————————————————— Tired of chasing links? Here is the text:
In my years covering the attempted takedown of the United States, I have never seen such simultaneous high-drama as we are seeing now. Amazingly, Biden still does not have access to the nuclear codes.
On April 19, 2021, my day started at 3AM. My phone began ringing off the hook. As I reported yesterday, I received multiple reports that this past Friday, Biden was denied entry into the Pentagon. Biden was allegedly told that that the order came directly from Gen. David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps and a ranking member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and that General Milley was no longer in charge.
I clearly stated on Paul Preston’s show, later that same morning that there was clearly smoke to this fire regarding the Marine Corps and Biden. However, I was not entirely confident in the details of the report. I am now!
Four hours later, both Paul Preston and myself are convinced from different sources that this event did indeed take place. Additional facts have come to light as well.
It is now coming out that Putin and Trump secretly met two weeks ago. Putin has aligned with Netanyahu against Biden and his intention to arm Iran with nuclear capability. Both Paul Preston and myself have been informed that Putin informed Trump that he had stationed several nuclear submarines off of the Eastern Seaboard off of the United States. Putin is waiting for the fields of Ukraine to dry out and then the Russian tanks are crossing into Ukraine. If Biden interferes America will be nuked. Subsequent to Paul Preston’s revelations, I have learned that many C-147’s have landed in Ukraine. Is Biden giving Ukraine nuclear capability? We also know that the Biden is being blackmailed by Ukraine over Burisma, so this is a completely plausible story.
The opposition to Biden has grown beyond the Marines. The entire military is feeling betrayed and they are realizing their ultimate fate at the hands of the CHICOMS that are stationed both on our Northern and Southern Borders. Both Paul Preston and I have learned that Trump is operating under a form of Continuity of Government. World leaders are moving against Biden as well as they know that the Great Reset means the destruction of their nations. Some fear a purge of world leaders is desired and needed to implement the new order coming from the World Economic Forum.
While Trump is prepping several world leaders, he appeared on Hannity to prep the American people. His entire agenda was to demonstrate where Biden is taking this nation. This was a patriotic call to arms.
When one considers what is happening with the insurrection and incitement to riot by Maxine Waters, it is clear to see that here job is get race riots started by forcing a mistrial in the Chauvin hearing. Hence, as I have already stated, Biden could call on his friends at the UN to invoke the Kigali Principles. This would be instant civil war!
More facts have come to light as well. Over the next few days, two court cases loom large in California. Both cases ultimately could decide the fate of California’s 55 electoral college votes. Newsom clearly used illegal ballots and all 22 million of these should be thrown out. If these votes are thrown out, then Biden cannot remain as President. However, and as discussed with a Federal LEO, who is going to enforce the rule of law? The only answer would be the military and perhaps this is why Putin is allowing America a few short weeks to get their act together.
Also, on center stage, is the Maricopa County forensic audit. I have no idea what is happening except that I have learned that there have been attempts at interference already in the process.
Putin has expressed concern that he fears being attacked by China. One of his major fears lies in the fact that most of Putin’s tank commanders are Asian. Some are fearful they may not be entirely loyal to Putin if push comes to shove with China.
There is the 800 pound elephant in the room. Why is Biden so determined to have Russia and the US engage in a war? The answer is simple. If Russia and America lie in ruins, China has full reign to become the undisputed world policeman through the lack of opposition. China cannot project military power on a global scale. However, without opposition, it becomes a moot point.
In light of everything printed here, does the fencing around the White House make sense now? People ask me if Israeli and Russian soldiers will assist the America military to remove Biden? I have no information on this and I frankly doubt the US would ever accept this. However, tactical and logistical support is something else entirely.
This is the stuff that military counter-coups are made of. Civil Wars have started for less as have world wars. This story has many dynamic and moving parts and it is impossible to make accurate predictions. One thing can be said for certain, the United States will not look the same come September, or sooner.
It’s a very disturbing realization that our country has fallen into the hands of such corruption that Putin is the good guy!
He is the good guy like Stalin was the good guy during WW2.
Well, maybe not that extreme. This a combination of necessity and opportunity.
I think hyperbole and metaphor is lost on you. Its not a good look. Did you even read the second line?
Of course he is not. Stalin was an ally of convenience. Just like Putin is. Putin is not a good man, nor a friend to the USA, but he is a nationalist, and sees the bigger corruption that is going on here.
BIG if true.
A few thoughts:
This is some high grade, uncut hopium right here. Get a few grains of salt before snorting.
Damn, this is the best information I have read in a good long time. Though it is both scary and hopeful, we're in for a crazy year!
Wow. It sounds like Biden's 'goose is cooked' no matter which way this turns out.
Biden's only allies are Communist China, Terrorist Iran or his Ukraine pay-masters.
This would be the scare event and the precipice.
Yup I assumed that the scare event would either be a nuclear threat or an economic implosion of some sort.
Or both
150 million voters want Biden gone. This is what matters v
This part right here gives me hopium.
Back in Dec. they said any combination of MI, WI, GA, AZ, NV or PA would take Biden's EV total below 270.
CA (55) does that by itself. Boy, wouldn't that be hilarious?
We knew it! That piece of garbage!
