Agreed. Hell, I think we’ve even ran out of dates to datefag about. Does anyone have a new date to look forward too? I enjoy having something to anticipate, even with the disappointment. It’s like playing Alabama, you know it’s all most certain not end well but you look forward to the game any way.
We are uniting the people. We may not notice it, but people are slowly wising up to the current situation and when we reach critical mass, that's when the silence will be broken.
That and beyond. We will be in an age and time where our consciousness is raised as a collective.
We will be in a time where technology, that is so far ahead of what we have now and beyond what we can think, will transform the world.
We will be in an age where there is no sickness, no debt, no limitations!
There won't be any desire to commit acts of sin, evil will not exist. Think biblical, think heaven on earth.
As we move to a higher vibration in our lives we raise the vibration/frequency of the earth. Transforming it.
I believe now that this is the true meaning of "Where we go one we go all". Everything points to this.
As lovely as that would be, unfortunately, Christ has told us that the complete opposite will happen.
“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
Matthew 24:3-31
Couple of photos of Hunter in his towel leading the seven/eight year old asian girl in pink/purple lingerie into the room would be a good place as any to start
I was happy to have a what-if speculation of what could be happening but after the lack of anything on Christmas Eve, the 6th and the 20th (and every day in-between and since) I'm putting that aside and watching and waiting for actual verifiable things to occur. I agree optics could be very important. I agree that the military really only seems to be the ones who are able (aside from Divine Intervention), but I would want to see evidence of big moves on the military side inclining that will occur. The President is the commander in chief of the military. The military isn't a co-equal branch of government equal to the executive, legislative and judicial branch with over-rule powers. I'd guess that an actual illegal coup would need to take place without the help of the courts to throw out the election.
I say all this while saying I 100% trust in God and His leadership over this nation, and DO feel great things are happening to the DNA of the country. I'm just very very tired of waiting and pretty pissed off. And no spooks I'm not advocating for anything harmful.
So in CW II, one team is going to eliminate the World Bank, World Trade Organization, the Chamber of Commerce, the CCP, multinational corporations, and the mega billionaire financiers around the world?
If the sc has been so compromised that they won't even acknowledge they are the reason we are at this point to begin with then we have to acknowledge every legal avenue has been exhausted. We have the military prowess to eliminate and or neutralize every target and objective in the world simultaneously. In the end we stop the endless wars, bring home our troops and get rid of the corrupt fiat system. Stop putting a band-aid on this gunshot wound!
This was an important speech in terms of the plan.
This speech alone reminded Americans how shitty things got in ONE month, how great Americans had it before, and how the only reason it went to shit was because the election was stolen.
It is pivotal for preparing the masses to reject the election.
He also came out looking calm, i dignant at how things are but wasn't throwing punches. Very formal.
Then towards the end it became a fucking rally....AT CPAC!
A not so subtle reminder of better times.
There is not a single moment that occurred at 4:50ish since it was posted that this picture of a watch would be more relevant.
POTUS's line near the end was the best. Something along the lines of "brightest days are JUST ahead." (emphasis mine). I hope it means what I hope it means.
Here is a screenshot from the OBS recording I made (everyone who wants to record speeches / videos should check out OBS. Free, relatively easy) since I was doing yard work and don't get to watch this until my obligations for the day are met. :)
Aside: I'm super amped to watch this speech and dig into the theories with you guys once I get cleaned up and done working for the day. My wife was watching it, loudly, inside the house and as I worked I could hear it, muffled and vague, in the background. I hope it's epic!
EDIT: Just double checked my video for u/AmericaWinswithTrump ...
He starts talking WELL into 4:50pm, after God Bless the USA finishes. I'm not gonna Minutefag; I feel an almost year and a half old post by a time traveler has the right to be off by 1 minute.
