POTUS told us the 25th would haunt bidan. We know it's coming. They will use the stair fall as an argument. Q gave us pretty much nothing on KH that I could find. Notably missing. She came out of nowhere. Infiltration from within? Thoughts patriots ?
Also, March 25th is their first press conference. Coincidence? Why 9 days notice?
Highly doubt shes a white hat. She did some low grade shit back in her time...
Have you saw the video of the black in her eyes? Probably the first person they could find that would accept satan taking over her body...
Look, I'm with you there. But Q has expanded my thinking. Just having an open mind about it. Why would Q not give up a bunch of shit (leads) on her like he did w the others ? Maybe I missed something.
Thanks. I did see the first one but not the others
Thats what I did too!!
I agree. If anybody's a white hat it's Joebama.
I mean, this is a real world OP occuring. Its likely she was a toss up until the last minute. IF HILLARY was really taken in back in 17 like videos claim, they likely had to search for a dominant female candidate to take the lead hence the rise of AOC, OMAR, etc... Diversity Hires are their playing card in todays society. She probably hasn't gotten her hands as dirty as the rest of them. Probably not a pedo, probably not a cannibal, just a swampy making a claim to fame..
I too don't think Commala is a pedo. Joebama and Mike Pence definitely are pedos, but Commala just seems like a regular swamp creature playing the BLM card.
Yes that does seem the most likely. But.....Possibly double agent ? Q should have given us something on her. I'm going to look and see what POTUS said about her during the 20 campaign.
He has called her a monster.
The meanest senator in history.
Said that her being the first Female President would be a disgrace to America. He said he would love to see a woman president, but not the way she went about achieving it.
He said, "You will have a woman president, but it will not be her." ?
Kim Klacik would be a fine candidate with the ole sandstone of time... There are tons of picks out there I wouldn't mind seeing. I am a man of skill, but my wife can out-organize, plan, keep track of what seems like thousands of things at once.. A female President, would be a good choice for America. There are tons of FANTASTIC female leaders out there... We just have to have one that isn't a Satan worshipping witch... I can't believe I have to say that in 2021... What a time to be alive...
Now that's interesting if that's a direct quote. Just had a "whoa" moment.
I can't swear it's exact (I'll look) but it's really close! It jumped out at me because of how it contradicted the narrative of his hating women in general. No, just her. (And Hillary) ?
Ok. Thanks. That would support double agent, but deff not white hat.
Hoodrat whore on her best day.
Allow my to give a different viewpoint on KH....This is from a visitation...
I was shown and told to write down "Amalek" but I'm not the best speller at times and wrote "Amalak"..I was told that from generation to generation "Amalak" will come again.....If you look at my misspelling and rearrange the letters it becomes "Kamala"....
Now look up Amalek in any bible or search engine...He was and is pure evil..His descendants are here as they have been since that time...
Read this for a condensed version of the story: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3942715/jewish/Who-Were-Amalek-and-the-Amalekites.htm
I am not Jewish but am often given Jewish history as we are tied to it through the old and new testament as well as the Torah....I research and dig in an attempt to decipher the meaning of what I am shown and told...I believe KH is a descendant of Amalek..Placed in the position she is in by evil. God promised He will blot out this evil and will give us rest from our enemies...
The Holy time is upon us....both of the Holiest holidays for both Christians and Jews will fall on the same day, April 4th this year. The end of Passover and Easter Sunday...This is unusual to say the least...they often overlap but rarely does Passover end on easter Sunday...
I was also told "As the blossoms of spring spout so shall the new world".
April is going to be a great month!
Maybe she was a late-game replacement when something went wrong...they don't seem to have planned very well for this administration at all.
She claimed she smoked pot. Why isn’t she gone according to the new policy?
Maybe that will be her excuse to resign ? :tinfoilhat:
Nah, Obama already admitted it. It isn't disqualifying, especially as long as they're honest.
This will include the media
This post makes so much more sense now than it did 2 yrs ago.
