Comments (60)
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Isn't this in violation of the 1st amendment, like, big time?
Not that they care, obviously. But hopefully something like that would be stopped in its tracks.
You think they care about the Bill of Rights? They’ve damn near stripped us of all of them.
This is all so the globalist NWO cabal of socialists and communists can take over our country. One of the things they hate most is to have patriots in government positions where a security clearance is required upholding the constitution.
the first and the second, but if their entire base is supporting their decision what is holding them back?
I’m surprised/glad no idiots here accused OP of being a “shill/glowie” for promoting the use of violence against our government. The 2nd Amendment was specifically written to protect our right to violently defend ourselves from government. The 2A is under assault by the left, but we have some supposedly on the right who are too afraid to even talk about it out of fear of getting the site shut down.
I’d say there is a left and right on a scale where left is for totalitarianism/collectivism and the right is for Free Market (no rulers) / individualism. Democrats and Republicans are on the left, along with the Cabal. Those crazy libertarians / anarchy-capitalists / voluntaryists are on the right.
Freedom of Assembly is a Constitutional Right
We don't get our rights from the constitution/government. The constitution is there to protect our "natural" rights, the inalienable rights endowed by our creator. We certainly don't want to get our rights from government because then the government could take them away.
The first amendment says:
It says the government can't make laws that abridge our natural right of speech/assembly/redress.
Same with the second amendment. It's a protection of our "natural" right. It basically says (emphasis and "natural" added by me):
'Our Creator'
Too bad there are millions of Muslims who's Creator has compelled them to destroy Christian civilization and factions in our government are assisting and funding them.
Currently, we far removed from the ideological syntax of the Preamble.
Sharia Law has NO PLACE in Western Civilization
get the fuck out
Like Putin says... there are numerous countries for those type of beliefs.
"Just as you have extremist muslims - there are extremist christians."
Wow, I musta missed years (decades) of news reports and military operations to beat back the extremist Christians killing, setting off IED's/suicide bombing and being general blights on even their own people, much less Humanity as a whole. I must have also missed where it says to go slay anyone not Christian, that they're nothing but pigs and dogs like it demands Muslims do in the Quaran. Also must have missed where it allows followers to rape non-Muslims or Muslim Women not following specific retarded guidelines of what THEY think should be followed.
MUSLIM extremists are mass murdering indiscriminately all over the world every single day in the name of some goat-fucker named Mohammed. Christians are not. There is literally no comparison.
I could go on with quite a list of how flawed your thinking is. I've lived among both Christians AND Muslims for years at a time both in America and abroad and have a pretty solid understanding of both. Sure some Christians are assholes but you dont have to have fear of them murdering you or your family for not giving them a stick of gum or telling them "No" in some deranged logic of regaining Honor.
Remember this: Extremist Muslims may be the focus and doing the dirty work, but moderate Muslims still approve by saying nothing and MANY silently cheer on their more radical brethren thru blatant financing, disguised "donations", or receiving blood money if one of their retard family members will blow themselves up in a crowd in the name of Allah.
What a stupid attempt at comparison reasoning. GTFOH with that...
You directly equated Extremist Muslims to Extremist Christians: "Just as you have extremist muslims - there are extremist christians." <--you. This directly implies that they are equal by the comparison and could not be more further from the truth, hence my post.
If you do not want to have someone school you, type out your thoughts better and more responsibly. The rest of your defensive riposte is weak and not worth comment. Do better.
Let me guess, christian, right? ?
Just taking a wild guess based on my personal experiences with people of different religious beliefs, coupled with my knowledge of various religions - christianity is the only religion who condemns people based solely on their belief. Even each other!
You probably still believe the news, don’t you? Or you selectively choose what you want based on information you got from others, maybe? Just guessing since you evidently believe the media’s sensationalized views of a small percentage of muslims, characterizing all as violent extremists. In reality, they do NOT represent the majority of muslim people. That’s prejudice, if you didn’t realize.
Just like christianity, there are several sects/denominations of Islam - each with its own doctrine, theology and school of thought and law. To say a “radical muslim is faithful muslim” is essentially equivalent to calling a baptist a catholic. Or a catholic a protestant.
The majority of muslims are peaceful, nonviolent people who honor their god in their lives, just like christians. In fact - christians can learn something from muslims... you see, muslims prefer to let others live as wish and they want peace with others, regardless of religious belief. Christians, on the other hand - prefers that others are saved (i.e., convert to christianity), so much so that non christians and christians from other denominations are repeatedly told how they’re going to burn in hell for eternity - just because they have a different belief! Talk about radical!
