This is the worst way to red pull someone... with a lie.
Biden got plastic surgery, this ear issue is called pixie ear.
Red pill people on truth.
If you red pill somone on a lie they will turn away an never look back as soon as that lie is revealed.
All I'm saying is I don't buy the plastic surgery story and I believe those are two different people.
Beyond that, I don't know for sure. The original Biden could be dead but I don't think so. But maybe he is. Are you suggesting these two lines of thinking are mutually exclusive of each other? So if I think this guy is not the original Biden, I have to think the original one is dead? Why does that have to be the case?
I mean he also is most likely having regular strokes and undergoing unheard of medical treatments. I wouldn't be surprised if he had eye tone shifts, though I cannot confirm whether or not they actually went brown. Lighting is a weird thing.
TBF, if the friend wasn't seeking for answers he would have just brushed the ear picture off and he would have never asked about "what does Q say about this", therefore it's up to the original guy to say "oh that's not real..but.. look at this though.."
Respectfully, it's not necessarily about that. It's about opening their minds to the possibilities that what they see isn't reality. That's what we're up against and if they can begin to question on their own what they see in the media then that's half the battle. I think people get into this black and white world where it's all in or out but that's not reality. I believe when patriot Mike pillow man says the vaccine is the mark of the beast, it's not about that, it's about shocking people with something that may sound ridiculous but what you are doing is planting a seed that it opens their minds too. Those who listened to Zig Ziglar know what I am talking about.
The simplest explanation is never the right one with these deceptive Luciferian sickos. They create the most tangled of webs, so that describing reality makes you sound like the crazy person.
Finally someone gets it. Also when people are covering up crimes they intentionally abuse our dumbass tendency to embrace this utterly absurd logical disaster.
No, it is actually a very effective maxim of Intel work. It doesn't produce finished Intel it gets you started. In fact once started it all get much more complex once the data arrives. You can't use it to guess though and people do.
Another idea: Biden’s Billion Dollar bet on Racine, Wisconsin
Biden’s “highly unusual move” to back a Billion Dollar Referendum in Racine, Wisconsin for experimental community health, education and policing models
Hunter Biden’s back tattoo (Finger Lakes) and the connections between Finger Lakes / Cornell University and Racine, Wisconsin such as the Mason Lab, Sphinx Head Society, FLDS (Second Great Awakening), Unitarianism, Underground Railroad and human trafficking
Hunter Biden’s Lake Michigan home where the sone of Frank Lloyd Wright and Supreme Court Justice John Roberts also lives
Anna Makanju who was the key advisor on Biden’s Ukraine deals, the key election and censorship advisor at Facebook (listen to Phill Kline and the Amistad Project discuss the flow of Zuckerberg’s money to Racine), and a key organizer for Soros with Clinton and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin
Mayer Amschel Rothschild: Mayer Rothschild’s original name was Mayer Amschel Bauer but changed it to the previous family name of Rothschild — meaning red shield in English — in reference to the family's official house sign, the red shield.
My lady friends say the ear thing is a real cosmetic surgery. Apparently there was a kardashian episode about it. I found the best way to redpill anyone is instead of lecturing and spitting facts. I ask questions wanting to know more and make them explain themselves (trial lawyer style)
Some claim Bidan had a facelift (and new ear cartilage!) within the last 2 years.
If so, where in that timeline, within the last two years, did Bidan get a facelift? This surgery takes a month to heal. We would've seen progressive changes. We have not.
How long does it take to look normal after a facelift?
four weeks
In short, the facelift recovery can be divided in several parts – initial bruising and swelling, lighter swelling with bedrest, and finally a return to day-to-day and vigorous activities. Patients can expect an average of four weeks before they look completely fine after a facelift.
Wow, it's one thing to Q-pill a MAGA, but to take a Biden voter straight through Trump and headfirst into Qproofs?? Goddamn that guy musta pulled some serious G-force son lol
Sadly appearance is important for politicians because normies won't vote for someone unless they look presentable. Trump at 74 still takes great care of his hair and tan, and looks great.
Whether thats a good starting point or not, people are asking questions. And thats HUGE!
