Who knows, but considering that he isn't at least open to some of the Q theories out there is telling. I used to enjoy his podcasts, but it's put me off from them lately. It seems only anons here can see the obvious malice that these so called governors were intent on perpetrating.
They didn't lower the overall death count. They lied about the number of deaths they caused by forcing nursing homes to accept actively infected COVID patients. If a nursing home resident got COVID and was then sent to a hospital for treatment and died there, they were excluded from the total number of people who died as a result of getting COVID while in the nursing home.
I'm sure if he did say its because it would be political suicide to suggest something like that so openly. Behind closed doors I'm sure he calls the gov a murderer.. in fact I'm pretty sure I've seen him on his show call her and cumuo murderers.
The fact is, ALL these ‘cRAT governors did the exact OPPOSITE of what a true leader is supposed to do in times such as these. None of their decisions were in the best interest of their constituents, whether parents of children who lost a year of education, or independent business owners losing their livelihoods.
EVERYTHING was a political calculus designed to inflict maximum political damage on the presidency and re-election prospects of Donald J. Trump.
Think how desperately depraved and power hungry you’d have to be, to do that to your fellow Americans over a political election.
Remember that 22 year old black dude who was filmed punching an elderly white man in a nursing home, who later died of his injuries? The 22 year old was in the nursing home because he had Chinavirus.
That rotten fucking cunt Whitmer sent him there. Now why would you send young sick people into a nursing home unless you wanted to spread the Wuhan Flu? I can't think of a single reason.
On the subject of Crowder, I find him more annoying than funny. Maybe I’m over laughing at this mess we’re in. Some people may handle it better with comedy, but this shit is not a laughing matter.
If I had a platform so large, I would be organizing Patriots for maskless entries and town halls.
Obviously he has worked very hard to amass his following, and he can and will do whatever it is he wants.
Wish I could sign it for you, but I'm in Ohio - been praying for you hard though. I loved CA when I visited years ago, and I sincerely hope you all are successful in bringing down that jackass. All my best to you and your movement! :)
Failed to mention Phil Murphy in NJ. He did the same. Very evil people.
Wolf in PA did the same shit as well!
Did Crowder really say something THAT stupid? I've not watched him in weeks now but WTF? That just makes him seem more like controlled opposition.
I don't watch him a lot, he was probably being sarcastic. I mean he did hold a rally to try and get witmer recalled a few month back.
If Crowder flipped on that then I'll never watch him again, because he knew about the real reason they put the elderly in nursing homes before.
He didn't flip. Hr just got it wrong is all. He guesses like most are.
Who knows, but considering that he isn't at least open to some of the Q theories out there is telling. I used to enjoy his podcasts, but it's put me off from them lately. It seems only anons here can see the obvious malice that these so called governors were intent on perpetrating.
They didn't lower the overall death count. They lied about the number of deaths they caused by forcing nursing homes to accept actively infected COVID patients. If a nursing home resident got COVID and was then sent to a hospital for treatment and died there, they were excluded from the total number of people who died as a result of getting COVID while in the nursing home.
I'm sure if he did say its because it would be political suicide to suggest something like that so openly. Behind closed doors I'm sure he calls the gov a murderer.. in fact I'm pretty sure I've seen him on his show call her and cumuo murderers.
50% of the signatures were NOT thrown out. Maybe more like 18% last I read.
Good thing is they keep collecting signatures.
If Cali recalled Gray Davis, Newscum should be easy...
The fact is, ALL these ‘cRAT governors did the exact OPPOSITE of what a true leader is supposed to do in times such as these. None of their decisions were in the best interest of their constituents, whether parents of children who lost a year of education, or independent business owners losing their livelihoods.
EVERYTHING was a political calculus designed to inflict maximum political damage on the presidency and re-election prospects of Donald J. Trump.
Think how desperately depraved and power hungry you’d have to be, to do that to your fellow Americans over a political election.
I hope it comes out that this was done on purpose
Remember that 22 year old black dude who was filmed punching an elderly white man in a nursing home, who later died of his injuries? The 22 year old was in the nursing home because he had Chinavirus.
That rotten fucking cunt Whitmer sent him there. Now why would you send young sick people into a nursing home unless you wanted to spread the Wuhan Flu? I can't think of a single reason.
Whitmer is stain on humanity.
"Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime" - Jiao Xiden
Pop Corn was a Bad Food
I can't believe Crowder is that big of an idiot.
No ?!
On the subject of Crowder, I find him more annoying than funny. Maybe I’m over laughing at this mess we’re in. Some people may handle it better with comedy, but this shit is not a laughing matter.
If I had a platform so large, I would be organizing Patriots for maskless entries and town halls.
Obviously he has worked very hard to amass his following, and he can and will do whatever it is he wants.
Bring it - all the way home, so we can do this in the other STATES who did this.
Recall ain't NEARLY enough for murderers.
It is a much needed event to give way for the best that is yet to come!
Wish I could sign it for you, but I'm in Ohio - been praying for you hard though. I loved CA when I visited years ago, and I sincerely hope you all are successful in bringing down that jackass. All my best to you and your movement! :)
So true rejection is still 15 percent? How are you getting that many???
Lies, as Twain said, get halfway around the world before Truth has a chance to put its pants on.
But once the Truth does, it marches.
It marches on...