The arguments for other vaccines (i.e. to protect infants who are too young for their shots) dont work here as the mortality rate for infants is nonexistent.
If you want a vaccine nobody is stopping you, itll probably be a good thing that you go sterile. But forcing other people to get one is none of your business.
You think that a race to get the vaccine out asap was to save the people, and not to get the purchase orders from countries around the world first? You naive child
Just needed to vent at the hypocrisy of the left.
If Big Pharma actually gave a shit about people. They wouldn’t work so hard to bury news of cures. Or of promising safer alternative treatments.
they don't.
Um yes they do they literally assassinate people who speak out against them
They don't give a shit about saving people.
It was pretty easy to see the context, since it was right above his post
What these authoritarians dont tell you is "My body my choice, your body is also my choice"
And the same liberals who only eat non-GMO organic foods also support Bill Gates’s synthetic beef.
Wait... what? Gates has a massive amount of stock in GMO companies. Why would liberals be willing to eat his death meat but not his death plants?
You’re asking the wrong person, my friend! It’s for the same hypocritical reason they say “my body, my choice” but demand that other people take the vaccine. Doesn’t make any sense does it?
All COVID19 data is fraudulent PERIOD!
This is not only really eye opening, but very understandable by even non-scientific people. Should be a separate post of its own, and highly recommend everyone at least skim through it once.
you will need this if ur gonna go argue that subject
There was a good meme about this. Basically, if you say to them "my body my choice" just to spite them (lol) they will usually say something like "it's not just your body involved" to which you reply "you don't say, now do that for abortion" and watch them mentally flip-flop and sputter over their words until they call you a woman-hater and science denier, then you know you've won the argument.
We have to nip this in the bud right now, especially within this community. The problem with this vaccine and forcing it upon people isn't that it's "rushed". The problem is that no one can force anything on you or in you. The problem with the gene editing tech they are pushing isn't that it's unsafe, it's that the government can't force me to do it for any reason what so ever. Stop moving the line in the sand by saying you won't do it because it hasn't been thoroughly tested. Say you won't do it because you don't want to.. thats the only reason you'd ever need. When the propaganda rolls out and normies try to throw studies at you trying to prove to you that it's safe, you don't have to change your stance.
How many of you know that vaccines aren't worth the Charmin extra soft you wipe your ass with? It's all a bunch of bullshit to calcify and placate you while making you sicker. They have been doing it for centuries. Black death caused by flea carrying rats, right? Yeah, nothing to do with a certain tribe poisoning wells. The disappearance of many old world diseases has nothing to do with modern sanitation cough.
^^100% this!! "No" is a perfectly acceptable answer. Let's stop moving the goalposts.
Lin Wood is 100%, you just need to laugh.
Tell them either is it my body my choice or not? And if gov is wrong on climate change and not following experts... why are they right on vaccine and following experts all of a sudden . Does it make sense?
Normies buf everytime. You ll get muhhh science. And you re like gov.following science or not? Are they following financial interests on climate and not on vaccines?
Final buG then.anger.
"itll probably be a good thing that you go sterile."
Yes, yes it would BE EXCELLENT that they get this vaccine. A good cleansing of the gene pool is needed, too.
but that isnt in the deep state's favour - they'd be left with the progeny of patriots who hate them. Surely they would want braindead sheep slaves to reproduce and US to go sterile?
Well they say "my body my choice" in total disregard of their child's body they believe they have the right to dispose of. The phrase itself is already riddled with double think.
It only took Buydems guy two hours... on Jan 25!!! Tis a new year miracle, I mean they do it ask the time. Trust us they say...
Pdf of more articles
doesnt make sense surely they want to preserve the sheep and have idiots reproduce than patriots who hate them and think for themselves?