The amount of posts that I read that say that are beyond coincidental.
I even read one where the handler for Greta Thunberg is originally from Racine or has connections to there.
You get a similar thing in England with Oxford/ Oxfordshire.Deep lifelong links to the Maxwell family, friends, associates, politicians, royalty. This can sort of be explained away by saying “ oh yeah , isn’t it a bit like Westchester County or The Hamptons in Oxfordshire.”
Her name is Luisa Neubauer. Bauer is Rothschild’s real name and both the new Bauers and Rothschilds live in Racine (with other extensive connections in Wisconsin, Arizona and New York).
Thank you for this! I tried digging into Racine stuff, but I found a ton of anti-Trump garbage saying that Trump was part of the deep state and was racist and helped them, so I quit digging because that was ludicrous, so it made me doubt any of the other info they had.
I was talking to my wife about seeing racine pop up a lot and separately we drove past a rotary club sign and I was like what do they even do bet it's shady shit, I distrust everything these days, my wife looks it up and it goes on about a lot of shit, but the guy who set it all up was from racine! We were like no fucking way! Keeps appearing now we know to look for it
The founder of Rotary International is from Racine. What is the Four-Way Test? What is a four-faced clock? What are the four main types of slavery? How does the logo for Rotary connect with the Path of Souls?
The head of Shriners International is also from Racine. That 70’s Show is about Racine. What is a Red Fez and why are they two of the main characters on that Show?
Who is Fred Gates, what is his connection to Racine and the Rockefeller Foundation, and how does that directly link with the Mason Lab and COVID?
Is the head of Shriners International not from Racine?
Is Fred Gates not connected to Racine and the Rockefeller Foundation?
Did Joe Biden not make the “highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum in Racine?
You can debate and dismiss the connections with Amy’s father, but you cannot dismiss the global power that the Racine Dominicans wield or the significance of the decisions and models established in Racine.
Can you or someone explain Racine to me? It seems like such a random place to have so much significance. I’ve heard Rothschilds live there but I’m not even sure.
is about some fucked up little girl playing doctor with other kids. That's considered a ring? I mean ring makes it seem like there were adults with money and shit.
The Racine Dominicans are one of the most powerful groups linked to the Vatican in America. The Siena schools is the model for private Catholic schools as Prairie School and the public schools are also models for education in America.
Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden in Racine before the general election where he accused Trump regarding his dealings and accounts in China. Why does Pete speak Farsi and who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias?
Tim Dolan moved to the area from St. Louis to help cover up the abuse. What did he do at Holy Hill? How was he rewarded for his job? Why did Mark Ruffalo get the starring role in the Best Picture?
Here is a summary about the referendum and rigged elections -
Joe Biden endorsed a rigged billion dollar referendum in Racine in a “highly unusual move” to create the models for community health, education and policing. They also rigged the recount to make it ‘pass’ by 4 votes. There were sudden spikes in COVID in the area before the April Primary and November General Election. Racine also passed “the most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and is openly defying State Supreme Court orders. They are completely unchecked.
Weill Cornell / Cornell University is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin. Hunter Biden’s back tattoo is Finger Lakes where the main Cornell campus is located. Some of the most powerful people in Racine are members of the Sphinx Head Society (similar to Skull and Bones at Yale). Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year the school received its largest ever donation - from Racine. Mason Lab partnered with Weill Cornell to create experimental testing programs in Racine. It closed when it began to be exposed.
Racine is controlled by a string of corrupt, criminal and pedophile officials and community “leaders”, and despite being the Invention Capital of the World where they made the first automobile, it is now the worst city in Wisconsin by design, and worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover, it evolved.
