When Norm Would write a skit or appear with those old SNL guys (like Schneider, Sandler, Farley) he always added the best absurdism angle + perfectly deadpan. There is a skit called Mr. Dictionary he wrote with Farley and Sandler which is one of my favorites because it is that absurd '12:45 SNL almost over' type skit which is when they went nuts and Lorne didn't care..
I can't do these things until the mask mandates are removed and people return to normalcy. My mental health is failing and I am becoming deeply depressed. I want to go out and socialize. I'm too extroverted for this.
I live in CA. I don't wear a mask. Never have. You are as free as you want to be. You just have to get past the temporary discomfort of NOT conforming. Anyone who wants to live normally has to take steps to live normally - not wait for govt permission to do what you already have a right to do.
Yeah, bit different for employees than shoppers :( Walking through a store - the worst that can happen is they tell me I need a mask or have to leave. Which HAS happened. So I pretended to put one on, walked away, and stuck it back in my pocket :P
I do think it would be helpful if anyone who suffers sickness or injury that looks to have come from masks considers litigation. Not everyone can afford to go that route, but it'd teach these mandarin companies a lesson.
Dont let anything be that important to you that it gets you mad. If it gets you mad let it go it isnt worth it. Watch JLP show man he will give u road map back to the father the kingdom of heaven is within not without.
Meh. I don't see that way at all. Battle fatigue is a real thing. I know, I've experienced it first-hand. Taking a break helps tremendously. You can come back when you're rested and healed. The plan, as I see it, will take YEARS to complete. So yes, balancing this with living a good life is key. And I think thats the point Kautilya is trying to make. But what do I know? I didn't look at their post history so who knows.
I think it's a good idea for everyone to take breaks now and then. But that post WAS made by someone who admittedly doesn't believe in the plan the Q team laid out, and it specifically mentioned avoiding sources that contain positive and hopeful information. THAT is why I said that was a totally deportation-worthy post.
I know, it feels like mental torture some days doesn't it? On those days I take a break- go outside- look up at the clouds or the stars- and just feel that everything is going as planned. My God is still on His throne, Jesus has still redeemed me, and our souls are infinite. Stay strong, and know you’re not alone.
Something that has been giving me peace is the following.
If Q is real, then the military is in control and the plan is occurring. The two most major themes present throughout Q drops are that "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" and that the military is in control.
If Q is not real, then the evils and problems detailed via Q drops were also not real.
So, whatever the outcome, I will be at peace. Ultimately, God oversees everything and He is in control.
I think if the Dems were really in charge, they would not have chosen the two biggest losers in the primaries for president and vice president. Sanders and Warren were the top two recipients of Act Blue money (not BLM). Were they paid off for stepping aside?
True, Q not being real doesn't necessarily mean the problems aren't real. But the research methods, logic, and thinking that people use to say that Q is real and that "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" are the same methods and thinking that people use to prove the existence of the satanic, paedophilic cabal. If Q isn't real there is a good chance the cabal isn't either; they are heavily linked.
Fren about two weeks ago I was feeling exactly what you are feeling and made a post about it. The community responded with some excellent advice that helped a shit ton! I'll like it for you.
100% agree! It's one thing to wait for "the plan".... but if it's not happening, I don't think Jr posting this is amusing at all....we're suffering here
I agree. Social media is happening today. More posts that seem to be pointing in this direction. I've been wondering if the 1.9 trillion bill passage is being done to drain the Central Bank and if we aren't awaiting the Trump prophecy of the 25th Amendment being against the "Biden Administration," not just "Biden." That would mean that Nancy Pelosi could be planning a coup against her own party as well, as Joe's VP is equally as incompetent and definitely not eligible for the job. Together with Pelosi trying to grab the nuclear codes from Trump and then Biden, I could see where she could be charged with five counts of treason (the two faux impeachments, the two attempts to gain the codes, and the January 6 insurrection, which reports last night showed was all planned from the inside). There could be more, but that woman will be in a world of hurt.
Oh, I'm praying. Those of us who know what is happening are suffering because we know what is occurring, but in this war, when all is said and done, President Trump is limiting the casualties. I've barely suffered. Others have suffered the lost of loved ones, the loss of income/business, etc., and the children...my heart bleeds for every child who is waiting for this war to be won.
The thing that confuses me is how happy and positive everyone on Trump's side is. Would they really be so invigorated already for 2024 if they'd just seen the criminal Biden admin steal the election, lockdown DC like a tyrant and reject any investigation? It just doesn't fit with what would be a totally demoralising defeat for Trump.
They went from election fraud, to never giving up and always fighting, to now teasing us with these comeback hints while also being photographed looking relaxed, happy and positive. It really does suggest they know more than they're letting on and are confident they're in the driving seat.
