Well, not in of itself but yes: it is a means to activate your bodies natural waste removal system.
Humidity makes you sweat, sweating is a natural way for the body to expunge buildup of toxins near the skin. This in turn helps your skin by not having to grow in the midst of toxin build up. Humidity also doesn't dry out your skin like colder or arid climates do but keeps it moist. Result: healthier looking skin...a.k.a "younger".
This is why people in colder climates tend to use a lot of lotions to hydrate their skin every day. While those in hotter climates can also do this, it isn't nearly as necessary (speaking of the general population...there are of course exceptions) and more of just an "extra step", if you will.
Same applies to someone who exercises a lot: note how their skin looks healthy and vibrant? Sweat.
Yep! The moisture in the air means we don't have to moisturize as much. Take a look at women from the south and the dry north and you'll never forget it, lol
Looks at lettering on plate. Wants. Looks at state pede lives in. Wants. Reminds self thou shall not covet...dangit!
Updoot x17!
coveting is fine, just don't be a dick about it
Yikes, sorry if it came across that way, it wasn’t intended. I think what the OP shared is awesome.
That's not what God tells us, in fact it is so important to NOT be covetous that he included it in his top ten list, i.e. The Ten Commandments.
You Lucky dog!
Yay!!! Im so jelly!! ?
What? Lucky you. Congrats on you're new vehicle
Did you just call him a new vehicle? I suppose it's better than calling him a used Hyundai!
Probably shouldn’t post your plate number, friend.
wow, nice! :)
Oh, I am so jealous!
God Emperor
Love the plate! If I see you I’m beeping & waving!
Got a Kek plate for Wifey at our dealership.
You're a great husband! Kek! ??
I love FL. Best State in the Union, if you ask me.
Gorgeous evening and the Freedom rings!
Agreed...except for Texas!
That is awesome - lucky you
I love the Pepe Green and Trump Orange colors!
What are the first letters of your plate? FCK? haha ok, J/K
You. Chose. Wisely.
We have it in south Texas too. Makes us look younger
Well, not in of itself but yes: it is a means to activate your bodies natural waste removal system.
Humidity makes you sweat, sweating is a natural way for the body to expunge buildup of toxins near the skin. This in turn helps your skin by not having to grow in the midst of toxin build up. Humidity also doesn't dry out your skin like colder or arid climates do but keeps it moist. Result: healthier looking skin...a.k.a "younger".
This is why people in colder climates tend to use a lot of lotions to hydrate their skin every day. While those in hotter climates can also do this, it isn't nearly as necessary (speaking of the general population...there are of course exceptions) and more of just an "extra step", if you will.
Same applies to someone who exercises a lot: note how their skin looks healthy and vibrant? Sweat.
I live in Houston. It’s the arm pit of the Gulf of Mexico.
If you can’t handle 114F and 98% humidity and Air Conditioners crying while mosquitos the size of Hillary’s Kankles - stay the F where u r.
Yep! The moisture in the air means we don't have to moisturize as much. Take a look at women from the south and the dry north and you'll never forget it, lol
In central tx we played a game. “Find the brunette.”
So many blondes. Every now and then one was outed as fake - by you get it
Yes, we ladies glisten in the humidity and alas others in dry heat look parched.
Get used to it and fresh underwear lol