I get why they haven’t had a press conference until now. I am angry. I think collectively we’re all angry and this was just a reminder of how many times they’ve spit in our faces and laughed. Here you see a president who deserves no respect, get the utmost respect given to him. It’s a reminder that our president couldn’t get two words in without being constantly interrupted and treated like shit.
Here’s a guy that can do things like stumble on his thoughts and go “oh, whoops, um... where was I, uhhh...” and the media goes Awwww. When our president lifts a water bottle up to his mouth funny or stares at the eclipse without glasses and the whole news world has a shitfit about how he’s unfit for office.
On illegal border crossings he had the audacity to say “They’re coming because I’m a nice guy, I’m a nice president”... no, they’re coming because (and you can choose both for all I care) A. Child trafficking or B. You’re the pushover everyone’s fine with stepping over.
They haven’t had press conferences because of the same reason people that know people know they cheated don’t like the spotlight, because it’s awkward, they know they shouldn’t be there. Their body language and demeanor reek of it and it angers people and it reminds people of what they had, what they had taken from them and what they want back. It ignites people and should hopefullly draw more people out of the woodwork to speak up that may have had their voices muted over the first couple months of this disaster.
I’m off the soapbox, apologies for the rant, hope everyone has a great weekend.
Great stuff!
Super well said!
Agreed! Well said.
I would say don't let it bother you because we all know here that the MSM FAKE news are his shills, all part of the corrupt Beast System.
Has anyone mentioned the two year delta for today (March 25, 2021) : 3180 Mar 25, 2019 1:55:52 PM EDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI https://twitter.com/John_Nassif/status/1110236076768223232 Listen very carefully. DIGEST the FULL GRAVITY of what the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES says in this clip. Q.
TY for the link but the link takes me to a non-exitstant page.
Dang it!
I'm more lost for words than Biden was.
Who the hell is Jim Eagle?
That guy shouldn't be allowed to run his own bathwater let alone the country.
I kinda feel sorry for him because someone is exploiting his more than obvious dementia for their political games.
No pity from me. Joe made this bed.
What happened when he just wandered away from the podium and started answering questions away from his mic? What the actual fuck?
I thought this was the weirdest part, aside from his nonstop idiotic answers. Where was he headed?
This was obviously a deep fake, prerecorded, etc. you name it.
he was either trying to intimidate the questioner or seem personable by approaching her.
“I thought he had blue eyes...?” - my fiancé just minutes ago. I replied, “yes dear, that is a serious problem no one ever talks about” Him “...but I mean like even last week he had blue eyes” “Yes. Dear. That is a very serious problem no one ever talks about”
What press conference?
Every single foreign policy question was read from a White House policy briefing - the same fuckin one that's in Raggedy Ann's binder of bullshit. Every single one of them.
My thoughts and words exactly expressed...thank you
Don’t be disparaged, watch Mike Lindell’s video released today for hopium!
The part where he said “I was hired to” not elected.
Hired to be an actor?
Exactly. Agree 100% and well stated.
I'm not mad. The anticipation made it worth it. How did he make it through 90 minute debates just 5 months ago??
Cocaines a helluva drug
Swampy says this way better than i could
@FedUpWithSwamp Biden has only been (fake) President for 64 days and is swiftly implementing EVERYTHING Trump warned us he would do if he got in the White House….
Do you really believe the speed of this radical agenda, following along President Trump's script, is organic? Cabal prefers to slow boil frogs in the milk, lest they rebel and jump out of the pot. it’s also very odd that Slow-Joe did nothing much for 47 years, now he’s suddenly greased lightning? Moving even faster than President Trump did?
Yet zero time spent with any foreign dignitaries? Zero time spent meeting with domestic company CEO’s in DC? Zero time spent with any of our Military leaders? If masks work and Covid testing is standard WH procedure, then why no visitors? Especially since Biden refuses to release any Virtual Visitor logs.
My guess would be we're watching orchestrated (but controlled) chaos. Which could explain why Xiden is always reading a script… one that trips him up quite often (pun intended). And what’s with all the CGI inauguration, pressers and interviews? Also his behavior is redpilling many. Would cabal really want this? I become more convinced, every day, that we are watching a movie! ? And who would the director be? wht hats!!
#461 What makes a movie GOOD? GREAT actors? Q
He’s missing supper-it’s stuck in the Suess.
Banana land
That doesn’t make any sense to me... which makes it a perfect summary of the stinky, mushy absurdity that spewed out of POTATUS.
I was driving home and the radio news for the top of the hour came on. I listened to the national news description of the presser - glossed over it and made it sound positive. Our talk radio (Cox Media) station has an app where people can leave audio messages. A younger man said that he was so glad to finally have a president that didn't lie despite everything not being perfect. There was only one played which tells me that a lot of others called in (we do have a lot of conservatives in this area) who saw it differently. They usually play both sides because they get enough comments, but not this time!
Boy, he sure got angry with Republicans and conservatives. The rest was lame. It was scripted as hell.
Could stomach any more after he said people like him because he us a nice guy...vomit tjme.
"Joe can you say anything to the events in GA and CO and how you are going to tackle gun control and hold the weapon manufacturers responsible?"
"Err uhm infrastructure. We're gonna build roads and airports and bridges...."
or what was the other one? Oh yeah.
"There are only 3 things I need to remember.
Number 1 is blah blah blah.
And number 2 is blah blah blah"
SaltyBrit, I was wondering how things are in England with the lockdown till 6/30. Is that accurate and are people upset? Just looking for the news from the front!
