Why have so many Capitol officers who were present on Jan 6 died?
Unless I'm mistaken, two reportedly killed themselves, and the third died under bizarre circumstances which have all the hallmarks of another suicide or a cover-up.
Why? What happened that day which was so shameful that they turned to suicide?
Think about it. Cops and first responders deal with stress and death often. The Capitol incident, objectively, was far less violent or gruesome than "routine" police incidents such as car crashes, shootings, or domestic violence incidents with dead children.
Wouldn't protecting the nations capitol be a source of pride, not shame?
What do you think is behind this?
Weak links/loose ends must be eliminated.
Yep, Grasshoppa, I believe you have seen behind the curtain!
So upsetting and sad and unnecessary loss of Patriot lives.
Being Cannon Fodder? Don’t want.
It’s difficult being a realist, and optimist, and a truth speaker.
Everything worth doing is difficult.
I fail. I will fail again.
We keep getting back up.
We Gota be that “stupid bastard” that doesn’t relent.
Yeah, these evil people don't care about human life unless it is theirs!
Perhaps they had to be removed to prevent revealing that they were instructed to let in the protesters.
This is the most likely scenario
Like the cops that reviewed Weiner’s laptop.
These people are sick.
There are no coincidences. Perhaps they were "suicided".
I'm guessing some/all don't have a choice.
Some don't have a choice, some think they can outsmart the cabal, and a good number say "Thats what I will do if i ever get that type of power.
Why do people smoke 2 packs a day? Why do people drink and drive? Why do people eat themselves to an early grave? Lots of answers are out there for why people do dangerous things and they're not always rational.
weekends on the menu again
Perhaps politicians getting their laptops stolen was not part of the plan...
Certainly not the DS' plan.
Correct. I should have been more clear on that. I momentarily overlooked the fact that WE have a plan, too. :-)
You are seeing some very dangerous people operate. Killing conspirators & witnesses are things thugs in organized crime do. These lunatics need to be caught and put on trial ASAP
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
They're killing off the low level coconspirators to control the narrative.
What could be easier than getting rid of someone everyone already thinks is deceased?
Babbitt: (noun) A materialistic, complacent and conformist businessman.
Gettin the old clinton treatments
That’s an excellent point. They have seen much worse in their careers. My gut says they were killed before they could expose the truth
Capitol Police are the...
It's a criminal organization.
They were corrupt and were dealt with as a loose end.
They heard something they shouldn’t have. Seriously you’d be amazed at what you can hear when you master the art of blending in to the background.
They had concerns and the evidence to back it up and went to corrupt people with it. Who in turn alerted their masters.
Could be everything finally hit them all at once and they were just overwhelmed. With it only being happenstance it happened to be shortly after the 6th.
No shortage of possibilities as to the exact circumstances of what happened.
say you are the left...you commit the most heinous acts of high treason...There's a handful of people who have the goods on you....kill or be killed right?
"Say you are the left...you commit the most heinous acts of high treason..." but you repeat yourself.
Over and over and over
It never ceases to amaze me all the gullible idiots that really think they will get a seat at the table for being a pawn in these schemes.
Its like no, now youre a nobody that knows too much, and we all know how that movie ends.
Antifa and BLM could avoid this poor-life-choices lesson if they had a functional brain in their numbskulls.
Good point, i guess thats where the term "useful idiots" comes into play.
There were several Senators, I believe Ted Cruz being one, who were going to present the election fraud evidence that day, but then the "insurrection" happened, and they moved on to accepting the electoral college vote, with no presentation of the fraud. I have never heard Cruz state why he didn't go ahead and use the time he was allotted to review the fraud. Does anyone know what excuse he used?
Busy trying to kill AOC duh.
People need to study Soviet Russia history. Might keep them alive.
And if the plan fails, read Gulag Archipelago for a framework of what is to come.
wonder if she emailed the 'cleaner' from the laptop?
They didn't Epstein themselves
Two in Chicago in the past week https://archive.is/4C3Dk
Why would someone kill themselves a week before they retire? That's crazy...
Maybe some large skeletons in the closet are about to fall out
The CIA recruits and hovers over the capitol police and also infiltrate the capitol police. Some of them move back and forth between CIA and the capitol police. This has been so for over 20 years. Any talk within the ranks about wrongdoing by the capitol police or feds will result in death at the hands and funding that the cabal steals from our taxes. If you are in the capitol police and see wrongdoing you can't just blurt it out to your colleagues as it may get back to the dirty ones. You gotta get outta there first. Then go undercover. Then anonymously reveal your evidence.
Perhaps he didn’t kill themselves at all. Maybe they were paid off for doing a great job, and sent off to some type of relocation program. The suicide is the false narrative to perpetrate their story about what happened. They were so great at lying cheating and stealing, and perpetrating one of the most heinous crimes against the capital, that they were rewarded with a new life elsewhere!
I still think George Floyd is alive. I think that was the biggest show of all! He and officer chauvin knew one another, And how to work security at a local club sometime that year or maybe even a year or so before that event last year. Although I wouldn’t say I would be sad if he was dead. He was a garbage human being
Maybe it’s the deal they made to keep their legacy. Imagine if getting suicided was the preferred outcome. alternative was execution and your family hearing you have been enabling pedophiles for decades.
Yeah not only did they let the protesters in but I also heard the large bars of capital a bus load of police officers left the grounds before the protest heated up. That’s not even the worst part! Capital police also used police escorts to bus in the Pantifa/BLM. They themselves literally planed, executed and covered up the “ACTUAL” insurrection of the United States capital. Oh and the senators & congressman n yourself congressman who’ve been screaming “insurrection insurrection insurrection” they’re right and they are doing us a favour because there was an insurrection that day and every single person involved will be punished. They can not out run the long reach of American JUSTICE!
If we had a functioning journalism industry wed know why this is the case...
As it is now all the journalists are still participating in the Mockingbird psyop that Jan 6th was a riot or insurrection.
Is there a list of dates And causes of death?
They kill without impuity any perceived eb Enemy.
What? I think you mean "they kill with impunity".
What happened with the MS-13 goons that went after Seth Rich?
They died.
As a counterpoint (because I agree with you), could the Capitol police be soft from no action and bad recruiting? Does the job of gauding that shallow pit of vipers require any real skills?
Gauding® as in painting an object with brightly clashing colors?
Not to hammer the obvious, but why do you think they died in a suicide?
Maybe they were jesuits....
Nothing unusual here. Happened after 9/11, after Las Vegas shooting, after Marathon Bombing and even happened after Anthony Weiner laptop. Its standard operating procedure.
I will throw in /s just to be safe.
Damn memory fog..the dc police were addressed on a video I watched..trying to remember who...I know I watch x22report on rumble. The one w Sean Stone on as a guest.....
I'm sure it's been said already, but they either guilted themselves into suicide, or were "suicided" because they let the assholes in. We've all seen the videos, we know there was no "storming of the Capitol". They were let in....by the Capitol police, because they were told to.
I'm sure it's been said already, but they either guilted themselves into suicide, or were "suicided" because they let the assholes in. We've all seen the videos, we know there was no "storming of the Capitol". They were let in....by the Capitol police, because they were told to.
They couldn't be around to be an Epstein (witness).