My theory is that the virus was created to test an HIV vaccine. It's Fauci's life's dream. However you'd have to make it more contagious to get a bigger test sample. Hence, take a cold virus and stick HIV spikes on it. Now you have something naturally contagious which can mimic HIV enough for a vaccine to attack. Bill Gates likes the idea, he can test it on Africans. Various people like the money possibilities. Nobody cares how many people die testing this theory because they justify it with Gaia worship.
Where are they getting that 4700 deaths number from? Graphic says 'as of March 11...' was the graphic made in March 2020? I can't find a source anywhere with a number that low. (And certainly not from the sources listed, lol).
Putting my neck out there to be 'that guy'. I am starting to question everything & wonder if those Black Plague numbers really were that bad, or if these fake stories/propoganda have been around for millennia?
MonkeyWerx showed an animation showing the duration of the overlapping pandemics since two thousand years. It shows that the Second Plague Pandemic lasted over 500 years from 1346-1840 and took more than 80M lives.
You could just as well entertain the idea that pandemics have never existed. You'll have to decide which data set represents the reality you prefer.
Look into Aspirin and the Spanish flu. It explains the huge death toll and “second wave”.
And if you really want to jump down a rabbit hole, check out the OPV theory for AIDS. Read the “debunking” and the rebuttal to the debunking. There’s definitely something to it.
Because AIDS is a judgement from God on the disgusting faggots. Dr. Fauci promoted AZT back in the day to treat it, and it killed almost everyone who took it. At least he did one thing right in his career.
And why no anal swabs to detect an anal disease but anal swabs to detect a respiratory disease
HIV is most likely spread through anal sex. We will all have to wear steel diapers to prevent accidental penetration. Please don't give them ideas.
Like that Saudi Royal that tripped, fell, and accidentally went inside a young woman.
People don't get butt fukked in the supermarket for one thing.
Have you seen the price of beef or pork lately? Oh, we’re definitely getting cornholed.
When you're right, you're right.
So you think
It's a great graphic, but how do they justify the 4.7k death figure? Gonna be tough to get people to take this seriously.
I think it's an old graphic. You could probably take that 4.7K and determine which month it was published. Still, less than 3M compared to 25-35M.
It looks like the 17th Century Great Plagues were about 3M.
For perspective, Covid19 is a little bigger than the Asian Flu and Hong Kong Flu combined.
And why no HIV vaccine yet? 40 years and still looking but COVID 19 in under a year?
Antigenic variation, HIV constantly swaps its antigens. That is how the body marks viruses. If you keep swapping them, no vaccine can stop you.
My theory is that the virus was created to test an HIV vaccine. It's Fauci's life's dream. However you'd have to make it more contagious to get a bigger test sample. Hence, take a cold virus and stick HIV spikes on it. Now you have something naturally contagious which can mimic HIV enough for a vaccine to attack. Bill Gates likes the idea, he can test it on Africans. Various people like the money possibilities. Nobody cares how many people die testing this theory because they justify it with Gaia worship.
Are we sure the AIDS is caused by HIV-1? I seem to remember that the scientific evidence about this was quite fishy..
The Duesberg Hypothesis:
He states that the statistics in Africa do not match what you would expect to see in a pandemic.
Well this really puts things into perspective.
One disease is transmitted through bodily fluids while the other is respiratory droplets.
It doesn't put anything in perspective
Oh you and your knowledge and facts
They couldnt make money off you then, and it wasnt time for their GREAT RESET...
Eugenics occurs every day around the world.... They could have pushed this in africa, any third world country.
Amazing Polly is over at Bitchute.
Where are they getting that 4700 deaths number from? Graphic says 'as of March 11...' was the graphic made in March 2020? I can't find a source anywhere with a number that low. (And certainly not from the sources listed, lol).
It has to be. I remember seeing this exact thing months ago. But I’d wager that the true death toll is not too much higher.
From their point of view, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE.
The Black Death is called by a bacteria, Yersinia pestis, not a virus.
HIV isn’t airborne
So many hoaxes lol
Killed mostly blacks, gays and drug users.
Oh yeah, and it wasn't airborne.
Putting my neck out there to be 'that guy'. I am starting to question everything & wonder if those Black Plague numbers really were that bad, or if these fake stories/propoganda have been around for millennia?
MonkeyWerx showed an animation showing the duration of the overlapping pandemics since two thousand years. It shows that the Second Plague Pandemic lasted over 500 years from 1346-1840 and took more than 80M lives.
You could just as well entertain the idea that pandemics have never existed. You'll have to decide which data set represents the reality you prefer.
The real key is finding authentic information. These deep dives have me questioning everything & now I am more skeptical than my father.
It could be we're living in a very realistic simulation of a pandemic on a planet. So there's that.
Look into Aspirin and the Spanish flu. It explains the huge death toll and “second wave”.
And if you really want to jump down a rabbit hole, check out the OPV theory for AIDS. Read the “debunking” and the rebuttal to the debunking. There’s definitely something to it.
Here’s a starting point:
Thank you. It will be fun digging into it & I always appreciate being pointed at a starting point.
Because AIDS is a judgement from God on the disgusting faggots. Dr. Fauci promoted AZT back in the day to treat it, and it killed almost everyone who took it. At least he did one thing right in his career.
They literally tried to stop people from having sex over covid, so..... I agree.
Big Zappa fan here, but I'd say that drum mix is a bit promiscuous.