FACTCHECK: This tweet is disputed as BS by experts; American patriots who have at least a bare minimum of common sense and at least one functioning eyeball.
To be fair while Trump was POTUS I’d often say he’s doing what I hired him for. It’s his comments about voting rights we need to be worried about. We simply can’t allow the volume of voting in urban areas that we saw last year.
I've been hired to create problems, no solve, you know the thing. I better stop now, but wait, folks, was that a good enough? starts yelling OF COURSE I'M NOT ASHAMED OF CLAIMING TRUMP SUPPORTED CHINESE GENOCIDE OF UYGHURS BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHO WE ARE!
Great! Then we can fire him, too, and escort him immediately to the door.
Better yet, we can fire him immediately and then let gravity take care of the rest.
I agree! Show him the stairs, lol!
Would love to see Trump in apprentice fashion, tell him, "Your Fired"!
Yes please and thank you!
In Fact this time Lynn Biden is Accurate in his wording as he was Selected or Hired to be the President of the United States Corporation of America.
Which implies he knows it’s all a show? No, he wouldn’t know the difference!
correction: hired by the cabal
He says it like this on purpose he knows damn well he wasn’t elected!
Someone hired this clown an dpaid Dominion to make it happen.
He's not lying.
The actor playing Joe Biden was indeed hired, and his job is to solve problems, not create divisions in our country.
FACTCHECK: This tweet is disputed as BS by experts; American patriots who have at least a bare minimum of common sense and at least one functioning eyeball.
Joe admits he wasn’t elected!
How about “I’ve been hired (by the Chinese) to create problems, not solve divisions”
The dems hire people...
Joe Biden is dead already
Weird how he pluralised division...
To be fair while Trump was POTUS I’d often say he’s doing what I hired him for. It’s his comments about voting rights we need to be worried about. We simply can’t allow the volume of voting in urban areas that we saw last year.
No, this is accurate. We pay him six figures. But you're also right. He serves at our leisure. Let's NOT PAY HIM.
We didn't hire him AND he doesn't write this shit..
He was hired as an actor in the Great Awakening movie.
The man is an actor playing Bidet, so he's actually telling the truth. LOL
Corporation, remember?
I've been hired to create problems, no solve, you know the thing. I better stop now, but wait, folks, was that a good enough? starts yelling OF COURSE I'M NOT ASHAMED OF CLAIMING TRUMP SUPPORTED CHINESE GENOCIDE OF UYGHURS BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHO WE ARE!
GhostEzra on telegram has been showing how this is an actor just saying
Terminated and escorted to the gallows .. string his wrinkly ass up !
OP: In case you hadn't noticed, The guy that WAS hired by The People, had it stolen, so Bidet is correct, the Election Thieves hired Bidet.
Is this a real tweet!? Wow.
You weren't hired, Joek; you TOOK the office. Without consent, O fraud.