Racine, Wisconsin is the historic Bellwether of America where many key global decisions have been made including nuclear arms control, international criminal courts, sustainable development and the World Core Curriculum. Brad Smith with Microsoft and ElectionGuard is the key advisor to all of them using COVID and elections to forge Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset Wisconsin the “test” for ElectionGuard, and Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin”. Directly related to Color Revolutions and the National Endowment for Democracy is the Council for a Community of Democracies and its historic meeting in Racine. Another key meeting is the Earth Summit in Brazil - Racine was the model used for Sustainable Development that serves as the foundation for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
Both the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Pythias have key roles in their part of a larger mesh network of those involved in pushing the real agenda and One World Alliance. It is Luciferian by design. It goes back to alliances with the Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and Council of 13. Racine is the hub and model for the global “Interfaith Coalition” with Unitarianism, FLDS, Jesuit, Kabbalah, Scientology and many other corrupt institutions pushing for One World Religion.
Who is Jack Parsons? How is Tom Delonge connected with the Podestas and Peter Lavenda? How was Jack connected with Hubbard and Crowley? What religion was Frank Lloyd Wright and his wives? What is the Path of Souls?
The Racine (Communist) Commune was one of the first of its kind with links to Adam Weishaupt. Racine was also controlled by the Astors and partner families.
The chain of command to Racine is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.
Why did Tim Dolan move from St. Louis to the Racine and Milwaukee area? What did he do to cover up abuse? Why did Mark Ruffalo get the Spotlight role and what really happened to his brother? What is Holy Hill and what happened there? What trail is it a part of? What is the Marquette Mafia? Why do Cornell and Georgetown have locations in Qatar?
What are ley lines? What really happened on Byrd’s expeditions to Antarctica and beyond? What are the Sphinx Head Society and what is in the Hall of Records? What are the ancient secrets passed on to select groups in the network? Why must they control the Base of the Pyramid? Why is Wisconsin so important in ancient, historic, present and future time?
Used to be alright back in the 80s. The trash from Chicago moved north and now it’s a ghetto wasteland. Schools are awful. I cannot believe all that money is going to Unified School District. I was there when metal detectors were being installed and ID tags were mandatory for students way back in the late 90s.
They have tried many programs over the years to track youth and seniors, and have also partnered with the libraries to combine ID cards for other services. They test models in Racine, change the names or other details, and then spread the programs to other communities. Everything in Racine is touted as a success even if it is a failure. Community policing is a good example of this.
Could be. Whatever she is, Trump and Q already knew about it before she was put in place. Thus, she is doing whatever she’s supposed to be doing. Have faith!
I’m with you on this. If she’s corrupt, this appointment is her punishment and SCOTUS will be exposed / go down.
If she’s a good, we’ll probably be told she was threatened, while her denial of election cases was really for the sake of martial law. Or maybe she really was threatened.
I thought she was Opus Dei (a "secret" society within the Catholic church), but that does not appear to be the case. Instead she is (at least officially) a member of People of Praise (as is her father I believe) which appears to be a benign group on first inspection. While there does appear to be an Opus Dei center 40 mins from Racine (and only 25 in the US, so probably not a coincidence), there is not one in Louisiana where she grew up, nor the surrounding area.
So no obvious religious connection. However, if someone mistook her for Opus Dei (as was suggested on several stories I saw without evidence) then further connecting the dots to Racine and Satanism is not difficult, so it might be disinformation.
What is the Marquette Mafia and what do they control in Wisconsin? What are the other 27 institutions in the US (and 2 in Canada)? Why does Georgetown have a location in Qatar along with Cornell?
Racine is a main hub of the “Interfaith Alliance” and secret society partnerships to connect and control all groups including Jesuit, FLDS, Unitarianism, Kabbalah, Scientology, Freemasonry, Satanism and many others. What is the Base of the Pyramid and how are health, education, banking, policing and religion used to control communities?
Stop making excuses for peoples unconstitutional decisions that have implications that reach FAR beyond the walls of their own house. Clearly, anything to do with President Trump makes you and your family subject to being threatened. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
By putting their children first, they're putting ours last.
Their children will grow up in the same world they have a hand in creating as well... They just operate under the illusion that they won't be affected by it like we will.