I've been reading and listening to various things around the internet the past few days. Things I've found but no verification. I know there are several of you out there who dislike "GhostEzra", but I'm finding much to agree with him about. He is stating that much has been done by Trump/military during the lockdown. Says Biden is an actor/double and that Biden is dead as of 2019. Hillary was among the 1st taken out and her double/actor has been standing in as her. Both by tribunal and quietly taken care of by Barr. Says Barr is a good guy and has done a lot quietly behind the scenes as has Wray. Wray is playing his part assigned to him. The WH is indeed empty in the evening. Continues to say that things are NOT as they seem. Everything is being orchestrated by military (not Pentagon) and Trump. Many things have been pre recorded and "filmed" elsewhere. Nothing that Biden is/has signed is valid. Notice nothing has been sent to BOTH House and Senate and passed for the "president" to sign. This all has been planned since Kennedy was shot...60 years in the making. This is taking awhile because this is global. Many other "heads of state" need to be taken out first. Claims that Putin, Xi, and Trump are working together to rid each of their countries of their own "deep state". ( I agree with this). He says we will eventually be told about the crimes and the tribunals once everything has gone down. Ok, downvote all you like, just more of what we already suspect might be happening.
As much as you say "downvote all you want" I just can't. I got a gut feeling that a good portion of this is true and i trust my gut. For now I'll be lying low and trying not to stir anything up. Maybe leaving lil red tictacs for those i know and love. If the Cyberpunk genre has taught me anything it's that during hard times when the boot is on society's neck, you look out for friends and family.
And maybe, just'll find love along the way.
I got a few downvotes for mentioning GhostEzra in the live CPAC thread. He's been saying for several months now that the military would be holding new elections in March/April. With the President's speech today, it seems more and more likely. POTUS is playing it by the book imo. Whether it's through the courts, legislatures, or even a new fair election, he wants it to be done right.
The watch has 4:49 shown. He was announced at 4:47. How long did the pre-speech applause last? I was on the road listening, but was out of my vehicle and missed the first 10 minutes of the speech.
Dude, I'm so glad you said this. I also noticed this myself while watching! But man, I don't think I'd ever seen this Q post. Makes it even better, thank you!
Giving my frens the red pill has been difficult with so many false dates in the past. I’ve changed my approach to not include datefagging and it seems to be a better way to show them the Qincedences. It is happening! Signs are all around us!
That time is 4:50 on the watch. The minute hand rides slightly above the surface which gives it a perspective shift. Notice the second hand is also showing parallax.
Honestly, his speech was predictable (I'm guessing that was by design).. He could have done a whole lot more to excoriate the GOP but I think his predictable speech was part of whatever is going on. He could have really taken the entire GOP to task and said "where the fuck was the GOP when the American people's votes were getting stolen", and he would have been right to do so since the GOP remained totally silent. I'm guessing he needs to keep up the air of neutrality.
I KNOW!!!!!! Thanks for posting this! I looked for that watch yesterday and couldn’t remember the date. So glad you did!
I looked up Worth Remembering and found this which applies to our current situation:
Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.”
I’m weary too. But I also noted that this thread hasn’t mentioned the ‘G’ word. That is,God Almighty. Q often mentioned lines such as”this is BIBLICAL”. Each time I read those references I was reminded of, the parting of the Red Sea, Noah and the flood, the battle at Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den.... it’s my belief that we are waiting for a truly BIBLICAL event. And it will happen just at the right moment.
God parted the waters of the armed Sea at JUST the right moment. I bet you those people were thinking and feeling pretty much like most of us are. Worn out and waiting for a miracle.
As for me, I’m holding the line. I know a miracle will happen in God’s time. I trust, I pray, I give thanksgiving for all of my blessings. I look for each and every little bit of joy I find each day. And I reach out to family and friends continually to share a bit of sunshine with them. Almost forgot, I also put more energy into being extra kind and nice to strangers I come into contact with as I go through my day. I learned this many years ago when working with my fearful mustang mare. I learned I was most successful when I had ‘smiling eyes’. And I quickly discovered that it is excellent with people too. To me it’s what WWG1WGA is all about. It’s also what scripture is all about. Love thy neighbor as thyself. When I do what I’m supposed to do, God will do His part. It’s not really my job to even remotely entertain the thought that God Almighty can not, or will not defeat evil.
So, even when I’m weary like many, I am filled with hope and faith as I go about sharing sunshine and smiling. Sometimes I think we become a bit mixed up about hope. I’m a retired registered nurse so I know quite a lot about about this subject. I’ve come to learn that hope is not a passive word but an active one. It seems to me that one who waits around waiting for hope has a hard time finding it (passive). But one who goes about with purpose to be kind to others, thoughtful and caring are the ones who find hope.
