East and Cornwall, England 2,000 years ago.
And there's also direct revelation. Moses was given the Ten Commandments directly.
I'm not denying anyone. The Bible says Jesus is the only way, and the Bible has been proven correct in everything that has been able to be checked so far. I did find a typo in II Chronicles, but it was a single number. Read Lee Strobel's book about the Bible.
You've heard, so you don't have an excuse any more. Read and study the Bible. Start with the New Testament.
Sorry I need to understand a couple of things from you, so 20 questions game.. Do you believe in free will? If you do, is free will good or bad? What is good and bad? What is evil? Does it exist? If there was not God, what authority is there to say what is good and what is bad? If we are in essence, star dust, no different than the dirt under or feet or an ant, we are just bags of a substance called meat, is murder and rape wrong? Why? If there is no ultimate meaning in what we are doing, why does any of it matter?
If this is in response to my post, then I would clarify that I have no problem accepting there is a higher power, that some higher power created us and may have influence over us. That's why I'm agnostic, not atheist. What I can't accept is the specifics of Christianity, relative to (eg) Hinduism or Buddhism or Islam. If a baby is born to a devout Hindu family in India, and never hears the Christian gospel (and again - go back 1,000 years if you want to argue that everyone can be reached today), then if that child dies early, then that child did not 'accept Jesus Christ as his savior, and ... according to the 'Christian' God / rules, cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
Another issue - prayer. Similar concept; let's say there are two people, living today in America. One is popular, attends a church, has many friends in the church. The other is a loner, doesn't really have any friends, but is a Christian. They both get sick. In the case of the first person, all his friends rally round and pray for him (I can't tell you how many times I hear that we all need to pray to make something happen - the more, the merrier). In the case of the second person, no one prays for him as no one even realized he was sick. So for person 1, hundreds of prayers; for person 2, no prayers. The way Christians would have it, the more people who pray for something, the more likely it is that God will do something. This really sounds ridiculous to me - God is onmipresent, all-knowing, all-powerful. So why would God do something different based on whether humans ask him to do something or not? Now consider a similar man in, say, India. Devout Hindu. But does not pray to the Christian God. Does he get less attention from God?
I believe because man is so corrupt even if they had the Word they would reject it. Only those chosen by God can be saved. People saw God in the flesh and they wanted to kill him. When Jesus returns to rule people will want to kill him again after the millenial kingdom. If God wanted someone to be saved, He will get the Word to that person one way or another
Search for Him with your whole heart and don't lean unto your own understanding. And please, don't confuse religion with spirituality, as many do.
I am a "seer"...this means I have visions, visitations and whispers form the Holy Spirit. I was born this way and will die this way. I can assure you God is seeking you. I live a pretty darn ordinary life...but it has been spent in service to humanity. I belong to no organized religion because God wants us to listen and learn from his word, not man's. Many churches are corrupt and have changed the word of God to fit their needs not His. This is a time of biblical prophecy...God is separating the wheat from the chaff...The door is open to all...this is what He asks of you now. Follow the ten commandments....this is His path to salvation. Read his book...the past IS a window to the future...ask a question and open it randomly, you'll be amazed at the result.
Search not for religion, search for peace and comfort from Him. Pray...have patience and have faith that in seeking you will find your path... Ask for forgiveness for your sins against others in your prayers...and you will be forgiven. God knows your heart...
The number of times this has happened and the strange circumstance surrounding them has always astounded me.
I guess I’ve never been an atheist, but definitely a hard-core agnostic. I was raised in the church, but it never really meant anything to me.
Now, I believe absolutely. To get a sense of what I discovered, do this:
FWIW, an excellent book about an intellectual approach to Christianity is “The Case for Christ”, by Lee Strobel.
Happy reading!
Hi pede, God will honor your search. One author who has helped me is Lee Strobel. He has written numerous books and there are many excelled videos with him. Here is one of the shorter videos. He was an atheist himself and now teaches many people about the Good News of Jesus.