Striker1, I left the UK many years ago so I can't report from that front personally. I do know that they have imposed a travel ban with the risk of £5000 fine if you try to leave the country without a valid reason.
The authorities are using all measures to enforce the draconian rules just like in other countries but despite all the moaning, the majority have no choice but to obey. Anyone who openly questions the measures faces an onslaught of criticism from libtards brainwashed by the media.
I’m glad you’re out! I would have never thought the UK would do this. It would really upset me to be told not to leave my State so I was curious if people feel that way too.
I'm glad too. It's clown world 2.0.
No need to apologize. You’re in the right place to air your grievances.
Not a single line of what I said implied doom.
You’re rude. Not a fren.
Bop away.
I understand why you’re angry. Everyone is, in one way or the other.
Completely agree! Still can't believe we have this idiot in office
Totally agree, it’s embarrassing and pathetic, made me angry, disgusted and wanting more than ever to split this country up!
I’m just trying to figure out who the fuck Jim Eagle is.
Believe he was a Muppet.
Maybe he's friends with Corn Pop?
But what relevance does it have to Jim Crowe? Lol. I’ve never been more confused watching a press conference.
I can understand the frustration; it's painful to watch the most important seat in the nation be reduced to this blabbering idiot that isn't even the commander in chief of his own bowel functions. It's beyond frustrating.
I personally am enjoying the show. When your aware that what your seeing isn't remotely based on what's actually happening it is JUST like a movie. It was an hour plus of red pills for the nation and he made an absolute fool of himself. You can also see the media slowly coming around and acting like..journalists on occasion, complete with pressing questions. On top of that it cut out at one point towards the end blowing the "live" part to shit. He stood there and called on people from his list..you KNOW that shit was pre-recorded and he still fucked it up.
Blow off some steam if ya can. Know we're all riding with ya. NCSWIC.
You can rant eloquent any time!! You’re among frens & we’re with you ??
Were you disappointed that he got through it without too many gaffes? All this talk about him being hidden away because of his declining mental faculties, having to read scripts, be fed answers through an ear piece, etc etc. Kind of a letdown that it was just a boring press conference huh?
He WAS reading a script. All of the answers had to be submitted before hand. His responses, as well as everyone's name, position & location was prepared for him.
That would have made it a rehearsed event rather than a press conference. And after talking about their aim for "transparency" would be damn hypocritical. Great red pill material. So, source?
From George News:AP, Reuters, Bloomberg, AFP, NYT, CBS, HuffPost and ABC, were all asked in advance, to submit questions for the 'Briefing'. Joe has all the names and seating postings in front of him, as well as his prepared answers.
And several corroborating links: https://100percentfedup.com/biden-press-conference-fully-scripted-with-notes-and-few-questions-yet-he-still-blanked-out/
I need a little more substance from George news and the twitter-level gut feels from the other articles.
Not surprised that he had to bring notes with him, but yeah it was pretty obvious what kinds of questions would come up (border, guns, etc). No doubt DJT would have just come out guns blazing.
Ok, sorry.
Source; gtfo.
Did you read what I wrote? No, I’m disappointed by double standards, by not judging everyone on the same scale. Economically and geo-politically speaking this world was a much better place just a few months ago. There have been times when I watch Trump at his rallies and press conferences and I cringed, I’m sure I’ll cringe when Biden does something too. But when you paint a turd and say it’s beautiful after you just got done throwing shit on a rolls Royce for the past 4 years and telling us it’s worthless, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
No, I’m disappointed that the election was stolen and this life long low IQ grifter is in charge.
Nope. He asked for questions before hand and could even select them. What do you expect? Such a shame for this country.
That's pretty bad, source?
Here https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-reporters-say-biden-team-asked-them-for-questions-in-advance
But looking at the conference and exercising some critical thinking could help too.
Yeah that is awful, it's for the daily press briefings though, not really a slam dunk.
If the reporters outed them for asking for briefing questions ahead of time, why not expose them for asking for press conference questions if that's what happened? Why even out them at all if they're on the same side? Shit's complicated
I posted the wrong link, indeed. I don’t have time to research the right one, but once again, you just have to watch the press conference to know that it was planned. Watch the part where Biden is asked about guns and gives an answer on schools and water fountains. Not only did he have the questions and answers handed in ahead of time, but actually managed to screw up in spite of this.
You have to do your own research. No one here has all of the answers. And to your question about why not expose them, you must be kidding right? You want Fake News who asks you about Biden’s favorite ice cream flavor to out that senile old man they adore?
Didn't they do so in the article you shared though?
Anyway, if I were a betting man, I would have predicted that he would get a question on gun violence after the week that passed lol
Ditto the border, filibuster, etc. All I saw was a boring ass conference.
A question on gun which he screwed. Answer this: why did he answer with schools and water fountains when asked about guns?
Edit, for clarity: hell yes, of course he was.
They all do work an obvious shtick, don’t they?
I don’t know if it’s assigned to them in the daily briefing when they roll into the trailer at the troll farm in the morning, or if they just are instructed to simply play to their natural tendencies.
Yes he was. The press secretary asked for questions to be sent. There was a post on this a week ago. She could even discard some of them off. Can you imagine if Trump had done that?!
What reason would I have to believe that aside from prejudice?
Sorry I think you failed to answer my question and just threw a random question out instead. Oh, is that your "schtick"?
Alas, and I wanted to know why you would ask if he had the questions given to him beforehand. I guess we will both have to live with these mysteries until the end of our days.
And I apologize for my outburst, it clearly showed the extent to which I was upset.
Some of the best movies are the ones that invoke the strongest emotions :-)