I had read an article by Liz Crokin about Donald Trump where she shared so many of the wonderful things he has done for others. Our wonderful President Trump is the best example of what I’m trying to share here. I believe that he makes his own sunshine every day and people actually can feel that energy. WEG1WGA. God bless. I for one am awaiting an amazing revival and great blessings globally.
Started a lot of things like more division a lot of people just jumped ship that’s no bueno and what are those people doing right now arguing amongst each other advancing that divide even further something dosent happen soon and 2020 isn’t fixed this country and our elections are captured
He mentions “wheat” several times in his speech... spiritual meaning.... The signification of wheat is love and charity, - to be explained in what follows; hence wheat-harvest is an advancing state of love and charity. The means of the conjunction of the external man with the internal have been described under the representation of the four sons of Jacob by the handmaids; and the subject now treated of is the conjunction of good and truth by means of the rest of the sons; and therefore the dudaim are first spoken of, by which this conjunction or conjugial relation is signified. The reason why a wheat-harvest signifies an advancing state of love and charity, is that a field signifies the church, and thus the things of the church; and the seeds sown in the field signify the things of good and truth; and the plants born from them, such as wheat, barley, and other grains, signify the things of love and charity, and also of FAITH. The states of the church in regard to these things are therefore compared to seedtime and harvest, and are so called, as in (Genesis 8:22) (AC 932).
You know what pissed me off?
"I might just have to beat them a third time"
You haven't beaten them once until they are all removed from power and put in front of a firing squad on live TV
I sincerely hope something is truly happening, because otherwise I'm really just ready for a Civil War. Sick of this shit.
Same. I am sick to death of holding this invisible line as we are repeatedly told we have representation in DC.
Yeah? Where the fuck is it, then? We want the 2020 election corrected and could give zero fucks about 2022 or 2024 until that's done.
Agreed. Hell, I think we’ve even ran out of dates to datefag about. Does anyone have a new date to look forward too? I enjoy having something to anticipate, even with the disappointment. It’s like playing Alabama, you know it’s all most certain not end well but you look forward to the game any way.
This is beyond just the US I think, it's about awakening the whole world In a way we cannot comprehend. Moving into an age of love.
I do see more people waking up than I ever expected to. Perhaps you're right. I sincerely hope you are!
Edit to fix a typo.
When my extremely liberal Anti-Trump friends are making fun of Fauci and Biden, you know something is up.
We are uniting the people. We may not notice it, but people are slowly wising up to the current situation and when we reach critical mass, that's when the silence will be broken.
So the nessra/gesara thing ya think? That's kinda what I'm mixing into my hopium...
That and beyond. We will be in an age and time where our consciousness is raised as a collective.
We will be in a time where technology, that is so far ahead of what we have now and beyond what we can think, will transform the world.
We will be in an age where there is no sickness, no debt, no limitations! There won't be any desire to commit acts of sin, evil will not exist. Think biblical, think heaven on earth.
As we move to a higher vibration in our lives we raise the vibration/frequency of the earth. Transforming it.
I believe now that this is the true meaning of "Where we go one we go all". Everything points to this.
Our future will be miraculously incredible
As lovely as that would be, unfortunately, Christ has told us that the complete opposite will happen.
“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matthew 24:3-31
Simon Parkes has entered the chat
Couple of photos of Hunter in his towel leading the seven/eight year old asian girl in pink/purple lingerie into the room would be a good place as any to start
All will be revealed, sin (and all words associated with it) will be exposed.
Sin = darkness
"Dark to light"
Yes TRUMP used that word meaningfully too. ?♥️??
I haven't had a chance to see his speech yet (family trip). Glad that the same message was spoken about in a way.
Well, if Drop 1933 is accurate, this week is gonna be BIG.
What was in q1933?
Read my post here...
I’m willing to bet absolutely nothing happens.
Wrap that confidence into a $100 bill and buy GME.
March 3rd...the original inauguration date????
March 4th was, but who's datefagging
Yes!!!! I know a lot would have to happy to make that work but it’s enough to keep the hopeium candle burning for three more days.
Nothing will happen lol
Speaking as an Alabama football fan, you never get tired of winning, winning, winning.