Someone posted this on Gab. I've never seen this here, so I'm not sure if this is new info or false info. I figured much better anons may have more insights to this. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out.
President Trump was/is surrounded by deep state/traitors and is constantly fed bad information and given poor suggestions on what to do. He is not a politician, so he relies on these advisors.
It was called a “highly unusual move” to create models for Community Health, Community Education and Community Policing reform. Racine was already the model for each of these. The World Core Curriculum was established at Wingspread in Racine.
Racine is the model community for Agenda 21 and 2030 in America forged through the great deception of Sustainability and the 17 goals of Sustainable Development established at meetings including the Earth Summit in Brazil.
The real agenda is global and eternal enslavement with the Mark of the Beast. Slavery never ended in Racine as everyone was told. It evolved. What is the Base of the Pyramid initiative?
She is a SCOTUS justice. I can't believe that this never came up during the vetting process. She was being vetted long before RBG died. And this never came up? I guess it explains a lot. Family members have long been used to funnel funny money to. I'm sure she has a Swiss bank account with several recent big deposits in it.
I still can't find any verification if this is true or not..... lots of ppl are finding ties to Louisiana, but not Racine, WI, which is why I posted it here to check on. I didn't want to spread false info on Gab with all the normies on there. lol
Just checked again; yes, it is "Coney". I could have sworn all the news talking heads were calling her "Amy Comey Barrett", and when I did a search, "Amy Comey Barrett" came up :) (just checked wikipedia to verify :) )
Killerbunny is looking into something that does need to be investigated, this is the type of thing Q taught us. And who are you to tell a person how to investigate, encouragement works so much better.
I just saw this posted on GAB, so I came here to ask if anyone had any information on it because I didn't want to repost something on GAB when I wasn't sure if it was true or not.
I'm still fairly new to Q and I'm playing catch up. So for all I know this was something that was discovered months ago on here, but I hadn't heard about it. I learn new things on here every day that I haven't heard about. The title was my jokey way of getting some attention to the post while also poking fun at fact checkers.... just trying to be funny while also making it clear that I am checking to see if the info was real or false.
I think killerbunny is well-meaning, but this let-me-crap-it-onto-the-board-and-let-others-research-this-obviously-fake-crap act, practiced by too many people here, is simply awful, and totally unserious. And needs to stop. It’s functionally indistinguishable from trolling.
I tried to dig into Racine, but I found a bunch of anti-Trump crap so I quit looking thinking it's just a dead end. They were saying Trump was part of the deep state and was happy to help The Cabal.
I agree the Racine thing is very weird. Definitely not saying there isn't anything to it. I just saw a lot of disinformation out there. Which actually probably means there really is something to it and they are trying to dilute what the truth of it is.
Always goes back to Racine
The amount of posts that I read that say that are beyond coincidental.
I even read one where the handler for Greta Thunberg is originally from Racine or has connections to there.
You get a similar thing in England with Oxford/ Oxfordshire.Deep lifelong links to the Maxwell family, friends, associates, politicians, royalty. This can sort of be explained away by saying “ oh yeah , isn’t it a bit like Westchester County or The Hamptons in Oxfordshire.”
But Racine.
Her name is Luisa Neubauer. Bauer is Rothschild’s real name and both the new Bauers and Rothschilds live in Racine (with other extensive connections in Wisconsin, Arizona and New York).
The connections with England are primarily through the Pilgrims Society.
Thank you for this! I tried digging into Racine stuff, but I found a ton of anti-Trump garbage saying that Trump was part of the deep state and was racist and helped them, so I quit digging because that was ludicrous, so it made me doubt any of the other info they had.
Ahh yes I did notice there was a few Neubauers in prominent city positions.
Jesuits and banker dynasties.
