I saw it earlier today. I think it was November 8, but nothing on the time. I actually tried to advanced search for ¨Myanmar¨ as a search term and ¨election¨ and nothing came up.
I bet the US mil handed Myanmar's mil intelligence gleaned from the server raid. It stands to reason that the same server in Frankfurt was manipulating more than just US elections.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I is the first time I have ever been jealous of Myanmar. Maybe Q was from there. They did exactly what we are waiting for.
But normie Americans and Americans in general don't pay very close attention to international news. Plus Myanmar's army is already treated as tainted just because they ran the country for decades without "democracy"
Point 1 - good point but a lot of the rest of the world does.
Point 2- also good point. Guess we’ll see how it plays out. The whole world is shocked about our elections, at least those whose souls aren’t black.
They have to take them out globally before ripping them out of the US otherwise they will crawl into foreign corners. Block the tunnel exits before you throw the bomb into the warren.
The military arrested the President of Myanmar today and Resident Biden isn't happy about it. Hopefully this will happen here since Chyna was heavily involved in their election as well. Karma is a bitch.
The charge is that Trump incited a riot by falsely claiming the election was rigged. Trump's lawyers will take the opportunity to present evidence of the fraud. I'm making no predictions of how it will turn out. I'm just saying I think this is the last civic avenue left open.
Not a coincidence. Other nations are not blind the the Dominion/Smartmatic vote rigging scam that our corrupt political system and Media ignored. I bet the Burmese military had some help.
Geez, they used Biden to make a point. If they could push him through, they could push anyone through. Glad they made it so obvious and woke up the majority of the population.
You really start to get a feel for how GLOBAL this plan really was. In every sense of the word.
I heard you Globo Homos like to Global Homo while you're homo so I put some global homo in your Global Homo.
For real, duplicating this entire thing everywhere. Like a big corporation maybe.
Wow, nice catch...with Obumer, Killary, and Soros involved...using Smartmatic software to rig an election is on point!
Apparently, immediate RUFKM here.
So for the 1st time I can remember the military dictatorship is on the right side. Anything going to happen here?
He did back in November saying we're keeping on eye on their elections.
Don't suppose anyone e has the day/time?
Corresponding Q drops?
I saw it earlier today. I think it was November 8, but nothing on the time. I actually tried to advanced search for ¨Myanmar¨ as a search term and ¨election¨ and nothing came up.
I bet the US mil handed Myanmar's mil intelligence gleaned from the server raid. It stands to reason that the same server in Frankfurt was manipulating more than just US elections.
If that’s the case, they care more about Myanmar than us.
The Bidet admin is very upset about this. I think this was part of the plan to get them to nadler their panties.
so happy to see others in the wild using Nadler as a verb.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I is the first time I have ever been jealous of Myanmar. Maybe Q was from there. They did exactly what we are waiting for.
Makes me wonder if this was to open the door for the normies to see this happen on a smaller scale and therefore accept it when it comes to our door.
That makes sense.
But normie Americans and Americans in general don't pay very close attention to international news. Plus Myanmar's army is already treated as tainted just because they ran the country for decades without "democracy"
Point 1 - good point but a lot of the rest of the world does. Point 2- also good point. Guess we’ll see how it plays out. The whole world is shocked about our elections, at least those whose souls aren’t black.
Is the MSM even covering it though?
I doubt any normies have even seen this news.
The normies haven't a clue, they probably think Myanmar is a new style of shoe.
I really hope so
Imagine Q this whole time was based in Myanmar and all of this was just a buildup to their military taking control of the country Lol
That is exactly what hit me and made me laugh when I saw it.
Was thinking this exact thing earlier lol
After Q is outed and reporters are asking questions;
Reporter :"Mr Q, Mr Q, why did your plan fail to save America ?"
Q: "America !?"
They have to take them out globally before ripping them out of the US otherwise they will crawl into foreign corners. Block the tunnel exits before you throw the bomb into the warren.
It's impossible for us to know what they're planning.
The military arrested the President of Myanmar today and Resident Biden isn't happy about it. Hopefully this will happen here since Chyna was heavily involved in their election as well. Karma is a bitch.
I love Karma don’t you?
I feel as though Trump's impeachment trial will be the last civic avenue explored before the military goes full on 11.3
How would the impeachment trial in any way lead to an overturning of the election?
The charge is that Trump incited a riot by falsely claiming the election was rigged. Trump's lawyers will take the opportunity to present evidence of the fraud. I'm making no predictions of how it will turn out. I'm just saying I think this is the last civic avenue left open.
Kamala is too
Nothing here...
This is just a conspiracy /S
right yeah - gotchya -
so the United States election fraud will be exposed by a hermit communist kingdom that is now under military rule
fkg genius
everyone will wake up when they see Myanmar had a rigged election.... :-0)
Smartmatic has been cheating the philippines for the last 15 yrs. Here's a politician yelling at smartmatic reps about cheating.
MO: Cheat, deny, assign blame, repeat
Directly from the Alinsky operating manual.
sauce https://twitter.com/smartmatic/status/912596356442845184
So checked it on archive
Right HERE: https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/bit.ly/2xA5I42
and it wants to redirect me to HERE: https://vrienspartners.com/channel-news-asia-myanmar-polls-on-nov-8-an-election-of-many-firsts.html But it is ded. dunno vriens & partners , smells funky
About 1 hour ago I'd bet.
No fing sht! I was just joking that Burma also uses Dominion, now comes the proof. You really cannot make this sh*t up!
Right HERE: https://web.archive.org/web/2020*/bit.ly/2xA5I42 and it wants to redirect me to HERE: https://vrienspartners.com/channel-news-asia-myanmar-polls-on-nov-8-an-election-of-many-firsts.html But it is ded. dunno vriens & partners , smells funky
Not surprisingly, Myanmar is also among the worst countries for human trafficking: https://www.news8000.com/myanmar-among-worst-places-for-human-trafficking-us-report-says/
US State Department rated Myanmar Tier 3 for human trafficking in 2020 which is the worst: https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-trafficking-in-persons-report/burma/
I swear there was a Q Drop about something like this. I need to dig it up
Not a coincidence. Other nations are not blind the the Dominion/Smartmatic vote rigging scam that our corrupt political system and Media ignored. I bet the Burmese military had some help.
All the proof I need this was not a coup
Geez, they used Biden to make a point. If they could push him through, they could push anyone through. Glad they made it so obvious and woke up the majority of the population.
Epstein's new crib.
Not surprised at all. :/
Are there Biden votes underneath said table?
just another random data point that's probably meaningless but myanmar is one of only three countries on earth that uses freedom units
Read the tweet author.
No worries, I missed it too until I read your post and remembered to look at the whole picture!