Honestly, specially for what concerns Dassault, has been mandated, or even more probable, he faked his death, won't be the first nor the last, i suspect we will see many more 'dying' in the next months
A question: WHY would they be 'offed' by the West? The west IS pro China. So Huawei lost two of their most valuable assets.
BUT this is more than I theory. Too much of coincidence. So some one or group of people are outright mass murderers. Not only the passenger(s), but the pilots.
Clear answer is that its the white hats who caused the deatsh. And inb4 you mention ethics, this is a world war. As long as everything is aired afterwards, I am sure humanity will forgive those who had to take extreme steps to protect the said humanity.
You will be surprised how many "self-righteous" folks will come out of the woodwork once everything is done, to blame people in hindsight saying things like "Oh yeah, we know they were evil but you cant just kill them. How are we then different from them? blahblah blabitty blah"
And the answer/question I give people like that is simple: If your child got bit by a rabid animal, would you allow the animal to go free to harm or kill someone else's child or would you do what you're supposed to do and eliminate the threat?
Them: Well it's not the same thing, a rabid animal should be put down. We're talking about a Human.
My follow up: So because it's "just an animal" it's seen as a less important life? You mean to say, that an animal, who has no bearing on your existence whatsoever until it, through no fault of its own, became rabid is more a threat to you over one incident than another Human? A Human who has been doing far worse for far longer to you, your child, and everyone else over a span of years out of malicious intent? And that's Ok with you?
Them: Silence
The smart ones realize the logic defeat. The stupid ones still try and rationalize.
I mentioned in previous posts about the Airbus AS350 B as being the billionaires flying coffin. I'm guessing they can be remotely accessed for diagnostics but that's being exploited but killing the pilot and innocent people is not the good guys MO and I'm not going to buy the "collateral damage" shit. If the good guys wanted them taken out they would disappear never to be seen again.
Honestly, specially for what concerns Dassault, has been mandated, or even more probable, he faked his death, won't be the first nor the last, i suspect we will see many more 'dying' in the next months
They're all creating their own "Galt's Gulch"
Indeed we are living in full blown WW3, but I think the war is coming to an end. I hope people will start realising this.
Silent weapons for quiet wars.
Peter Kellner https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-06/biggest-fortune-in-eu-s-east-gets-caught-up-in-huawei-scandal
Olivier Dassault https://www.huawei.com/en/news/2017/9/Huawei-Cloud-Dassault-Systemes-MoU
Great post.
A question: WHY would they be 'offed' by the West? The west IS pro China. So Huawei lost two of their most valuable assets.
BUT this is more than I theory. Too much of coincidence. So some one or group of people are outright mass murderers. Not only the passenger(s), but the pilots.
Clear answer is that its the white hats who caused the deatsh. And inb4 you mention ethics, this is a world war. As long as everything is aired afterwards, I am sure humanity will forgive those who had to take extreme steps to protect the said humanity.
There is nothing to forgive. I don't forgive them, I commend them.
You will be surprised how many "self-righteous" folks will come out of the woodwork once everything is done, to blame people in hindsight saying things like "Oh yeah, we know they were evil but you cant just kill them. How are we then different from them? blahblah blabitty blah"
And the answer/question I give people like that is simple: If your child got bit by a rabid animal, would you allow the animal to go free to harm or kill someone else's child or would you do what you're supposed to do and eliminate the threat?
Them: Well it's not the same thing, a rabid animal should be put down. We're talking about a Human.
My follow up: So because it's "just an animal" it's seen as a less important life? You mean to say, that an animal, who has no bearing on your existence whatsoever until it, through no fault of its own, became rabid is more a threat to you over one incident than another Human? A Human who has been doing far worse for far longer to you, your child, and everyone else over a span of years out of malicious intent? And that's Ok with you?
Them: Silence
The smart ones realize the logic defeat. The stupid ones still try and rationalize.
I don't know but maybe the chopper crashes were cover for them being taken into PC... this isn't my theory just thought it was worth pondering on
that was my thought as well, like 9/11 or Malaysia airline flights that went missing. Remote controlled aircraft with dummies or cadavers on board.
Yea...prolly got balls too
Great find!
Keep up the good work, fren
China has been known to kill their own CEOs. Maybe they were less than 100% loyal.
IPOT ( In Pursuit of Truth) has a great video up on Bitchute about Dassault, and guess who he connects him to? The Clintons, of course!
You are gonna see a lot more of this soon....
There’s been several billionaires that have died since the beginning of the year.
Do Marxist media types fly in helicopters very often?
The show = normie distraction, mind warfare
The reality = GOD is making EVERY ENEMY his FOOTSTOOL
Define 'Thief in the night'
"While you were sleeping, the thief came in and stole your shit"
"While the normies are asleep, GOD came in and stole the world back from SATAN"
All will, and HAVE seen HIM. ALL will AWAKEN to WHO 'HE' IS.
Some will awaken to everlasting LIFE (A life lived in peace)
Some will awaken to everlasting CONTEMPT (Soon it wont be safe for them to walk the streets)
Why wont it be safe for them to walk the streets?
Because, they WONT BE ARRESTED. They will remain FREE and will do as they will, UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT.
At somepoint, we will be fed up enough.
DROP THE MOAB ABOUT THE CHILDREN Q! Common NSA, "Accidentally release it all" DECLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm guessing they didn't tip the mechanics very well.
Implying what? White hats are assassinating?
All I know is that cat is my spirit animal?
ABenter text350
I mentioned in previous posts about the Airbus AS350 B as being the billionaires flying coffin. I'm guessing they can be remotely accessed for diagnostics but that's being exploited but killing the pilot and innocent people is not the good guys MO and I'm not going to buy the "collateral damage" shit. If the good guys wanted them taken out they would disappear never to be seen again.