I was talking to my wife about seeing racine pop up a lot and separately we drove past a rotary club sign and I was like what do they even do bet it's shady shit, I distrust everything these days, my wife looks it up and it goes on about a lot of shit, but the guy who set it all up was from racine! We were like no fucking way! Keeps appearing now we know to look for it
The founder of Rotary International is from Racine. What is the Four-Way Test? What is a four-faced clock? What are the four main types of slavery? How does the logo for Rotary connect with the Path of Souls?
The head of Shriners International is also from Racine. That 70’s Show is about Racine. What is a Red Fez and why are they two of the main characters on that Show?
Who is Fred Gates, what is his connection to Racine and the Rockefeller Foundation, and how does that directly link with the Mason Lab and COVID?
Is the founder of Rotary not from Racine?
Is the head of Shriners International not from Racine?
Is Fred Gates not connected to Racine and the Rockefeller Foundation?
Did Joe Biden not make the “highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum in Racine?
You can debate and dismiss the connections with Amy’s father, but you cannot dismiss the global power that the Racine Dominicans wield or the significance of the decisions and models established in Racine.
Can you or someone explain Racine to me? It seems like such a random place to have so much significance. I’ve heard Rothschilds live there but I’m not even sure.
Oh duh. My bad, lazy Anon moment. Thanks!
^ doing the heavy lifting
Wow, the outrage clickbait is pretty bad.
Racine School Breaks Up Kindergarten Sex Ring
But the article:
is about some fucked up little girl playing doctor with other kids. That's considered a ring? I mean ring makes it seem like there were adults with money and shit.
Calling u/TrustTheTruth and u/BarbaraStreisand !
Click their names and read through their comment posts about Racine. You can find out a lot of info quickly.
The Racine Dominicans are one of the most powerful groups linked to the Vatican in America. The Siena schools is the model for private Catholic schools as Prairie School and the public schools are also models for education in America.
Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden in Racine before the general election where he accused Trump regarding his dealings and accounts in China. Why does Pete speak Farsi and who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias?
Tim Dolan moved to the area from St. Louis to help cover up the abuse. What did he do at Holy Hill? How was he rewarded for his job? Why did Mark Ruffalo get the starring role in the Best Picture?
Here is a summary about the referendum and rigged elections -
Joe Biden endorsed a rigged billion dollar referendum in Racine in a “highly unusual move” to create the models for community health, education and policing. They also rigged the recount to make it ‘pass’ by 4 votes. There were sudden spikes in COVID in the area before the April Primary and November General Election. Racine also passed “the most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and is openly defying State Supreme Court orders. They are completely unchecked.
Weill Cornell / Cornell University is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin. Hunter Biden’s back tattoo is Finger Lakes where the main Cornell campus is located. Some of the most powerful people in Racine are members of the Sphinx Head Society (similar to Skull and Bones at Yale). Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year the school received its largest ever donation - from Racine. Mason Lab partnered with Weill Cornell to create experimental testing programs in Racine. It closed when it began to be exposed.
Racine is controlled by a string of corrupt, criminal and pedophile officials and community “leaders”, and despite being the Invention Capital of the World where they made the first automobile, it is now the worst city in Wisconsin by design, and worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover, it evolved.
Racine, Wisconsin is the historic Bellwether of America where many key global decisions have been made including nuclear arms control, international criminal courts, sustainable development and the World Core Curriculum. Brad Smith with Microsoft and ElectionGuard is the key advisor to all of them using COVID and elections to forge Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset Wisconsin the “test” for ElectionGuard, and Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin”. Directly related to Color Revolutions and the National Endowment for Democracy is the Council for a Community of Democracies and its historic meeting in Racine. Another key meeting is the Earth Summit in Brazil - Racine was the model used for Sustainable Development that serves as the foundation for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move:
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11:
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot:
Racine tests how much COVID power they have:
Fauci became the expert by Cornell:
Racine and the Council for a Community of Democracies:
Brad Smith and Microsoft using pro sports to control market innovation:
Mason Lab, Weill Cornell and experimental COVID testing in Racine:
Foxconn and connections with the Agenda and Referendum:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections:
History of Racine and China Relations:
Racine, Climate Mayors and Paris Agreement
Here is the testimony from Paul Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine:
Both the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Pythias have key roles in their part of a larger mesh network of those involved in pushing the real agenda and One World Alliance. It is Luciferian by design. It goes back to alliances with the Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 and Council of 13. Racine is the hub and model for the global “Interfaith Coalition” with Unitarianism, FLDS, Jesuit, Kabbalah, Scientology and many other corrupt institutions pushing for One World Religion.
