You guys need to stop the BS about clones. Even though they can clone you cannot clone an adult. If it was a clone they would start as babies and grow up so fucking stop now.
I dont know if its a double or a dude in a mask. But it sure as shit AIN’T the real Buyden.
Plastic surgery doesn't change bone structure, or the shape of earlobes or the location of ears relative to the skull.
And if you can order a clone of your dog right now online, you don't think they’ve got the tech to clone humans? C’mon, man! Any “cutting edge” tech in the private sector is 15-20 years old in the mil. At least.
His ears are exactly the same, The ear lobes are attached now. That is something common with a facelift. Show me one single picture of his ears looking different in any way other than the ear lobes being attached. Stop deluding yourself.
So Biden's Forehead just stretched about 2 Cm...And MZ head was squeezed in between a vice and looks like he's about to die....Yeah, that's normal ageing...
The comparison pictures people are posting are ridiculous. How many years apart are they? 10+? Go look at Biden from 2016. It is the SAME person. He has all the identical traits he has now. The mark on his chin. A bit less plastic surgery but it is the same guy.
I understand why people want to believe its some dude in a mask or an actor. It would be a great storybook ending but think logically here.
Firstly...Don't be so naive to think you or any of us know what technology, medical/scientific advancements have been made and kept from us for how long...!? And drop the condescending attitude.
Secondly, those options were put in the headline because people believe in different scenarios...
Stray please elaborate and explain your apparent vast and overwhelming knowledge on this subject.
I mean it’s not like they’ve been talking about cloning since 1996. There’s been absolutely no high tech conventions talking about copying your memories and feelings and inserting it into new human bodies. Naaah not of that has ever happened.
When you see technology that’s available to the public it’s DINOSAUR old.
I completely agree; there is no way in hell this is natural aging and I seriously doubt plastic surgery. The scariest one for me is Zuckerberg.....he looks like a fucking robot for sure.
I agree. And before u get piled on about clones - They finally publicly admitted they cloned dolly the sheep in '96. That prolly means they were cloning 20+ years before that. My guess is they surely have human capability by now possibly even a way to advance the process.
No matter how paranoid u are, what they are actually doing is far more than anyone can possibly imagine.
I am more onboard with the white hat mask theory at this point. With masks and/or a little CGI alone anything is enough to fool the masses and even our scrutiny.
Don't be a dick. Everyone knows that eye color lightens as you age. Also, as eyesight fails (presbyopia), it's not generally treated with contacts. And certainly never colored contacts. So take your condescending ass back to Reddit.
I agree. And before u get piled on about clones - They finally publicly admitted they cloned dolly the sheep in '96. That prolly means they were cloning 20+ years before that. My guess is they surely have human capability by now possibly even a way to advance the process.
No matter how paranoid u are, what they are actually doing is far more than anyone can possibly imagine.
I am more onboard with the white hat mask theory at this point. With masks and/or a little CGI alone anything is enough to fool the masses and even our scrutiny.
plastic surgeons and dental specialists can change just about anything. Mouthfuls of new implants and veneers, shorten earlobes, you name it. With the money these people have, they just go pick a specialist to give them what they want.
Continuing to make remarks about body doubles and not acknowledging cosmetic surgeries and normal aging, just makes us look like a bunch of dumb shits.
Lets put pictures of two a peiple side by side, 10 years apart with different lighting and camera setups, post face-lift and plastic surgery. Why do they not look the same?! /s
Yeah, Ok...
I Don't understand what "people" like you want here...? If I come across Any post that I think is BS or far fetched or whatever...I Scroll past...I don't stop to give a condescending comment. Get a life.
You guys need to stop the BS about clones. Even though they can clone you cannot clone an adult. If it was a clone they would start as babies and grow up so fucking stop now.
This is getting ridiculous. People age. How many years apart are some of these pictures? 10+
Soon the "Joe Biden is some dude wearing a Joe Biden mask" crowd will swarm in to bash me I am sure.
I dont know if its a double or a dude in a mask. But it sure as shit AIN’T the real Buyden.
Plastic surgery doesn't change bone structure, or the shape of earlobes or the location of ears relative to the skull.
And if you can order a clone of your dog right now online, you don't think they’ve got the tech to clone humans? C’mon, man! Any “cutting edge” tech in the private sector is 15-20 years old in the mil. At least.
His ears are exactly the same, The ear lobes are attached now. That is something common with a facelift. Show me one single picture of his ears looking different in any way other than the ear lobes being attached. Stop deluding yourself.
His whole bone structure is different. More delicate.
