Why would Xiden need to declare a "National Emergency" due to Russia?
Under national emergencies, presidents are empowered to do things like seize property, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law and restrict travel. Presidential powers during a "national emergency" allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.
The president can divert funds as needed (give money to political allies), suspend people's rights (including possibly the 2nd amendment rights) and other things that would ordinarily not be possible under the law. The president could even shut down the internet or freeze people's bank accounts.
Remember the Japanese "internment camps" created during WW2? That is just one example of a result of a declaration of "national emergency".
What happens when a controlled, dementia addled puppet... declares a "national emergency", so that his puppet masters can now do whatever they want?
Biden has been trying to pick a fight with Russia since he got in. Vote for Democrats and you get inexplicable wars with the thinnest of justifications. When will people voting for Democrats actually make that connection? No wars in Trump's first term. None at all. Tons of wars, interventions, drone attacks, and atrocities under Democrats, not to mention the endless bribery, mind-boggling corruption, and constantly giving away America's money. I hope the Democratic Party burns to the ground and that I never have to hear the names of evil Democrat politicians ever again. Someone should check through the photos to see if they reflect in mirrors.
This is worse than this part tells, bidet has kicked 10 Diplomats out of the USA an President Putin has called in the USA Ambassador to rip him a new one.
Ukraine is getting warm, we could be at the point where we find out who is the Authentic CIC.
He's going to try to use those powers to shut down the audits. The antifa BLM terrorists heading to Maricopa is the feint. The real attack is this executive order right here. He's going to send troops in to protect the antifa shitheads while they burn down the tabulation center and destroy all the evidence under the pretext of stopping white supremacist terrorism.
'undermine the content of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions in the United States' is exactly what Joe Biden has done, with aid from the criminal democrats and their media accomplices.
Is he Putin with a rubber mask on? Maybe he should turn himself in - since he is the national security threat.
Why would Xiden need to declare a "National Emergency" due to Russia?
Under national emergencies, presidents are empowered to do things like seize property, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law and restrict travel. Presidential powers during a "national emergency" allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest.
The president can divert funds as needed (give money to political allies), suspend people's rights (including possibly the 2nd amendment rights) and other things that would ordinarily not be possible under the law. The president could even shut down the internet or freeze people's bank accounts.
Remember the Japanese "internment camps" created during WW2? That is just one example of a result of a declaration of "national emergency".
What happens when a controlled, dementia addled puppet... declares a "national emergency", so that his puppet masters can now do whatever they want?
Doesn't FEMA then control the country during the Nat. Emergency?
Not quite. A national emergency transfers all powers to FEMA. FEMA is White Hat controlles.
Countdown has begun
I'm think'n "blast off"!
tendies on mars
Tendies on alpha centuri mate
Dumbshit Biden is desperate to start a war with Russia. Brilliant!
desperate to deflect from China
You seriously want me to believe this 1950's typewriter telegram is real?
Biden has been trying to pick a fight with Russia since he got in. Vote for Democrats and you get inexplicable wars with the thinnest of justifications. When will people voting for Democrats actually make that connection? No wars in Trump's first term. None at all. Tons of wars, interventions, drone attacks, and atrocities under Democrats, not to mention the endless bribery, mind-boggling corruption, and constantly giving away America's money. I hope the Democratic Party burns to the ground and that I never have to hear the names of evil Democrat politicians ever again. Someone should check through the photos to see if they reflect in mirrors.
Will you please provide a link? I'm looking on news sources and can't find this story.
This is worse than this part tells, bidet has kicked 10 Diplomats out of the USA an President Putin has called in the USA Ambassador to rip him a new one.
Ukraine is getting warm, we could be at the point where we find out who is the Authentic CIC.
From disclose.tv's twatter: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1382693137945137157
Marfoogle & offgrid desert farmimg on YT covering this topic for weeks.
Meaning his financial kickbacks are under threat and he feels its an emergency.
One step closer to war
The chaos is lingering
Two steps closer to war
The energy is tingling
When will the righteous rise up?
When will the gospel be told?
Time will tell....
He's going to try to use those powers to shut down the audits. The antifa BLM terrorists heading to Maricopa is the feint. The real attack is this executive order right here. He's going to send troops in to protect the antifa shitheads while they burn down the tabulation center and destroy all the evidence under the pretext of stopping white supremacist terrorism.
'undermine the content of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions in the United States' is exactly what Joe Biden has done, with aid from the criminal democrats and their media accomplices.
Is he Putin with a rubber mask on? Maybe he should turn himself in - since he is the national security threat.
Sounds like the Monty Python theory about the Brontosaurus.
Here we go boys...