Who is Jack Parsons? How is Tom Delonge connected with the Podestas and Peter Lavenda? How was Jack connected with Hubbard and Crowley? What religion was Frank Lloyd Wright and his wives? What is the Path of Souls?
The Racine (Communist) Commune was one of the first of its kind with links to Adam Weishaupt. Racine was also controlled by the Astors and partner families.
The chain of command to Racine is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.
Why did Tim Dolan move from St. Louis to the Racine and Milwaukee area? What did he do to cover up abuse? Why did Mark Ruffalo get the Spotlight role and what really happened to his brother? What is Holy Hill and what happened there? What trail is it a part of? What is the Marquette Mafia? Why do Cornell and Georgetown have locations in Qatar?
What are ley lines? What really happened on Byrd’s expeditions to Antarctica and beyond? What are the Sphinx Head Society and what is in the Hall of Records? What are the ancient secrets passed on to select groups in the network? Why must they control the Base of the Pyramid? Why is Wisconsin so important in ancient, historic, present and future time?
Used to be alright back in the 80s. The trash from Chicago moved north and now it’s a ghetto wasteland. Schools are awful. I cannot believe all that money is going to Unified School District. I was there when metal detectors were being installed and ID tags were mandatory for students way back in the late 90s.
Racine was the original Chicago. Racine was the model industrial city and Invention Capital of the World. It is a ghetto wasteland by design. Why?
They have tried many programs over the years to track youth and seniors, and have also partnered with the libraries to combine ID cards for other services. They test models in Racine, change the names or other details, and then spread the programs to other communities. Everything in Racine is touted as a success even if it is a failure. Community policing is a good example of this.
The latest model is the EZ ID program.
Years ago they also launched the Quick ID program for social surveillance that was replaced with newer models including SnapTrends.
Sanctuary Cities are a natural model for ID reform and new tracking methods.
Could be. Whatever she is, Trump and Q already knew about it before she was put in place. Thus, she is doing whatever she’s supposed to be doing. Have faith!
I’m with you on this. If she’s corrupt, this appointment is her punishment and SCOTUS will be exposed / go down.
If she’s a good, we’ll probably be told she was threatened, while her denial of election cases was really for the sake of martial law. Or maybe she really was threatened.
Either way, Patriots in control.
I thought she was Opus Dei (a "secret" society within the Catholic church), but that does not appear to be the case. Instead she is (at least officially) a member of People of Praise (as is her father I believe) which appears to be a benign group on first inspection. While there does appear to be an Opus Dei center 40 mins from Racine (and only 25 in the US, so probably not a coincidence), there is not one in Louisiana where she grew up, nor the surrounding area.
So no obvious religious connection. However, if someone mistook her for Opus Dei (as was suggested on several stories I saw without evidence) then further connecting the dots to Racine and Satanism is not difficult, so it might be disinformation.
There's your connection to secret societies.
What is the Marquette Mafia and what do they control in Wisconsin? What are the other 27 institutions in the US (and 2 in Canada)? Why does Georgetown have a location in Qatar along with Cornell?
Racine is a main hub of the “Interfaith Alliance” and secret society partnerships to connect and control all groups including Jesuit, FLDS, Unitarianism, Kabbalah, Scientology, Freemasonry, Satanism and many others. What is the Base of the Pyramid and how are health, education, banking, policing and religion used to control communities?
Stop making excuses for peoples unconstitutional decisions that have implications that reach FAR beyond the walls of their own house. Clearly, anything to do with President Trump makes you and your family subject to being threatened. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
By putting their children first, they're putting ours last.