We had this same discussion here yesterday:
My analysis of the situation :
Biden and the cabal may be Russias enemy but Trump and the American People are not and Putin is aware this is so. Any type of protracted war or nuclear exchange with the US weakens Russia and opens the door to a billion screaming Chinamen rushing across a frontier border that is 2615 miles long.
Russia doesnt forget its history, it wallows in its past sufferings. It has been invaded by this route before by Genghis Khans son, Jochi, and ruled by Batu Khan and the Golden Horde for the next 300+ years. It will not leave itself open for a repeat. Putin will not hand the world over to China or the cabal in a fit of ineffectual rage.
One thing to consider about the nuclear threat is the massive amount of sub hunters off the coast of Florida since January. This is pretty direct evidence there is at least one boomer out there hiding in the canyons off the coast. If Russia were to nuke it would be fast and limited (think DC area to decapitate our fraudulent captors) and with the knowledge that Trump ultimately holds the keys to any response.
This goes along fully with Qs statement that the end may not be for everyone but ultimately it could be the gateway to cleansing the world of great evil at the minimum of life lost. But dont kid yourself here. To defeat this evil there will be loss of life. There is no way to do this clean.
I think Europe is pretty much just a nuisance factor that comes in piecemeal (too compromised to help but too many still loyal to the old realities to hurt) but India is a huge TRUMP card. They have an excellent military and almost match Chinas numbers.
I dont know who this host/blogger is but it seems to me he has the geopolitical realities down pat. I plan to continue to watch what comes from his site along with my go to geopolitical and military blogs
I was thinking if Putin nuked the US much of the aftermath lands in Russia, not a good option for him. My favorite part of Putin is he is Christian and believes in nationalism.
I was watching the sub hunting plans for a long time, definitely something going on out there, though not recently.
The beast is embedded in everything, and to cut off its head(s) and render it useless will no doubt be painful.
This article has a few data points that make total sense, some speculation.
I’m going to listen to the Paul Preston show and try to learn more, IMO Paul is an inspiration.
Nobody has put all the pieces together. This is a World War. It is effecting every nation on earth, every person, every square inch of real estate on land or at sea. Even WW2 didnt do that. It is also existential. I hate that word, existential, because it is way overused and almost never a truth, but here humanities very existence is threatened.
Therefore Operational Security, compartmentalization and discretion rule the day. There are maybe a handful of people worldwide with the full picture so blogs like Hodges and shows like Prestons necessarily are missing large pieces of the puzzle. Sometimes it makes them look foolish.
But when I read the geopolitical and military news I think of the information as data points. I file them in an unsubstantiated folder and move them around as the "future proves past". I keep it all in mind when I read the daily happenings until I know I can keep it or toss it. But I never toss a source unless he/she is spouting continuous nonsense.
I agree well said fren.
So, definitely waiting on having a baby. Lol
People were having kids during the Black Plague. In fact, you should be having two, not zero.
Putin is not going to nuke the U.S. for any reason. Russia is in fact our ally. Any other hypothesis is drivel.
I totally agree. I think all of this is posturing. Part of the show leading up to the big scare event.
Split military? Scary thought with Biden sending weapons to Ukraine and removing sanctions on Iran, but the Pentagon refuses Biden entry.
Is the world positioning itself for the removal of Biden due to the audits and China’s response to losing their position?
The fact that we have discussed this several times the past few weeks here, I know in my gut we NEED Russia, we will overcome this together with them as an ally. I have felt this for the past few months, it was always my belief that was why our President wanted the troops back here as soon as possible as well. We all need to pray.
I'd love it if this was true. Is there any sauce on this at all?
I was with you until Putin threatened the Eastern seaboard of the USA. That is not something he would say or do. whomever is writing this is actually not an experienced politico. Putin and everyone one knows that just one of our Trident subs would glass every major city in any country on a moments notice. We have many and they are everywhere.
Stop thinking in terms of the Cold War. That is ancient history.
If Putin is a secret ally, along with Xi, Kim, Midi and others, then all this posturing could be just for effect. I think the objective is simply to get formal declarations of war to activate military control. Once that happens, I think we will see that they are not really fighting each other but are in fact working in concert to destroy cabal strongholds.
Stop giving bullshit like this views and liars will stop writing these fantasies.
Is this bullshit based on fact or your feelings?
Calling out Isreal. Keep it up Hogg.
Dang, sounds like Trump activated Executive Directive 51 before he left.
The Coast Guard has been reportedly operating under COGCON 2 since the election. Trump declared a national emergency which brings FEMA into play. Look up PEADs and FEMAs role in CoG. Trump reorganized the leadership of FEMA before he left. FEMA has much power in this situation.
It is happening and we do have the sauce, open source, right in front of us. It couldnt be more obvious that the plan is in place and has been activated. You just have to open your mind to current realities and think things through.
Paul Preston IMO is a credible stand up guy. Agenda21 and the New California
On top of all the other confidential sources tell me nonsense that provides the basis for this whole article, the C-147s which may be giving nukes to the Ukraine aren't even a real type of aircraft
perhaps but the plane does exist out of Fort Bragg.
Regardless I find it hard to believe without additional sources that Biden is delivering nukes to the Ukraine in a bunch of Canadian built turboprop aircraft with no cargo doors, which were only bought by the US milliary for the purpose of dropping paratroopers in civilian areas for PR purposes.
I don’t believe these would provide any transport of that, just personnel for fundage delivery, the other would be by other means.