Let’s imagine Biden’s administration forces people to ‘identify’ with a religion... christianity would be 2nd to last on my list; satanism being last. I could never identify with a group so blinded by their belief that they can’t even see the hate and discontent they have in their heart for people who don’t prescribe to their specific school of thought, even though they serve the same god!
As a spiritual being who don’t prescribe to any religious system - I have love, compassion, respect for and appreciate the beauty in all of god’s creations.
Well good for you! We’re all entitled to believe what we want to believe. And you responded to ME, lol. You didn’t have to inject yourself, you did because of your own prejudices which prevent you from thinking with an open mind. These ‘faithful muslims’ as you call them, are not the majority and they don’t discriminate on who they kill! They killing and terrorizing peaceful muslims throughout the middle east still today.
Islam isn’t the only religion with a bazillion different sects/denominations that have different schools of thought/laws, you know. I think christianity has the most, at around 3k? And each believe theirs is the truth. And of course, very few willing to admit the role of violence in their religion’s past, let alone in the present.
But WHAT DOES IT MATTER that some people choose x, y or z religion?! The ONLY people who this matters to - are religious people! Like I said - and I’ll say it again: RELIGION DIVIDES.
I should’ve known better than to reply to your simple and idiotic comment. But you got me!!! You successfully trolled my ass! ? CONGRATS!
Bill of Rights.
The 1st Amendment is all we pretty much have left!
No if you have an HOA where you live.
Yet sleeping with a Chinese spy while married is so okay, you can be on the intelligence committee
Schumer looks like a cartoon villain too.
Don't think so. Not when even the far lefties have absolute hatred for this old hag and only put up with her bc she doesn't interrupt their agenda.
How are we not supposed to have anything but disdain for these people?
As soon as you say "Well they can't get any worse"; they accept that as a challenge and come up with a whole new line of bs.
That's the point. The more we hate them the more they can claim we are all "domestic terrorists".
If they pass "laws" violating our constitutional rights, after having achieved their "office" through election fraud, there's only one solution.
Erasing... erasing our constitutional rights.
Welp, there goes my career....
Reading this thread, I am struck by this thought: All they are doing has no standing, the 117th "congress" is firing off all their seditious ammo against the true Republic, and the puppet CEO biden is replete with treason. Soon, The Law of War will usher in the ending of this travesty known as USA Inc...
This is HOW they plan to ‘rid’ federal government operations of Patriots
You’re right, BasedCitizen: WE are the gatekeepers! Looks like their plan is to outsource to China; not possible to do business with a skeleton crew. The scamdemic ensured all fed agencies could operate ‘remotely,’ and with all the security breaches/backdoors into the networks/COTS - they’re probably getting themselves all trained up - ready for the turnover.
We know that they know where we hang/read on the www, they know what the fuck we buy, they know where the fuck we go, everything we input into our connected devices - so there’s lying to keep a job... but who the hell would want to anyway! Might as well be on their side.
Well... since it looks like I’ll be taking my 40 year old, old ass back into law enforcement, I need to start getting my cardio back up. Long daily long strolls around this here cookie cutter suburbia... And you know what - I’m going to bring up a taboo topic whenever I see a neighbor: politics.
IF the day comes that this shit gets through the system - that day will be the 1st day of the rest of our lives... And we will prevail!
Utter bullshit. They're trying to make it illegal for Trump to be POTUS again.
At this point, I will not respect grief time or anything. The moment this frickin witch dies, I'll pop fireworks and drink some 18 year old scotch in celebration.
exercising democracy it's part of the process in our Republic. These are just assholes tossing red meat to other assholes.
It's too safe to be a corrupt politician these daya.
Have you ever had a security investigation done on you? The same way all security clearances get denied. They investigate you.
This would just make it official. Who are the gatekeepers?
Anyone that has ever held a public trust or more, worked for the fed government, or even contracted for them, should be able to answer that question.
This just gets more ridiculous by the day. We are still catering to the MINORITY supposedly to show the public but it is still the MAJORITY of us paying for their stupidity. This could go on forever. Time to rip off the bandage already. The public NEEDS to be shown the truth of the lies not continuous lies.
Most ridiculous bill in history, at least one of them.
That’s got to be a joke
Easy go-around... Just disguise ourselves as Muslim Brohood, BLM, Antifa etc and assemble in peace
Better make that fence another 10 feet taller Piglosi!