Prediction : He will blather on about how he has been so busy cleaning up the Trump messes that he couldn't do a press conference. He will be pumped full of Aricept and stimulants too. The "media" questions will be pre-scripted and "opposing media" like OANN and maybe Fox will not be recognized either when they try to question him. The "conference" won't last long, maybe 15 minutes or max 30 minutes. His answers will be the usual rambling word-salad. There will be a cut-off or delay on the "live feed", to redact his gaffs and stumbling. Answers to the pre-scripted questions will be on his podium display and transmitted to his ear implant.
Please bear in mind that this "Biden" is an actor who only has "dementia" when he wants to. He can speak perfectly lucidly when playing himself. (He deserves an Oscar.)
This guy does not look like the Joe Biden during Obama’s time. I can’t figure out if this is what dementia does or if it’s a different person. This guy looks softer vs the old was so full of hate. I go back and forth on if same person or not. Anyone know when the switch happened if they think different person.
If you search Joe Biden body double, you'll come up with a bunch of images. To me, it looks like Joe changed in 2016. It also seems like there have been more than one actor since. I personally think that the guy we see now is Emmy worthy.
I totally agree with you. This Biden 2.0 looks so much less mean. I think he's a white hat actor and his gaffes and trips are planned. This conference may contain that kind of thing.
If you want be convinced about the new Biden, see a angled camera view and note that new Biden has a more bulbous forehead, and old Biden's is slightly more sloped. New Biden has a less prominent jaw IMO.
Been waiting for this. Sadly due to the time difference, I won't get to see it live. Hope I wake to the gift of gaffes and talk of Biden being far gone in the media.
Fingers crossed for the kind of spectacular fuck up only Biden can deliver.
Let's be honest, the whole thing will be cgi/greenscreened/facial mapped. They aren't going to put Xiden in a hot seat situation, that we can be sure about.
It's the whole reason that Xiden handed over the "Border crisis" to Heels up, he will simply bat away any questions on it saying speak with her. Timing is everything with these clowns.
Yup someone nailed it. Biden is blaming Trump for taking us back 30 yrs in regard to Equal pay for women..
It is a Trump bash SJW Anarchist Antifa lovefest
This is going to be the most scripted, pre-rehearsed 'press conference' ever, isn't it?
It's like the first debate - the bar is as low as you can possibly get. If he gets through this answering two questions it'll be held up as a huge success.
Calling it now, the conference won't happen. He'll have something happen today to avoid it. I think the announcement was comm related to his removal from office.
Prediction : He will blather on about how he has been so busy cleaning up the Trump messes that he couldn't do a press conference. He will be pumped full of Aricept and stimulants too. The "media" questions will be pre-scripted and "opposing media" like OANN and maybe Fox will not be recognized either when they try to question him. The "conference" won't last long, maybe 15 minutes or max 30 minutes. His answers will be the usual rambling word-salad. There will be a cut-off or delay on the "live feed", to redact his gaffs and stumbling. Answers to the pre-scripted questions will be on his podium display and transmitted to his ear implant.
Don’t forget the neuro stimulators that can at times crawl out of his shirt cuff!
Please bear in mind that this "Biden" is an actor who only has "dementia" when he wants to. He can speak perfectly lucidly when playing himself. (He deserves an Oscar.)
prediction: It will be a disaster and 25th amend will be fast tracked starting right after.
Just watched Chanel say OAN couldn't get an invite. Only about 20 reporters allowed today
Yeah, 20 reporters who gave their questions in advance.
This guy does not look like the Joe Biden during Obama’s time. I can’t figure out if this is what dementia does or if it’s a different person. This guy looks softer vs the old was so full of hate. I go back and forth on if same person or not. Anyone know when the switch happened if they think different person.
If you search Joe Biden body double, you'll come up with a bunch of images. To me, it looks like Joe changed in 2016. It also seems like there have been more than one actor since. I personally think that the guy we see now is Emmy worthy.
Back in the day he looked like Vigor the Magnificent from Ghostbusters 2. Now, he looks completely different. Some guy lost inside a Walgreens ?
If they have to dub his voice, makes sense why he never appears live.
I totally agree with you. This Biden 2.0 looks so much less mean. I think he's a white hat actor and his gaffes and trips are planned. This conference may contain that kind of thing.
If you want be convinced about the new Biden, see a angled camera view and note that new Biden has a more bulbous forehead, and old Biden's is slightly more sloped. New Biden has a less prominent jaw IMO.
There's the eyes and the earlobes too
Has anyone done a body height analysis? I see a lot of pics comparing face and ears. But what about height, shoulder width, etc?
You are absolutely correct in your assessment friend. Check out this goldmine.
I agree with that article - comedy genius!
The author of the article is 79 and thinks that he's an office.
Clearly a typo friend. The "r" is missing at the end.
Been waiting for this. Sadly due to the time difference, I won't get to see it live. Hope I wake to the gift of gaffes and talk of Biden being far gone in the media.
Fingers crossed for the kind of spectacular fuck up only Biden can deliver.
Popcorn time!
T minus 4 hours
Let's be honest, the whole thing will be cgi/greenscreened/facial mapped. They aren't going to put Xiden in a hot seat situation, that we can be sure about.
I was just watching some of it. Is it me or am I seeing a definite outline around Bidet's head that I don't see when the "reporters" are speaking?
It's the whole reason that Xiden handed over the "Border crisis" to Heels up, he will simply bat away any questions on it saying speak with her. Timing is everything with these clowns.
9 months to Christmas. The day Frodo dropped the One Ring in Mt Doom.
Yup someone nailed it. Biden is blaming Trump for taking us back 30 yrs in regard to Equal pay for women.. It is a Trump bash SJW Anarchist Antifa lovefest
This is going to be the most scripted, pre-rehearsed 'press conference' ever, isn't it?
It's like the first debate - the bar is as low as you can possibly get. If he gets through this answering two questions it'll be held up as a huge success.
Mmm, symbolism will be their downfall.
Calling it now, the conference won't happen. He'll have something happen today to avoid it. I think the announcement was comm related to his removal from office.
This will be the most scrutinized press conference ever.
Looks like ole resident Xiden is giving me a birthday present this year!! ?
Happy Birthday to you!
Indeed it is my fren! Last year was the Takening, now we have the Great Awakening!!
As expected... pre-screened questions and prepared answers.
a) They need some time to give his double the final touch
b) He will announce his resignation due a covid infection making Heelsup the new dictator