What or how things are going to change I don't know. I still find their overall positivity just weeks after seeing America taken over by a corrupt pos to be odd.
I don't care about the fat dude. I do care about that social score (mandatory) vaccinations are coming to AMERICA. The so-called LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. President Trump, you better not let us down.
Aside from the originals in the 70s with Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, etc., these 90s SNL episodes with Chris Farley, Adam Sandler and that whole crew were the only ones worth watching. What a shame it's turned into such complete trash anymore.
The saddest thing is a ton of kids have no idea who Chris Farley is now. Been a long time gone (hard to believe died 23 years ago).
Saw this opening night. Norm McDonald for life..and Chris Farley's character was amazing cameo.
When he just laughs 10 seconds after You Basterd like 'oh hey guys..' it kills me.
Also so odd-> he did a Newt 'roast' / impression at a Republican House Meeting.. Yes..Farley on CSPAN (really): https://youtu.be/K8BEzPc1awg
norm is q
Any time Norm was going to be on Howard Stern would mean I would be 'sick from school' and listening..
When Norm Would write a skit or appear with those old SNL guys (like Schneider, Sandler, Farley) he always added the best absurdism angle + perfectly deadpan. There is a skit called Mr. Dictionary he wrote with Farley and Sandler which is one of my favorites because it is that absurd '12:45 SNL almost over' type skit which is when they went nuts and Lorne didn't care..
If you don't know what a theater is, how do you know you haven't been to one in 3-4 years?
To me he shall always be the great white ninja.
He made me want to buy a van and go live by the river.
I agree 100%, he was their funniest cast member, and that sketch from the OP was the funniest one
I can't do these things until the mask mandates are removed and people return to normalcy. My mental health is failing and I am becoming deeply depressed. I want to go out and socialize. I'm too extroverted for this.
That's how I feel I think about like getting involved in the community but I'm not wearing a fucking mask to go to a community meeting.
I live in CA. I don't wear a mask. Never have. You are as free as you want to be. You just have to get past the temporary discomfort of NOT conforming. Anyone who wants to live normally has to take steps to live normally - not wait for govt permission to do what you already have a right to do.
Lucky you. I'd be fired in a second at my job for not wearing mask
Yeah, bit different for employees than shoppers :( Walking through a store - the worst that can happen is they tell me I need a mask or have to leave. Which HAS happened. So I pretended to put one on, walked away, and stuck it back in my pocket :P
I do think it would be helpful if anyone who suffers sickness or injury that looks to have come from masks considers litigation. Not everyone can afford to go that route, but it'd teach these mandarin companies a lesson.
If only more people were as courageous as you!
NOBODY CAN FORCE YOU TO DO SHIT!!!! Worst case scenario, you get a Karen in your face.
Hell I found the solution to the Walmart mask mandate.
“You need a mask to come in”
“Actually I’m here to buy masks” never failed. Walk in and out without it. What are they gonna do? Strap me down and put it on me?
That is an EXCELLENT response! Clever!
Thank you.
Dont let anything be that important to you that it gets you mad. If it gets you mad let it go it isnt worth it. Watch JLP show man he will give u road map back to the father the kingdom of heaven is within not without.
This is the best post I’ve read on GAW in a long time. Thanks fren.
It's a blackpilled anti-Q post. So...not the best post. It's the kind of post you click "deport" on.
Meh. I don't see that way at all. Battle fatigue is a real thing. I know, I've experienced it first-hand. Taking a break helps tremendously. You can come back when you're rested and healed. The plan, as I see it, will take YEARS to complete. So yes, balancing this with living a good life is key. And I think thats the point Kautilya is trying to make. But what do I know? I didn't look at their post history so who knows.
I think it's a good idea for everyone to take breaks now and then. But that post WAS made by someone who admittedly doesn't believe in the plan the Q team laid out, and it specifically mentioned avoiding sources that contain positive and hopeful information. THAT is why I said that was a totally deportation-worthy post.
I know, it feels like mental torture some days doesn't it? On those days I take a break- go outside- look up at the clouds or the stars- and just feel that everything is going as planned. My God is still on His throne, Jesus has still redeemed me, and our souls are infinite. Stay strong, and know you’re not alone.
Take a page from Lin Wood, take a look at some of his posts about getting away from it all. I think the torture must be ten times worse for him.
Agreed. I always email Lin and tell him that I’m praying for him. His strength is supernatural.
Something that has been giving me peace is the following.
If Q is real, then the military is in control and the plan is occurring. The two most major themes present throughout Q drops are that "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" and that the military is in control.
If Q is not real, then the evils and problems detailed via Q drops were also not real.