Msm and these false narratives only survive on people not asking questions. Just accepting what they are told as truth. If that changes they are all in trouble.
Asking questions eventually leads to finding the truth.
Where in your timeline, within the last two years, did Bidan get a facelift? This surgery takes a month to heal. We would've seen progressive changes. We have not.
How long does it take to look normal after a facelift?
four weeks
In short, the facelift recovery can be divided in several parts – initial bruising and swelling, lighter swelling with bedrest, and finally a return to day-to-day and vigorous activities. Patients can expect an average of four weeks before they look completely fine after a facelift.
Don't forget that probably a helluva a lot more than 75 mil voted for Trump. Also that Joe and Kamallah were barely breaking 20% in their own primary until at the last second Joe had a HUGE surge and won the whole primary after Bernie was running away with it for months...sound familiar? It would be kinda like Jeb, Kasich, or Romney winning the RNC primary in 2016.
Point is, a lot of people, not just us, aren't thrilled about Biden as "president"
This is the worst way to red pull someone... with a lie. Biden got plastic surgery, this ear issue is called pixie ear. Red pill people on truth. If you red pill somone on a lie they will turn away an never look back as soon as that lie is revealed.
Its not so much a lie as it is something that is easily explained. And besides, questions redpill. Not answers.
Socratic method every time
Yes, always reply with a question.
Someone posted this link yesterday. Some of it is compelling.
True, seems nearly every time I give answers people just double down on their brainwashing.
I don't buy the plastic surgery excuse.
Neither do I. Bidens earlobes were attached to his head through surgery? I say nope.
Now, not buying it
Plastic surgery? Unlikely!
Body double, real biden is dead? Way more likely!
This is you right now.
Where did I say the real Biden is dead?
if he is a double, then where would biden be this entire time? its implied and assumed. if you don't think that, then what exactly do you believe.
All I'm saying is I don't buy the plastic surgery story and I believe those are two different people.
Beyond that, I don't know for sure. The original Biden could be dead but I don't think so. But maybe he is. Are you suggesting these two lines of thinking are mutually exclusive of each other? So if I think this guy is not the original Biden, I have to think the original one is dead? Why does that have to be the case?
Go by most logical, easiest to cover up.
Sorry, I still don't buy the face lift story. I still see two different people, more than what a face lift can cause.
Definitely a body double. Why? Not sure yet, I'll wait and see how things play out more.
Yeah, I still don't buy the plastic surgery story.
I don't think it's the same guy.
I agree. Different guy. Watch the BOYS FROM BRAZIL movie... creepy.
he is clearly not the same guy. voice is totally different as well the way he carries himself
Yeah i think the body double went to shit on them faster than they had hoped or planned for. They didnt need much more time out of him.
Didn’t his eyes turn brown for a while??
I mean he also is most likely having regular strokes and undergoing unheard of medical treatments. I wouldn't be surprised if he had eye tone shifts, though I cannot confirm whether or not they actually went brown. Lighting is a weird thing.
TBF, if the friend wasn't seeking for answers he would have just brushed the ear picture off and he would have never asked about "what does Q say about this", therefore it's up to the original guy to say "oh that's not real..but.. look at this though.."
Respectfully, it's not necessarily about that. It's about opening their minds to the possibilities that what they see isn't reality. That's what we're up against and if they can begin to question on their own what they see in the media then that's half the battle. I think people get into this black and white world where it's all in or out but that's not reality. I believe when patriot Mike pillow man says the vaccine is the mark of the beast, it's not about that, it's about shocking people with something that may sound ridiculous but what you are doing is planting a seed that it opens their minds too. Those who listened to Zig Ziglar know what I am talking about.
If superficial things are helping people its a step in the right direction.
Not when its so easily explained. It hurts the cause in the long term.
I woulda studied the picture and said that looks awful ear’y to me... this is why I didn’t become a Dr. Obviously.
Thanks fren haha
Simplest explanation is that he's a vain old perv with a bad facelift.
Occams razor....
