His brother said he was paranoid and that he always thought people were after him. He may have had a mental illness.
In my research I've seen that Boulder is listed as a EMC (electromagnetic control) center. Aka monarch programming. Allegedly. I thought that that was interesting but I wasn't there so no, I don't know for certain. Just an odd coincidence imo.
None others that I'm aware of that are EMC specifically but if it's real I'm sure they are out there. There is HAARP in Colorado Springs (weather control) China Lake CA comes up a lot. I find/found them on sites like these. I can post links if you wish.
I happened upon them looking into Monarch mind control and the systematic abuse that is undertaken in order to split the personality and install typified personalities. I am relatively new to this. I've only been opening my eyes to most of this in the last 3 months.
That being said, please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't imply anything of the sort. I am under the impression that they already do perform background checks in order to obtain a weapon legally. I would think if you had a specific mental illness or say, you had been hospitalized for mental illness that it would be harder to get a gun permit. I myself have been diagnosed with a couple and I do not have a gun permit so I'm not the best person to ask. Maybe another person with more knowledge could provide better info.
I couldn't tell if you were being condescending but I would ask you to remember why we are here. To learn, and spread knowledge but most importantly, to be a part of a community in which we all feel strongly about being a part of. Best wishes friend =]
sure would be cool if we could elect a president who would take on the media, take them over, shut them down, imprison or execute principals for treason, use the Emergency System to inform Americans of what happened, educate the people, throw out the communists, and restore our Republic
Oh wait we DID elect that man, and he had the election stolen from him on live TV without any retaliation. No rioting or violence whatsoever among those at the Peaceful Patriot Protest on 1/6 at the Capitol. No violent reaction among his 100 million other followers. Not one scintilla, iota, or SMIDGEN of violence from our side. We're the good people here. No matter what happens to us, we refuse to take it out on other people—even the ones who did it.
He must have some sort of alternative plan brewing, or he'd have annihilated them when he was still in office. The logic of that, I find irrefutable.
Not much of a faggot at anything unfortunately, but definitely resting easy since Trump said I'll be back, I don't concede, I don't give up, see you soon, the best is yet to come
I never understood the "crisis actor" shit. Seems to me it'd be much easier to just get someone to actually shoot up a school than all the nonsense you'd have to go through trying to fake it.
As I understand it, like at Parkland, they had CIA/Military go in, clad in black tactical gear, while the kids and teachers are locked in their classrooms as part of “the drill”. The CIA/Military does all the actual killing so that it is clean, controlled, and efficient. On the day of Parkland, students and teachers were saying this. Some of them looked into the halls and they saw the men in black tactical gear. These videos were all scrubbed. Then the patsy is brought in and taken down - arrested or shot himself - to complete the narrative. Crisis actors are more for the media, like that one dude on 9/11 who was hitting up all the cameras to explain how jet fuel melted steel beams. Everyone else on 9/11 is panicked, confused, scared. But this guy is calm as fuck with his pre-packaged sound bites.
This. The crisis actor is who you put on TV to frame the narrative. The parent no one has seen before, the kid who was in some class that no one's kid was in. Not everyone is, most are actual students, sharing their stories of the maladjusted kid who killed himself at the end of the spree... no they never saw him but let me tell you about how scared I was hearing the shots while hiding behind my desk. The crisis actor gets the sound bite in.
No doubt about it that CNN, Wapo, NYT, daily beast, et al. Are radicalising people into hatred, teaching them how to hate America, changing cultural norms like "men and woman", and constantly making conservatives the evil ones, so hurting us is justified. How do we go about taking down these organizations for sedition? Are they really "private" if they are being funded by foreign governments and foreign extremist who hate America?
"A police affidavit made public on Tuesday said that last week he bought a Ruger AR-556 semiautomatic pistol — essentially a shortened version of an AR-15 style rifle, which fires the same small-caliber, high-velocity ammunition, first developed for battlefield use." The Gateway Pundit.
of course they are they know all the TRIGGER WORDS
mku sleepers are everywhere
It's a 6000 year old program. It's not going to be easy to end this.
Oopsi, now they need something else so there is nothing to see here. I give it 24hrs. I think I am being generous.
National guard soldiers held at gun point in Texas?
Solution? Take the law bidding citizens guns away and defund the police!
Did this guy get his AR legally?
supposedly he had a warrant for his arrest before and had served jail time before, so most likely no he was not actually allowed to legally have a gun
You only lose your gun rights for felony convictions.
They dont take your guns for misdemeanors.
You can get a warrant for not paying a speeding ticket. I don't think gun rights are taken away unless you are a convicted felon.
Supposedly according to who?
All I could find online was that he had to do community service on account of third-degree assault. Not jail time. Do you scrutinize your sources?
was hearsay, which is why i chose the words supposedly and most likely
Was it really "most likely" when it's based on hearsay?
if the supposedly is true yes, as somebody like that spending time in jail means it was most likely a felony
Well that's useful.
His brother said he was paranoid and that he always thought people were after him. He may have had a mental illness.
In my research I've seen that Boulder is listed as a EMC (electromagnetic control) center. Aka monarch programming. Allegedly. I thought that that was interesting but I wasn't there so no, I don't know for certain. Just an odd coincidence imo.
How many other EMCs have you discovered in your research?
Are you saying that we shouldn't sell guns to people with mental illnesses? How would we find out about that? Like some sort of background check?
