Well 24hrs after Time article on Organized Election Interference.....CEO Tom Donahue RESIGNS!
Edit: TITLE SHOULD SAY....US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CEO TOM DONAHUE RESIGNS.. Sorry if it implies Time's CEO as a fren pointed out...
Donahue resigning is huge. He is the one who had engineered our economy to be based on cheap (Chinese) labor, he influences trillions of $ (or did), and he organized immediately against Trump.
So you're saying he's a traitorous cunt.
He is the one who for years has not only been a kingmaker, but the lawmaker, because he controls the lobbyists who really write the laws for Congress to rubberstamp.
Top of my list.
Most like one of the more important person under CCP control. Military trial, hang him
You are correct as he is the big one regarding globalization efforts and trade with China.
That is a boom right there.
Yep..that's him!
He is also Cocaine Mitchs staunchest ally.
Anither good point, although I would say "handler" instead of "ally."
Oh wow. I didnt even know about him. Thanks for info!
Newsmax is fake news around here.
I know but forgive my slip...haven't had all my wake up juice yet and brain cells are having a rough morning...thx fren
"We don't like their kind 'round har."
It's because Newsmax employs pandas.
Sexual harrassment pandas.
Newsmax is, undoubtedly, an unreliable, compromised source.
That doesn't mean every link to there is "fake news".
In fact, for now, I still give them more credence that some source like www.vegansourceinsightbusinesssecretnews.com, or some shit like that.
Shit on Newsmax all you want; I'll happily drop a deuce on their forehead, too. But for people looking for reasonable confirmation, a link to Newsmax remains more credible than most.
True. Fake news is fake news everywhere.
Didn't Q say to keep a list of the resignations? Seems like more and more each day.
Yes, for anyone who doesn't know about this list, it's been kept since Q told us to keep track. The anon who does is amazing. https://www.resignation.info
Holy crap that IS some amazing work. Thanks for sharing
The military is in control. Enjoy the show!
Reminds me of the time I got called a Qtard in The Doom Womb (tdw) for posting this.
So I replied with a direct quote from our favorite president:
--President Donald J. Trump
I know. Don't care. :)
The Doom Womb. ???
Doom Womb... yes!
That is the perfect description of patriots.lose (aka jeb."win")
I'm gonna hate popcorn by the time this is over!
I ran out of popcorn. I need to buy more!
That may be our biggest concern at this point.
Any suggestions for viable popcorn alternatives are always welcome, frens!
Ps fuck newsmax
I know....I know.....so sorry about that. ?
No need for apologies on this count, fren. I'll paste-repost what I bleated out on the subject above:
Newsmax is, undoubtedly, an unreliable, compromised source.
That doesn't mean every link to there is "fake news".
In fact, for now, I still give them more credence that some source like www.vegansourceinsightbusinesssecretnews.com, or some shit like that.
Shit on Newsmax all you want; I'll happily drop a deuce on their forehead, too. But for people looking for reasonable confirmation, a link to Newsmax remains more credible than most.
Learned about Donahue 5 years ago and hated what he was all about i.e... ALWAYS putting illegal aliens ahead of American Citizens; and loving money more than our country.
I stopped spending my money at any local or national business that had a Chamber of Commerce sign in their store front and let the store know why I won't shop with them. It does take just a bit of time to search your local Chamber of Commerce businesses before you waste time shopping.
There is no such thing as coincidences. There's a reason all these CEOs are "stepping down".
One less bad is always good as long as nothing worse replaces it.
ANOTHER resignation??? How many is that this week? So many good and promising signs. Is this due to the 2018 EO taking effect last week?
That guy has been a detrimental influence on the USA for a long time! Great!
Resigning aint gonna save or shelter him from the people... resigning is not good enough.
Great move, Donahue. Get a life (no pun intended).
We'll take it ! Chanber of Commerce is evil!!
what about Marc Benioff ?
He's a fat toad who wants to lord over a burning, depraved world.
And utter POS. So far Left, even the city of SF thinks he's a fucking retard.
Sounds like he personally could have been for actual honesty but then he says he makes no editorial decisions regarding Greta being person of the year lol. Which way is it man.
He’ll catch COVID within the month GOODNIGHT!
Your right...my bad...seems I can't edit so I'll repost correctly..thx
You’re fine, pede. We appreciate you getting the news out!
Might be dead by next week! ?