We know who is going to win this thing in the end. But I'm ready to skip ahead now.
This quote doesn't encourage me anything is happening before 2024 -
Sorry to be skeptical, I just want justice for 2020.
It's ok to be skeptical and you're not a shill for it, despite what others may say.
If Trump announces he's running in 2024, he obviously wasn't involved in the military operation to restore the Republic after the Biden coup.
The military is operating independently from the president as that office has been taken over by a foreign power. Devolution.
I was happy to have a what-if speculation of what could be happening but after the lack of anything on Christmas Eve, the 6th and the 20th (and every day in-between and since) I'm putting that aside and watching and waiting for actual verifiable things to occur. I agree optics could be very important. I agree that the military really only seems to be the ones who are able (aside from Divine Intervention), but I would want to see evidence of big moves on the military side inclining that will occur. The President is the commander in chief of the military. The military isn't a co-equal branch of government equal to the executive, legislative and judicial branch with over-rule powers. I'd guess that an actual illegal coup would need to take place without the help of the courts to throw out the election.
I say all this while saying I 100% trust in God and His leadership over this nation, and DO feel great things are happening to the DNA of the country. I'm just very very tired of waiting and pretty pissed off. And no spooks I'm not advocating for anything harmful.
That's the fucking spirit!
No matter what, we cannot let this fraudulent regime stand.
If no one else does anything about it, then goddammit, it's on us.
Yup...can't take much more of this! MILITARY NOW!!!
Fuck your optics, if your eyes haven't been opened by now I have no problem writing you off. Friends and family are included.
Thank goodness we aren't wasting our time trying to coerce people (who we think are crazy) into our worldview.
That would be so much worse!
Revolutionary war, my friend and yes, I am too.
CW II won't accomplish anything if the foreign & domestic corrupting influencers are left in place.
They won't be left in place, it's past time to go loud with this mission!
So in CW II, one team is going to eliminate the World Bank, World Trade Organization, the Chamber of Commerce, the CCP, multinational corporations, and the mega billionaire financiers around the world?
If the sc has been so compromised that they won't even acknowledge they are the reason we are at this point to begin with then we have to acknowledge every legal avenue has been exhausted. We have the military prowess to eliminate and or neutralize every target and objective in the world simultaneously. In the end we stop the endless wars, bring home our troops and get rid of the corrupt fiat system. Stop putting a band-aid on this gunshot wound!
I'm just saying our frustration is misdirected.
I'm already at war.
Sorry to hear that,
This was an important speech in terms of the plan.
This speech alone reminded Americans how shitty things got in ONE month, how great Americans had it before, and how the only reason it went to shit was because the election was stolen.
It is pivotal for preparing the masses to reject the election.
He also came out looking calm, i dignant at how things are but wasn't throwing punches. Very formal.
Then towards the end it became a fucking rally....AT CPAC!
A not so subtle reminder of better times.
There is not a single moment that occurred at 4:50ish since it was posted that this picture of a watch would be more relevant.
Great fucking find!
POTUS's line near the end was the best. Something along the lines of "brightest days are JUST ahead." (emphasis mine). I hope it means what I hope it means.
I heard that too, he's never used the word just in that context to my knowledge... A friend please correct me by mistaking...
I had caught that to. It went form, the best is yet to come to just ahead.
Let's hope.
This should be the top comment, not those doomers.
You're my top dog <3
Also spooky is Trump's reflection in the watch
Zoom. Enhance
I looked hard, but I couldn't see it.
It's not on the actual watch face but the top border of it
Well, you made me look but I can't see it. Apparently 17 other people besides you were able to see it - is it in the clasp?
It's on the top edge of the face. Right under the first adjustment knob on the left. It's a thin line that shows the reflection.
See it - thanks.
How many?
Super time traveley.
Not to hijack, but they formally announced him a few seconds after the clock turned 4:47 P.M. EST. He appeared onscreen a few seconds later.
Both timings seem relevant.
I am NOT here to thread jack, but since this is stickied, here's the thread I started on the subject:
Here is a screenshot from the OBS recording I made (everyone who wants to record speeches / videos should check out OBS. Free, relatively easy) since I was doing yard work and don't get to watch this until my obligations for the day are met. :)
Aside: I'm super amped to watch this speech and dig into the theories with you guys once I get cleaned up and done working for the day. My wife was watching it, loudly, inside the house and as I worked I could hear it, muffled and vague, in the background. I hope it's epic!