So, whatever the outcome, I will be at peace. Ultimately, God oversees everything and He is in control.
I think if the Dems were really in charge, they would not have chosen the two biggest losers in the primaries for president and vice president. Sanders and Warren were the top two recipients of Act Blue money (not BLM). Were they paid off for stepping aside?
Logical fallacy, even if Q wasn't real, that doesn't mean that the problems are not real.
True, Q not being real doesn't necessarily mean the problems aren't real. But the research methods, logic, and thinking that people use to say that Q is real and that "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" are the same methods and thinking that people use to prove the existence of the satanic, paedophilic cabal. If Q isn't real there is a good chance the cabal isn't either; they are heavily linked.
I don't think so. I knew of the cabal years before I knew Q.
Fren about two weeks ago I was feeling exactly what you are feeling and made a post about it. The community responded with some excellent advice that helped a shit ton! I'll like it for you.
100% agree! It's one thing to wait for "the plan".... but if it's not happening, I don't think Jr posting this is amusing at all....we're suffering here
Be patient.
Don't fucking cocktease me dammit
Mainlining hopium at this stage.
Social media is popping! I barely got my coffee in! ??
It's coming fast and furious this morning, for sure.
I agree. Social media is happening today. More posts that seem to be pointing in this direction. I've been wondering if the 1.9 trillion bill passage is being done to drain the Central Bank and if we aren't awaiting the Trump prophecy of the 25th Amendment being against the "Biden Administration," not just "Biden." That would mean that Nancy Pelosi could be planning a coup against her own party as well, as Joe's VP is equally as incompetent and definitely not eligible for the job. Together with Pelosi trying to grab the nuclear codes from Trump and then Biden, I could see where she could be charged with five counts of treason (the two faux impeachments, the two attempts to gain the codes, and the January 6 insurrection, which reports last night showed was all planned from the inside). There could be more, but that woman will be in a world of hurt.
I was thinking this as well. All the money printing to bankrupt the corporation. One can hope.
Oh, I'm praying. Those of us who know what is happening are suffering because we know what is occurring, but in this war, when all is said and done, President Trump is limiting the casualties. I've barely suffered. Others have suffered the lost of loved ones, the loss of income/business, etc., and the children...my heart bleeds for every child who is waiting for this war to be won.
Now come on, Don Jr. We all know he's supposed to rightfully be in charge to begin with. Quit flirting and make your move already. ;)
The thing that confuses me is how happy and positive everyone on Trump's side is. Would they really be so invigorated already for 2024 if they'd just seen the criminal Biden admin steal the election, lockdown DC like a tyrant and reject any investigation? It just doesn't fit with what would be a totally demoralising defeat for Trump.
They went from election fraud, to never giving up and always fighting, to now teasing us with these comeback hints while also being photographed looking relaxed, happy and positive. It really does suggest they know more than they're letting on and are confident they're in the driving seat.
What or how things are going to change I don't know. I still find their overall positivity just weeks after seeing America taken over by a corrupt pos to be odd.
I am so glad that Don Jr has such a wonderful sense of humor - I bet he keeps dad in stitches . . .
Something is habbening..DTJ and Dan Scavino are either teasing us terribly or it's about to go down publicly
I just went to his IG story! What was the whale about? The fighter jet....so weird....
???? So true. Even the MSM misses him.
Dan Scavino just posted something else on Instagram. I don’t have Instagram can someone post it?
INCOMING!! ? ? ?. Bring it Mr President. GO TRUMP! Roll Tide
Some good, blatant Qcomms here.
The good thing is that GEOTUS is now so close to victory and so many [DS] assets have been removed that he can now begin to say it in the open.
This post is certainly good news.
Junior is in the know so there's thst
Just do it, do it..do it do it do it
Now..... BEFORE 2024
Donald Trump does not like to lose or for anyone to steal from him
He will move slowly and carefully and the STRIKE LIKE THE FASTEST ANIMAL ON THE PLANET
I don't care about the fat dude. I do care about that social score (mandatory) vaccinations are coming to AMERICA. The so-called LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE. President Trump, you better not let us down.
I dont have a Shitter account anymore, but if I did? I would tell Don Jr., I'm with Chris! For the love of God and Country, DO IT!!! NOW!!!
This isn't a twitter post
Oh yeah, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out fren.
Aside from the originals in the 70s with Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, etc., these 90s SNL episodes with Chris Farley, Adam Sandler and that whole crew were the only ones worth watching. What a shame it's turned into such complete trash anymore.
Well, at least he’s coming back, going by the post. ?
Please come back Trump, before we're all living in A VAAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER.
Throwing a little spice early today, I like it!
For the love of God, don't tease me if you can't please me.