The simplest explanation is never the right one with these deceptive Luciferian sickos. They create the most tangled of webs, so that describing reality makes you sound like the crazy person.
Occam's Razor is a Communist creation. They dont want you to think critically and want you to accept the laziest answer.
Finally someone gets it. Also when people are covering up crimes they intentionally abuse our dumbass tendency to embrace this utterly absurd logical disaster.
No, it is actually a very effective maxim of Intel work. It doesn't produce finished Intel it gets you started. In fact once started it all get much more complex once the data arrives. You can't use it to guess though and people do.
Facelift within the last two years, yet still has prominent nasolabial folds? Yeah okay.
Another idea: Biden’s Billion Dollar bet on Racine, Wisconsin
Biden’s “highly unusual move” to back a Billion Dollar Referendum in Racine, Wisconsin for experimental community health, education and policing models
Hunter Biden’s back tattoo (Finger Lakes) and the connections between Finger Lakes / Cornell University and Racine, Wisconsin such as the Mason Lab, Sphinx Head Society, FLDS (Second Great Awakening), Unitarianism, Underground Railroad and human trafficking
Hunter Biden’s Lake Michigan home where the sone of Frank Lloyd Wright and Supreme Court Justice John Roberts also lives
Anna Makanju who was the key advisor on Biden’s Ukraine deals, the key election and censorship advisor at Facebook (listen to Phill Kline and the Amistad Project discuss the flow of Zuckerberg’s money to Racine), and a key organizer for Soros with Clinton and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin
Expose the “root” and model for the real Agenda.
I see what you did there.
Racine is a devils pit.
Bauer is also the Rothschilds' original name.
My lady friends say the ear thing is a real cosmetic surgery. Apparently there was a kardashian episode about it. I found the best way to redpill anyone is instead of lecturing and spitting facts. I ask questions wanting to know more and make them explain themselves (trial lawyer style)
Anyone got a link from this board to some of those images comparing past Biden to present with the earlobes other face structural differences?
Thank you so much. I think I remember a few others that should a little more, but this is a good start.
Some claim Bidan had a facelift (and new ear cartilage!) within the last 2 years.
If so, where in that timeline, within the last two years, did Bidan get a facelift? This surgery takes a month to heal. We would've seen progressive changes. We have not.
Wow, it's one thing to Q-pill a MAGA, but to take a Biden voter straight through Trump and headfirst into Qproofs?? Goddamn that guy musta pulled some serious G-force son lol
Why does an old geezer need a face lift...?
That’s exactly why they get them, lol. When people get old their skin sags.
Sadly appearance is important for politicians because normies won't vote for someone unless they look presentable. Trump at 74 still takes great care of his hair and tan, and looks great.
Whether thats a good starting point or not, people are asking questions. And thats HUGE!
Msm and these false narratives only survive on people not asking questions. Just accepting what they are told as truth. If that changes they are all in trouble.
Asking questions eventually leads to finding the truth.
This is not the best way to redpill someone.
Biden has had a facelift. There is a scar from an incision in front of his ears.
No. Do not tell someone this it’s ignorant! When you get plastic surgery they end up messing with your ears.
Where in your timeline, within the last two years, did Bidan get a facelift? This surgery takes a month to heal. We would've seen progressive changes. We have not.
Theres a lot of better red pills than that! We dont even know if theres anything to that
No red pill, just extreme vanity and poor self image.
Of all the things that wake him up?
Don't forget that probably a helluva a lot more than 75 mil voted for Trump. Also that Joe and Kamallah were barely breaking 20% in their own primary until at the last second Joe had a HUGE surge and won the whole primary after Bernie was running away with it for months...sound familiar? It would be kinda like Jeb, Kasich, or Romney winning the RNC primary in 2016.
Point is, a lot of people, not just us, aren't thrilled about Biden as "president"
I like the way his friend moves seamlessly into the belief zone.
When this happens to us...and it will. Ask God for strength not to say I told you so.
Remember, you are one in the eternal “Band of Anons”.
We battle with grace and dignity because we are children of God.
If they replaced Biden, I'm pretty sure they would have picked someone who hadn't lost their mind lol