Who else is tired watching the left lying over and over again?
? These people are stupid!
This shitt show is not even worth eating popcorn with.
Fuck those demons!
All they know how to do is lie. I am beginning to think that they BELIEVE their lies.
I have no doubt many of them do believe the lies.
I think the smugness prevents them from believing anything else.
Arrogance backed by ignorance and fueled by hubris is why this is a shitshow kangaroo court...
Yeah, just like my ex-wife, they believe their lies.
Most do. Which is why Huberis is an ally.
Even when they are arrested and charged, evidence presented, and they are convicted, they will still not understand anything other than you just violated their rights.
Like trying to stand against hundreds of saruman + wormtails running around.
Unpleasant to say the least.
They are paid well.
You'll be surprised to know that there was an actual university backed study on this entitled, "Sharing Knowledge and “Microbubbles”: Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism"
Source: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2056305120926639
Essentially, all left wing media, personalities, bloggers, websites, celebrities, athletes, professors, etc. are involved in consuming and regurgitating their own refuse and hot excrement to the point where they assume "Twitter World" is the real world (no surprise).
Graph: https://i.maga.host/LRgm8R8.png
Adolf Hitler said "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." I think this is their motto only now that so many of us are awakening, we see their lies so clearly.
This is really semantics, but wasn't it Goebbels? Either way....
Yeah, was trying to be diplomatic. Thanks for the emphasis.
listening to them makes one want to puke.. .not eat anything!
It raises my blood pressure.
Yeah, that's why I wait for updates here. I can't deal with their bullshit!
Same for me.
I agree. Just looking at the left makes my blood boil.
It’s such a sham.
You’ve got all these congressmen on both sides just spouting out bullshit that their team told them to say.
Just bring in Trump’s lawyers with all of the evidence
We really need the normies to start seeing through it and start acting on what they learn.
I have zero confidence the normie will ever wake up, or if they do, they likely won’t take action. They’re normies for a reason. Which is usually a combination of laziness and selfishness
Let's face it. Most "normies" are too busy working at a job, raising their family, and trying to "stay in their lane". I believe those who are awake now are it. The rest are going to go along to get along.
Until the media set the record straight they wont wake up. Too lazy, they think they do their homework by switching on MSM. I do think tho that if they were served with the reality they will turn on the left very quickly. They will act according to what their latest download is. Lazy bastards a lot of them really, bread and circuses.
We need the MSM to tell the TRUTH for once. That would indeed, wake up the masses.
Well, you can forget that ever happening.
That's a good point.
I turned the volume down on the tv. It's playing as background (I usually have OAN on all of the time). You're right, lie after lie. Just remember no matter how often a lie is repeated, it's still a lie. These people are either stupid or just putting on a show. I mean, all of their lies can easily be proven to be just that, lies. Surely they know this. I cannot wait for the president's team to get up there and begin truth bombing. And yeah, don't waste good popcorn on these demons. :D
Never underestimate their lies, Hitler was able to literally turn neighbor against neighbor where Jews weren't even able to walk down the street and how it was widely accepted to load them onto trains. The Great Awakening.
The Maskers are doing something similar.
Democrats are the worst people. They are racist. They are hypocrites. They are sexist. They are violent. They teach their kids to be bullies. They are completely disrespectful. They hate the country. They are lazy and just want handouts. They are college educated yet can't figure out how to pay their loans. They are terrible, terrible people.
I cannot watch it - especially when Swalwell is reeeeeing on and on - I'll wait for the highlights tonight
I’m tired of them winning that’s what I’m tired of
SMH for all politicians these days. Tried of both the left AND "Right"no's all lying.
There are only 2 political parties in the US. The Elite and the Sheep.
It’s not ‘left’ vs ‘right’ when it comes to globalists. They all one big demonic family.
True this. When Swallowell says he called his wife to tell her he loves her and to tell the kids that he loves them my first thought was "Did you call Fang Fang too or was she with your wife?"
I can't watch it. I fantasize about getting to call their lies and hypocrisy out to their faces, but most likely fantasize about challenging them to hand to face combat.
LOL your fantasies are nice ones...mine involve a bit more....blood shed....LOL
where am I sending bags of salt when they don’t impeach him?
Seems like they are just re-telling the events. I haven’t heard anything (except some out of context BS)about how TRUMP incited any of it
You know I was thinking the same thing - its everywhere. I turn my PC onto the net and the Microsoft news page comes up with loads of crap. Every day without fail. I leave it there as a daily reminder and update that I am not on that side.
What gets me the very most is that these demons are able to speak and be heard. We all have to listen to it. We are all meant to think their way. How is it that they are allowed to influence and spread their evil and we are silenced or ridiculed.
I know we must wait and allow them to dig themselves in deep, I know that. I believe in the plan. Its just the airtime they get, the media hanging on their every word. I think it is the constant ridicule and hate directed toward one wonderful man and then us. When will the people who are allowed to be heard be able to set the record straight? I just want one wonderful thing to happen. One glorious message to be spread far and wide.
There are only so many lies I can take at the moment.
I simply can't stomach watching any of it. The Dems are nothing more than spin doctors lying to anyone who will listen. I don't need this in my life right now. I'll follow the summary anons post who watched it.
Not tired of them lying (that is who they are, that is what they do). I am tired of them lying and getting away with it.
It’s so sick. I stopped letting it anger me, it’s not worth the frustration. I know what’s right, their bullshit doesn’t change that.
I have Q, Trump, and lying media and congress fatigue of a terrible level. I was working on my computer yesterday at a Denny’s with CNN playing the impeachment proceedings above my head and I was astounded at the fabrication of events being portrayed by Raskin. All they do is lie, lie, and lie some more.
All I want right now is to be notified when scumbags are exposed and perpwalked, or when it is time for the civil fucking war. I’m tired, and tired of all this bullshit. Let’s get on with it already. Until then, I just started watching the first season on House on Prime. Hopefully by the time 8 seasons are complete we will know something.....anything.
As usual, twisting the narrative...like we haven't seen what they have been doing for 4 years.
Trump... Derangement... Syndrome
Been watching both sides lie for over 30 years. You get used to it.
Its like the tale of the boy who cried "Wolf", however in our case the boy is flock of seagulls that are constantly parroting off of each other. At this point I just automatically assume the opposite is true.
How they "run" anything is beyond me just talking they sound (no offense to mentally handicapped people) retarded.
I'm so sick of it. I don't even waste my time looking at their crap.
Tune out. They dont matter.
So that’s how it works in Cali? You get to fuck Chinese spies in the open and still get to be the voice of virtue and justice? I know it’s stupid to act surprised, but c’mon man. This is literally a satire, cartoon convention joke. It is difficult to mentally ‘frame’ this level of WIDE OPEN hypocrisy....
It's all they do. Which is why I don't watch.
Rip the bandage off already. I want to put all of this behind me and have President Trump back in the White House.
It's exhausting. And the media puts on "special commentators" who agree with what the Dems say.