It’s obvious this was created as satire. It’s a bunch of short clips meshed together, with some clips being repeated, such as Jill looking at Biden. The moments where Biden isn’t saying anything are probably when Jill is speaking. The sounds are obviously dubbed in.
The original footage is from this interview from People Magazine. You can see where they took mini-clips from this interview to create this satire video.
They are trying to pass this corpse off as the leader of the free world. Jesus this has to be some kind of social test of the American public and how much bullshit we can tolerate.
I am not obligated to call FauxJoe by any other name...even though I suspect he is acting out a role. I also make no claim to the video as to its time/location/intent.
Even if it's a mashed up clip, each frame is still real. The inconsistencies in facial features, the odd skin texture it's all real whether you watch the original or the satire
This Biden has the dangling earlobe, this might be the real Biden. The new Bidan has a attached earlobe. This Biden looks like he is consumed with dread. He also looks like he might be sitting in the Castle Rock Oval Office. You have to realize, if we are watching a movie, the full script was written many years ago. They could have prerecorded messages like this years ago only to be released in the future for special events like the super bowl. We are watching a mix of old Biden footage and new Bidan footage. Remember, when POTUS took office he had enough evidence to hang everyone from the previous administrations. Its my opinion that all the traitors were arrested, given military tribunals and executed soon after POTUS took office. What we are watching today is the movie play out that turns public support against the bad actors and gives context why the military had to get involved. Once the election fraud goes mainstream, Bidan will be removed from office. Then we could see a military tribunal that prosecutes him for election fraud (that was taped years ago) instead of the real tribunal where he was charged with treason against the country. The cabal was given ultimatums, play our game and we will give you something in return. Biden's concession could have been to be prosecuted for election fraud instead of treason and crimes against humanity(pedo stuff).
It's super interesting that her body language is leaning away from him.
It looks like she has mild disdain for him -[on camera...which prob means she hates him off cam]
its from super bowl but yeah it is sb spot the fire was lit and you can see it better
EDIT: sorry my bad - it is NOT from SB - different clothes -- i dont know what this is..strange indeed
So, perhaps they were waiting for their time to 'go on air'? At one point Jill does this little reactionary jerk with her hand...I think there is conversation going on we don't hear.
Annnd... its gone. Please remember to archive items like this. Twitter will memory hole them quickly. It would be great to share the files amongst this community to provide replication/backup in the event these 'events' end up having more meaning in the future.
It’s obvious this was created as satire. It’s a bunch of short clips meshed together, with some clips being repeated, such as Jill looking at Biden. The moments where Biden isn’t saying anything are probably when Jill is speaking. The sounds are obviously dubbed in.
Sad that most here didn’t realize this.
Also, there’s no Biden clone. He had a facelift.
The original footage is from this interview from People Magazine. You can see where they took mini-clips from this interview to create this satire video.
Face lift can't change ears.
He's completely out of it. I highly doubt he even recognizes his own bodily functions.
They are trying to pass this corpse off as the leader of the free world. Jesus this has to be some kind of social test of the American public and how much bullshit we can tolerate.
I'm of the opinion that all these crazy videos we see are "leaked" out on purpose. Part of the "movie"
I am not obligated to call FauxJoe by any other name...even though I suspect he is acting out a role. I also make no claim to the video as to its time/location/intent.
Looks like Jeb at HW's ceremonial entry in Hell ( funeral ).
It's gone :(
Thank you
The Left is totally totalitarian.
Anybody paying attention long knew this... but it was never quite undeniable, as it is now.
Elder abuse.
His face is looking way too smooth to be as old as he is. Doesn't even look real.. ?
Even if it's a mashed up clip, each frame is still real. The inconsistencies in facial features, the odd skin texture it's all real whether you watch the original or the satire
And that's why twitter took it down
yeah... and this guy "won" the election.... me thinks not!
This Biden has the dangling earlobe, this might be the real Biden. The new Bidan has a attached earlobe. This Biden looks like he is consumed with dread. He also looks like he might be sitting in the Castle Rock Oval Office. You have to realize, if we are watching a movie, the full script was written many years ago. They could have prerecorded messages like this years ago only to be released in the future for special events like the super bowl. We are watching a mix of old Biden footage and new Bidan footage. Remember, when POTUS took office he had enough evidence to hang everyone from the previous administrations. Its my opinion that all the traitors were arrested, given military tribunals and executed soon after POTUS took office. What we are watching today is the movie play out that turns public support against the bad actors and gives context why the military had to get involved. Once the election fraud goes mainstream, Bidan will be removed from office. Then we could see a military tribunal that prosecutes him for election fraud (that was taped years ago) instead of the real tribunal where he was charged with treason against the country. The cabal was given ultimatums, play our game and we will give you something in return. Biden's concession could have been to be prosecuted for election fraud instead of treason and crimes against humanity(pedo stuff).
He was told about Hunter
It's super interesting that her body language is leaning away from him. It looks like she has mild disdain for him -[on camera...which prob means she hates him off cam]
The only possible reason they would let this leak out is staging to get rid of him and import Kama-lala. Cammuchi model. His time is almost up.
This can be attributed to b-roll footage.
its from super bowl but yeah it is sb spot the fire was lit and you can see it better EDIT: sorry my bad - it is NOT from SB - different clothes -- i dont know what this is..strange indeed
So, perhaps they were waiting for their time to 'go on air'? At one point Jill does this little reactionary jerk with her hand...I think there is conversation going on we don't hear.
yo they deleted it off twitter, got a mirror?
Well, I'm glad I didn't watch the Super Bowl, then.
Because it looks weird, and boring, and Satanic.
try this link:
Thats elder abuse and they all need have that added to charges
It’s been deleted this one is still working
Found it again!! Look won't last long.
There is no context, this could be Biden dumping in his Depends while waiting for an interview.
Maybe....just saying there is no way to know this is after hearing of the acquittal.....unless I didn’t see that part.
Nope. Bidan is not Biden. Deliberate.
Ok....I don’t get apologies.
Many of us believe that this a double or a masked actor. Hence the deliberate misspelling.
Such odd people
Incredible ?
I don't even know what to say ........ I WANT MY PRESIDENT TRUMP RIGHT NOW !!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Dazed and confused old man. I've seen it in nursing homes; it's the beginning of the end for the mind.
Annnd... its gone. Please remember to archive items like this. Twitter will memory hole them quickly. It would be great to share the files amongst this community to provide replication/backup in the event these 'events' end up having more meaning in the future.
at least they've got his nose on straight and he's not hocking into his left hand.
Taken down. Have another link?
Says page doesn’t exist.
try here...
What the hell?
Can you get that to alt media twitter is blocking it and everyone needs to see that