None others that I'm aware of that are EMC specifically but if it's real I'm sure they are out there. There is HAARP in Colorado Springs (weather control) China Lake CA comes up a lot. I find/found them on sites like these. I can post links if you wish. I happened upon them looking into Monarch mind control and the systematic abuse that is undertaken in order to split the personality and install typified personalities. I am relatively new to this. I've only been opening my eyes to most of this in the last 3 months. That being said, please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't imply anything of the sort. I am under the impression that they already do perform background checks in order to obtain a weapon legally. I would think if you had a specific mental illness or say, you had been hospitalized for mental illness that it would be harder to get a gun permit. I myself have been diagnosed with a couple and I do not have a gun permit so I'm not the best person to ask. Maybe another person with more knowledge could provide better info. I couldn't tell if you were being condescending but I would ask you to remember why we are here. To learn, and spread knowledge but most importantly, to be a part of a community in which we all feel strongly about being a part of. Best wishes friend =]
Thanks for taking my smart-assery in such a good natured way, and being open about mental illness which has been so stigmatized.
I loved that " he was on the FBI radar" for some time.
Of course he was. How else would they know his trigger word?
Time to activate the asset.
sure would be cool if we could elect a president who would take on the media, take them over, shut them down, imprison or execute principals for treason, use the Emergency System to inform Americans of what happened, educate the people, throw out the communists, and restore our Republic
Oh wait we DID elect that man, and he had the election stolen from him on live TV without any retaliation. No rioting or violence whatsoever among those at the Peaceful Patriot Protest on 1/6 at the Capitol. No violent reaction among his 100 million other followers. Not one scintilla, iota, or SMIDGEN of violence from our side. We're the good people here. No matter what happens to us, we refuse to take it out on other people—even the ones who did it.
He must have some sort of alternative plan brewing, or he'd have annihilated them when he was still in office. The logic of that, I find irrefutable.
Thank you.
Why didn't he, though? He had four years.
Not much of a faggot at anything unfortunately, but definitely resting easy since Trump said I'll be back, I don't concede, I don't give up, see you soon, the best is yet to come
MSM breeding terrorists, that's not new. Look at the "summer of love", MSM quite culpable.
Wait, I though this attack was fake. Is it true now that the shooter is Muslim?
I never understood the "crisis actor" shit. Seems to me it'd be much easier to just get someone to actually shoot up a school than all the nonsense you'd have to go through trying to fake it.
As I understand it, like at Parkland, they had CIA/Military go in, clad in black tactical gear, while the kids and teachers are locked in their classrooms as part of “the drill”. The CIA/Military does all the actual killing so that it is clean, controlled, and efficient. On the day of Parkland, students and teachers were saying this. Some of them looked into the halls and they saw the men in black tactical gear. These videos were all scrubbed. Then the patsy is brought in and taken down - arrested or shot himself - to complete the narrative. Crisis actors are more for the media, like that one dude on 9/11 who was hitting up all the cameras to explain how jet fuel melted steel beams. Everyone else on 9/11 is panicked, confused, scared. But this guy is calm as fuck with his pre-packaged sound bites.
That's my point. Why would the deepstate go to all that trouble when they can just have some random crazy actually shoot up a school.
This. The crisis actor is who you put on TV to frame the narrative. The parent no one has seen before, the kid who was in some class that no one's kid was in. Not everyone is, most are actual students, sharing their stories of the maladjusted kid who killed himself at the end of the spree... no they never saw him but let me tell you about how scared I was hearing the shots while hiding behind my desk. The crisis actor gets the sound bite in.
Would the CIA / Military really shoot a bunch of children without remorse because they were following orders? No one would blow the whistle?
one third of leftists already believe violence is justified to achieve their political goals.
Yeah, but I'm hoping the military / CIA isn't completely infested with the Blantifa brand of Leftists.
Who am I kidding...
Watch American Ultra, it's basically a documentary.
MK/Ultra. They wouldn't blow the whistle of their programming. They wouldn't even remember it after they were done.
White Muslim? Dude looks like a fucking “typical Redditor”
Edit: looks he looks white on TV. Previous pictures, he definitely looks Middle eastern
Muslim lefty. Still could easily be fake.
I live in Boulder County. Total false flag because a federal judge struck down an attempt by the city of Boulder to restrict gun carry.
I just read this
Yesterday, 3/22, was Skull & Bones Day. Start of war going ~HOT~???
There were many posts about it. Here and on patriots. Sorry that you weren't able to see them.
So, the good guys that are supposedly in control set this up/allowed it? Pretty fucking discouraging
There is no scenario where "white hats" did this or allowed it to happen. Those who are thinking such things are delusional.
This was either real, or if FF then it was done by sick fucks.
People need to stop drinking the kool aid and look at reality for what it is.
No doubt about it that CNN, Wapo, NYT, daily beast, et al. Are radicalising people into hatred, teaching them how to hate America, changing cultural norms like "men and woman", and constantly making conservatives the evil ones, so hurting us is justified. How do we go about taking down these organizations for sedition? Are they really "private" if they are being funded by foreign governments and foreign extremist who hate America?
This just disinformation from the NSA. He wanted to do a Trump Rally but settled for his local grocery store? Come on...
First time i've ever been happy to have had the covid scamdemic.
In addition to the rifle;
"A police affidavit made public on Tuesday said that last week he bought a Ruger AR-556 semiautomatic pistol — essentially a shortened version of an AR-15 style rifle, which fires the same small-caliber, high-velocity ammunition, first developed for battlefield use." The Gateway Pundit.
When you preach hate, you breed it also.
Feb 2020 or Feb 2021???
False flag!
Has Jack's insider info panned out in the past?
Usually does.
But he also says it was in retaliation for Biden's airstrikes in Syria. So which is it?!
You seem confused.