EDIT: Just double checked my video for u/AmericaWinswithTrump ... He starts talking WELL into 4:50pm, after God Bless the USA finishes. I'm not gonna Minutefag; I feel an almost year and a half old post by a time traveler has the right to be off by 1 minute.
ThanQ! I don't care if you thread jack when you added such AWESOME information. That is what this it is all about!
Teamwork! ?
Look closely at the watch hands. It’s more like 4:49.
Someone posted this on my FB page just before I posted it here. Just sharing.
4 + 4 + 9 = 17
Time on the watch is 4:49 or 1649 depending on if you use military time or regular time.
Then we have the 4+4+9=17 which as we know is Q. Put it together and you get Military time Q.
I've been reading and listening to various things around the internet the past few days. Things I've found but no verification. I know there are several of you out there who dislike "GhostEzra", but I'm finding much to agree with him about. He is stating that much has been done by Trump/military during the lockdown. Says Biden is an actor/double and that Biden is dead as of 2019. Hillary was among the 1st taken out and her double/actor has been standing in as her. Both by tribunal and quietly taken care of by Barr. Says Barr is a good guy and has done a lot quietly behind the scenes as has Wray. Wray is playing his part assigned to him. The WH is indeed empty in the evening. Continues to say that things are NOT as they seem. Everything is being orchestrated by military (not Pentagon) and Trump. Many things have been pre recorded and "filmed" elsewhere. Nothing that Biden is/has signed is valid. Notice nothing has been sent to BOTH House and Senate and passed for the "president" to sign. This all has been planned since Kennedy was shot...60 years in the making. This is taking awhile because this is global. Many other "heads of state" need to be taken out first. Claims that Putin, Xi, and Trump are working together to rid each of their countries of their own "deep state". ( I agree with this). He says we will eventually be told about the crimes and the tribunals once everything has gone down. Ok, downvote all you like, just more of what we already suspect might be happening.
As much as you say "downvote all you want" I just can't. I got a gut feeling that a good portion of this is true and i trust my gut. For now I'll be lying low and trying not to stir anything up. Maybe leaving lil red tictacs for those i know and love. If the Cyberpunk genre has taught me anything it's that during hard times when the boot is on society's neck, you look out for friends and family.
And maybe, just'll find love along the way.
I got a few downvotes for mentioning GhostEzra in the live CPAC thread. He's been saying for several months now that the military would be holding new elections in March/April. With the President's speech today, it seems more and more likely. POTUS is playing it by the book imo. Whether it's through the courts, legislatures, or even a new fair election, he wants it to be done right.
Or just as planned?
4:50? I’m confused...
It’s 4:49 not 4:50. 4+4+9=17, A=1 B=2 C=3 ....... Q=17
How to get a coolpepe emoji in your name?
Edit: nvm
Looks like we all get them by default!
The watch has 4:49 shown. He was announced at 4:47. How long did the pre-speech applause last? I was on the road listening, but was out of my vehicle and missed the first 10 minutes of the speech.
About 2 minutes I think.
Dude, I'm so glad you said this. I also noticed this myself while watching! But man, I don't think I'd ever seen this Q post. Makes it even better, thank you!
Does anyone have a legit blow up of the date window? (3 position)?
I was trying to look. Maybe 11, could be 17. I had the same question though. I’d like to know.
Hey thanks
19th President
What kind of watch is that? Brand Name ?
IWC Schaffhausen (International Watch Company).
The model seems to be the IWC Portugieser Chronograph.
Is the 19 on the date somehow significant since we’ve (most of us) have established the time is when he started the speech?
19th President? Maybe this signifies the end of the US Corporation?
WRONG! I sat down to eat at 4:45 and he was already speaking.
Giving my frens the red pill has been difficult with so many false dates in the past. I’ve changed my approach to not include datefagging and it seems to be a better way to show them the Qincedences. It is happening! Signs are all around us!
That time is 4:50 on the watch. The minute hand rides slightly above the surface which gives it a perspective shift. Notice the second hand is also showing parallax.