We can agree to disagree for now. We will all learn the truth soon enough, I hope!
Pixie ear, face-lift side-effect of poor job done.
Sorry. Not buying it. DIfferent bone structure. DIfferent shape face.
So Biden's Forehead just stretched about 2 Cm...And MZ head was squeezed in between a vice and looks like he's about to die....Yeah, that's normal ageing...
The comparison pictures people are posting are ridiculous. How many years apart are they? 10+? Go look at Biden from 2016. It is the SAME person. He has all the identical traits he has now. The mark on his chin. A bit less plastic surgery but it is the same guy.
I understand why people want to believe its some dude in a mask or an actor. It would be a great storybook ending but think logically here.
Actually you can if you have the correct genetic information, it would work. But the clone would be completely identical. So yeah, it is a joke.
Firstly...Don't be so naive to think you or any of us know what technology, medical/scientific advancements have been made and kept from us for how long...!? And drop the condescending attitude. Secondly, those options were put in the headline because people believe in different scenarios...
Stray please elaborate and explain your apparent vast and overwhelming knowledge on this subject.
I mean it’s not like they’ve been talking about cloning since 1996. There’s been absolutely no high tech conventions talking about copying your memories and feelings and inserting it into new human bodies. Naaah not of that has ever happened.
When you see technology that’s available to the public it’s DINOSAUR old.
Another Condescending know it all comment...We, the public know Jack shit what's out there...
I completely agree; there is no way in hell this is natural aging and I seriously doubt plastic surgery. The scariest one for me is Zuckerberg.....he looks like a fucking robot for sure.
He looks like his soul left his body. Before, there was a spark. He looks devoid of all emotion now.
I hope he reads this board. Weirdo.
I agree. And before u get piled on about clones - They finally publicly admitted they cloned dolly the sheep in '96. That prolly means they were cloning 20+ years before that. My guess is they surely have human capability by now possibly even a way to advance the process.
No matter how paranoid u are, what they are actually doing is far more than anyone can possibly imagine.
I am more onboard with the white hat mask theory at this point. With masks and/or a little CGI alone anything is enough to fool the masses and even our scrutiny.
Exactly right...Ty
Nah, if he hasn't heard about it its not real man.
Why have Biden’s eyes changed from blue to brown/black?
Like his soul?
My eyes change from green to blue to hazel.
It’s common for dementia patients eye’s to change colors
The only citations I can find discuss different ways that eyes lighten with age, or disease, never darken.
Don't be a dick. Everyone knows that eye color lightens as you age. Also, as eyesight fails (presbyopia), it's not generally treated with contacts. And certainly never colored contacts. So take your condescending ass back to Reddit.
That’s so not Hunter in the left hand picture, either. Makeup can’t account for that, they’re two different men for sure.
The Bidens are a bit off perhaps, but all the rest are close enough or attributable to aging looks like.
I agree. And before u get piled on about clones - They finally publicly admitted they cloned dolly the sheep in '96. That prolly means they were cloning 20+ years before that. My guess is they surely have human capability by now possibly even a way to advance the process.
No matter how paranoid u are, what they are actually doing is far more than anyone can possibly imagine.
I am more onboard with the white hat mask theory at this point. With masks and/or a little CGI alone anything is enough to fool the masses and even our scrutiny.
Gates and his wife especially are clearly different.
Its called a face lift. Botched or otherwise. Who knows, maybe adrenachrome has some weird side-effect of causing facial malformations.
To make yourself age and look like a corpse...Yeah OK...What's the point...? Why do it...?
plastic surgeons and dental specialists can change just about anything. Mouthfuls of new implants and veneers, shorten earlobes, you name it. With the money these people have, they just go pick a specialist to give them what they want. Continuing to make remarks about body doubles and not acknowledging cosmetic surgeries and normal aging, just makes us look like a bunch of dumb shits.
Zuckerberg looks like a kid in the paintings on Podesta's wall
Lets put pictures of two a peiple side by side, 10 years apart with different lighting and camera setups, post face-lift and plastic surgery. Why do they not look the same?! /s
The hunter on the left w/all the makeup looks like he just came from a stage play about dracula
OP too dopey to realize his tax money funding plastic surgery. There’s no clones or doubles.
Yeah ok.... dumbass
Kamala looks normal.
People disliking the dissent are the true retards.
Yeah, Ok... I Don't understand what "people" like you want here...? If I come across Any post that I think is BS or far fetched or whatever...I Scroll past...I don't stop to give a condescending comment. Get a life.
It’s because irrational theories about clones and what not make the whole movement look deranged