Their children will grow up in the same world they have a hand in creating as well... They just operate under the illusion that they won't be affected by it like we will.
? Well... that would explain a lot...
I'm trying to verify this, this is what I've found so far:
Someone posted this on Gab. I've never seen this here, so I'm not sure if this is new info or false info. I figured much better anons may have more insights to this. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out.
Thanks for posting and looking into it, kb!
President Trump was/is surrounded by deep state/traitors and is constantly fed bad information and given poor suggestions on what to do. He is not a politician, so he relies on these advisors.
A billion dollars? To a school district?
Its called a 50/50 raffle. Fifty percent for the school, fifty percent for the demtard party.
It was called a “highly unusual move” to create models for Community Health, Community Education and Community Policing reform. Racine was already the model for each of these. The World Core Curriculum was established at Wingspread in Racine.
Indoctrinated to the max.
Lovely. Even she is a fuckstick.
Why can't I find this on this page?
Edit: But I did find it here, now just to link Mike Coney to it.
All of this is seemingly circling around Racine. Why?
Racine is the model community for Agenda 21 and 2030 in America forged through the great deception of Sustainability and the 17 goals of Sustainable Development established at meetings including the Earth Summit in Brazil.
The real agenda is global and eternal enslavement with the Mark of the Beast. Slavery never ended in Racine as everyone was told. It evolved. What is the Base of the Pyramid initiative?
She is a SCOTUS justice. I can't believe that this never came up during the vetting process. She was being vetted long before RBG died. And this never came up? I guess it explains a lot. Family members have long been used to funnel funny money to. I'm sure she has a Swiss bank account with several recent big deposits in it.
I still can't find any verification if this is true or not..... lots of ppl are finding ties to Louisiana, but not Racine, WI, which is why I posted it here to check on. I didn't want to spread false info on Gab with all the normies on there. lol
Is there anyone out there that isn't compromised by evil? Oh yeah one man. We need your help soon President Trump.
Her father is big into Jesuits ...that should speak volumes
Well, isn't her name "Comey", not "Coney", if that is relevant.
Just checked again; yes, it is "Coney". I could have sworn all the news talking heads were calling her "Amy Comey Barrett", and when I did a search, "Amy Comey Barrett" came up :) (just checked wikipedia to verify :) )
Killerbunny is looking into something that does need to be investigated, this is the type of thing Q taught us. And who are you to tell a person how to investigate, encouragement works so much better.
You are wrong. He's not suggesting OP investigated wrong. He's suggesting OP didn't investigate AT ALL.
I encourage people not to post this kind of ridiculous, wild-eyed, discrediting, un-researched garbage.
I’m very encouraging.
No, I'm not a shill. Check my history.
I just saw this posted on GAB, so I came here to ask if anyone had any information on it because I didn't want to repost something on GAB when I wasn't sure if it was true or not.
I'm still fairly new to Q and I'm playing catch up. So for all I know this was something that was discovered months ago on here, but I hadn't heard about it. I learn new things on here every day that I haven't heard about. The title was my jokey way of getting some attention to the post while also poking fun at fact checkers.... just trying to be funny while also making it clear that I am checking to see if the info was real or false.
You are doing fine, keep investigating and do let us know what you find. Others can then help in the dig.
I think killerbunny is well-meaning, but this let-me-crap-it-onto-the-board-and-let-others-research-this-obviously-fake-crap act, practiced by too many people here, is simply awful, and totally unserious. And needs to stop. It’s functionally indistinguishable from trolling.
I tried to dig into Racine, but I found a bunch of anti-Trump crap so I quit looking thinking it's just a dead end. They were saying Trump was part of the deep state and was happy to help The Cabal.
I agree the Racine thing is very weird. Definitely not saying there isn't anything to it. I just saw a lot of disinformation out there. Which actually probably means there really is something to it and they are trying to dilute what the truth of it is.