Which coup? There's been at least 3 or 4 (that we know of).
Enter Harris into the search & you'll get 10 drops. Here’s the most important one, 4935. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jim-hunter-biden-china-joint-venture-key-contacts Cami Cameleon is mentioned as a possible key contact for the Biden China joint venture along with Cuomo, Di Blasio... So she has possible China ties—could be a decisive blow to a lot of treasonous scum bags!
And https://qalerts.app/?n=4293 Where she tries to draw attention from China Joe to Corona virus.
I think there’s so serious shit on this monster.
There’s also reference to her relationship to smolett. Cory Booker & Cam’s attempt to change laws about hanging
Its a good opinion. I'm trying to tie together how POTUS told us this would happen, and how that benefits the plan. Hmm
I see nothing was mentioned about the 9 day notice but it was speculated that they need at least 9 days to prepare things like using green screen, getting actors, writing up scripted questions for Bidet to "answer" and whatever else that is necessary to make the "show" as realistic as possible.
It's a good question. She had a lousy performance in the Den primaries. Nothing in the way of natural charisma. No national leverage that I'm aware of.
Yet with the 25th amendment being brought up every day with respect to Biden, by both political sides, how come there's not a lot more discussion on her? She's probably not even eligible.
Maybe her role is small? I'll keep her in mind next time I'm browsing Q.
This makes more and more sense. Why didn't bidan pick a fellow swamp creature?
My opinion it's her husband. There is a string there. What it is- I don't have clue- if it exists.-He's from Brooklyn. Hillary's stomping ground when she was campaigning in 2015-2016.
Kamala was considered to be the MOST liberal/progressive in the Senate. She had the right coloration of skin. Xiden had to have a black FEMALE to offset his creepy perversions and racism evidence online via video and old newspaper articles.
Kamala was not married and still that is a problem for ppl. It was a blind date. The husband does seem to outwardly really care for her. As much as I dislike her, anyone would be happy for someone else if that care in genuine.
He does, just not as KH. Makes mention of her only as Harris
Surprise! Kamala is Q!
cackles in Q
definitely NOT infiltation from within ....
Q mentions #2 a lot. Usually he's referring to us (anons) but double meanings exist. Who is #2 ? I know, crazy. My thinking might have been overexpanded
harris is a child trafficker i doubt q would glorify such crap
By the time they try to invoke 25th the hammer will drop. KH will never get a chance to put her grubby fingers on the wheel
I hope not. Why would POTUS outright tell us about the 25th ?
He was dropping hints to us and trolling the left
Maybe he’s talking about a date ... just saying
Trump specifically mentioned the 25th amendment.
I believe that once Commala is installed and the public is red pilled as much as possible, the hammer will drop with a nuclear scare event. Then the good guys will swoop in.
Q refers to her by Harris if I'm correct
Yes. I think just once
That could be the most scathing review of a single person I have ever read haha.
It was a solid review
Would read again
I updooted that, I was so impressed, people could hire you to do scathing reviews of their in laws and most hated co-workers, you'd make a killing.
Can you imagine it with certain accents too? Like John Cleese, or Morgan Freeman? Dharmafag could be a screenwriter, and just Make money by the boatload!?
Lmao, the Festivus Airing of Grievance season would be a license to print money.
Is hire this pede to do a roast
Definitely an empty vessel. Prime for demonic possession.
Possibly the very reason she is there.
Damn I'm just glad that review isn't about me. Like another anon said, that's scathing as shit, but I think it's pretty on point. 10/10
Jamaica has black people for one reason alone, the 1600s English slave trade. blacks were taken from Africa and transported to the Caribbean as slaves for the plantations
so ya, part of her heritage does end up back in africa.
pirates would capture these slave ships and frre the slaves. some of the freed men joined up with the pirates and wreaked havoc on the english.
Dude.wtf. she has been asian since this afternoon.
Except earlier when nbc(I think) called her an Asian American, and brought her into this asianhate thing