Honestly, his speech was predictable (I'm guessing that was by design).. He could have done a whole lot more to excoriate the GOP but I think his predictable speech was part of whatever is going on. He could have really taken the entire GOP to task and said "where the fuck was the GOP when the American people's votes were getting stolen", and he would have been right to do so since the GOP remained totally silent. I'm guessing he needs to keep up the air of neutrality.
I KNOW!!!!!! Thanks for posting this! I looked for that watch yesterday and couldn’t remember the date. So glad you did!
I looked up Worth Remembering and found this which applies to our current situation:
“ NEXT: Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.”
I’m weary too. But I also noted that this thread hasn’t mentioned the ‘G’ word. That is,God Almighty. Q often mentioned lines such as”this is BIBLICAL”. Each time I read those references I was reminded of, the parting of the Red Sea, Noah and the flood, the battle at Jericho, Daniel in the lion’s den.... it’s my belief that we are waiting for a truly BIBLICAL event. And it will happen just at the right moment.
God parted the waters of the armed Sea at JUST the right moment. I bet you those people were thinking and feeling pretty much like most of us are. Worn out and waiting for a miracle.
As for me, I’m holding the line. I know a miracle will happen in God’s time. I trust, I pray, I give thanksgiving for all of my blessings. I look for each and every little bit of joy I find each day. And I reach out to family and friends continually to share a bit of sunshine with them. Almost forgot, I also put more energy into being extra kind and nice to strangers I come into contact with as I go through my day. I learned this many years ago when working with my fearful mustang mare. I learned I was most successful when I had ‘smiling eyes’. And I quickly discovered that it is excellent with people too. To me it’s what WWG1WGA is all about. It’s also what scripture is all about. Love thy neighbor as thyself. When I do what I’m supposed to do, God will do His part. It’s not really my job to even remotely entertain the thought that God Almighty can not, or will not defeat evil.
So, even when I’m weary like many, I am filled with hope and faith as I go about sharing sunshine and smiling. Sometimes I think we become a bit mixed up about hope. I’m a retired registered nurse so I know quite a lot about about this subject. I’ve come to learn that hope is not a passive word but an active one. It seems to me that one who waits around waiting for hope has a hard time finding it (passive). But one who goes about with purpose to be kind to others, thoughtful and caring are the ones who find hope.
I had read an article by Liz Crokin about Donald Trump where she shared so many of the wonderful things he has done for others. Our wonderful President Trump is the best example of what I’m trying to share here. I believe that he makes his own sunshine every day and people actually can feel that energy. WEG1WGA. God bless. I for one am awaiting an amazing revival and great blessings globally.
From Maine
Started a lot of things like more division a lot of people just jumped ship that’s no bueno and what are those people doing right now arguing amongst each other advancing that divide even further something dosent happen soon and 2020 isn’t fixed this country and our elections are captured
He mentions “wheat” several times in his speech... spiritual meaning.... The signification of wheat is love and charity, - to be explained in what follows; hence wheat-harvest is an advancing state of love and charity. The means of the conjunction of the external man with the internal have been described under the representation of the four sons of Jacob by the handmaids; and the subject now treated of is the conjunction of good and truth by means of the rest of the sons; and therefore the dudaim are first spoken of, by which this conjunction or conjugial relation is signified. The reason why a wheat-harvest signifies an advancing state of love and charity, is that a field signifies the church, and thus the things of the church; and the seeds sown in the field signify the things of good and truth; and the plants born from them, such as wheat, barley, and other grains, signify the things of love and charity, and also of FAITH. The states of the church in regard to these things are therefore compared to seedtime and harvest, and are so called, as in (Genesis 8:22) (AC 932).
If you zoom in, you’ll see the watch is set to 4:49, not 4:50.
Sorry, fren—I thought I was replying to him not you.
It could be 4:50 if you consider the second-hand is almost at 0, so the 49 could be moving to the 50. We can't tell since it's a still picture though.
That’s not the second hand on that watch. Anons already figured that out long ago.
What time did he start his speech?
You know what pissed me off? "I might just have to beat them a third time" You haven't beaten them once until they are all removed from power and put in front of a firing squad on live TV
4.50. 45. Ok. But whats happening tho?