Good for you! I also listen to a daily devotional by Kris Langham and a couple chapters from the Bible. I listen to the Bible Gateway “dramatized” audio of the New International Version Bible. That way i can listen to God’s Word when I’m getting ready, driving, or doing work around the house. I’ve also used the YouVersion app on my phone and have listened to Francis Chan go through the book of James. I do this with about four other friends and we can each text a little comment to the group. All the best on your spiritual journey!
The fact that you don't want to lie to God suggests you already know Him somewhat.
God will not snap the bent reed (weak faith), but the Devil will certainly try
I was a lifelong agnostic until I found God in 2020. I had made some half-hearted efforts before, but what helped me break through the barrier I put up was making a commitment to talk with God (pray) every night. As soon as I started taking it seriously, I felt his presence. It was overwhelming and as much a "sign" as anyone could ask for. I've continued this every night and started encouraging my two boys to pray before bed and we are reading through a children's bible storybook at night. It has already started changing our lives for the better.
Don't squander this moment to cultivate your relationship with God, I'm certain you not regret it!
God wants ALL of us to believe in Him. He speaks to us through the Bible. You are being called to be with Him.
He gives us the choice to accept Him or not. Looks like you have opened the door for a relationship with Your Maker! God Bless you!
I’d say you’re not an atheist. An atheist is like militantly anti-god. You’re definitely more of an agnostic, but even then you’re searching for god so somewhere deep down you already believe.
Keep looking, you’ll find god.
I was in the same boat. Atheist then sometimes agnostic throughout my life. I’m not pious much at all but the longer I live the more evidence I see of God, which really is as good as it gets for humans knowing truth.
I know I’m a sinner, I know I’m plagued by demons, I know I often fail, but I always find a reason and path to be better through God.
Highly recommend Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. You sound like me a couple years ago and that book is really something else. Bon voyage!
This isn’t hard. Reach out to your Maker in your head. According to JC, the Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you. So just ask. Sincerely. The sincere part is important. Or fuck it.
If you get no answer, then live your life as you will.
Anyways, you’ll get an answer.
After seeing the rabbit hold of Pizzagate and Adrenochrome harvesting going on worldwide for the past 30+ years, forgive me for not putting my faith in God.
Welcome back to the flock
There is no god.
You’re not atheist, you’re agnostic.
You want to really get floored listen to Kim Clements prophecy on Trump.
God bless you and your family anon. Trust in God.
You're probably more agnostic than atheist if you're trying to connect.
I will pray for you anon, that God opens your heart to receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
If you are genuinely interested, this short video is an excellent presentation of the Gospel, and what we must do to get the gift of eternal life. It doesnt involve repenting of your sins, getting baptized, going to church, or anything like that. While we should do these things, all we must do to be saved is believe on Jesus Christ.
Amen. And every modern Jew is a rejector of Christ. They don't believe the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament), they follow the Talmud, which literally says that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is in hell, burning in a lake excrement. That Mary was a whore, and Jesus is the son of a Roman soldier named Pantera, and that Jesus practiced sorcerery and black magic.
I do disagree that God left us a historical record to prove everything in the bible. If you can prove it is all 100% true, which I believe, then it doesn't require faith to believe it. All secular historians will tell you Jesus was a real man who walked the Earth. But they don't believe he was the Son of God, and that he was God.
I would highly recommend watching this short video which clearly explains the Gospel. It's less than 10 minutes long, and it changed my life and got me saved. And that is what got me sober from heroin and alcohol. It saved my physical life, and gave me spiritual eternal life as well.
Honest question because you seem to be pretty knowledgable about history and some of the elite jewish families that have made things happen. Could you kind of explain WW2/holocaust to me? So I have heard the funded what made the war go on but what is with the holocausting of the Jewish people if it is funded by certain jews?
So it's OK with you for God to wipe out almost the entire population of the earth (the flood), even though not all those people had committed any sin? Wiping out thousands / millions of people just because 'some' were not behaving themselves seems terribly over the top!