It would be a copyright, not a patent (but the idea is understood :) ). It really wouldn't be worth getting a copyright though, because if something sells well enough, there will be knock-offs, copyright or not, and the companies that do knock-offs know that average Joe's aren't going to go through the time and expense of suing them, so it's best to hit the market hard and sell as many of something you can before knock-offs start showing up.
You, demon. Lol. Man, your comments here are dropping like flies. Why so many deletes? Just felt like chucking rocks into a hornet's nest? How's it going, winning hearts and minds? No? Losers gonna lose.
I’ve already made some hand drawn q pins about 1.25 with my badge-a-minit hand press, going to try some printed designs like the patch above and Q flags slogans etc.
Yeah, "Qanon" is not a thing. How about just Q #17 or anon #17. I mean, it's your shirt but I'd hate to see all that effort go into something with normie text on it.
Great response AND bonus Qanon reference link! I didn't know that Q had ever used the term "Qanon" in a drop. Accept my updoot and be sure to post a pic of your shirt when it's done.
There's t-shirt sites that print them for you. Most deals will net you 60-75% profit of the total sale price.
I would buy 2...for hubby and me. Well done patriot! ?
It would be a copyright, not a patent (but the idea is understood :) ). It really wouldn't be worth getting a copyright though, because if something sells well enough, there will be knock-offs, copyright or not, and the companies that do knock-offs know that average Joe's aren't going to go through the time and expense of suing them, so it's best to hit the market hard and sell as many of something you can before knock-offs start showing up.
I would buy several! Love it!
Love it! Thanks for sharing...
Super cool would feel so protected wearing
If you have to ask it’s probably you
You, demon. Lol. Man, your comments here are dropping like flies. Why so many deletes? Just felt like chucking rocks into a hornet's nest? How's it going, winning hearts and minds? No? Losers gonna lose.
Well Done OP
love it, great.
Love it!!
Great idea for us all
Love it! ❤️
Also, great positive message
Love it. So awesome. Great job!
Truly beautiful ?
Kek you’re sending them HERE?
How did you make? Iron ons?
Iron one work great for t shirts and actually come out great and you can play w transparency.
Planning on getting a bright green t shirt on front a big
Qanon #17 - on back
Black and white Q flag w link on right sleeve
And I’d really like to incporate this Q patch maybe printed on the left sleeve or upper left chest emblem. Will post when I get around!
I’ve already made some hand drawn q pins about 1.25 with my badge-a-minit hand press, going to try some printed designs like the patch above and Q flags slogans etc.
Yeah, "Qanon" is not a thing. How about just Q #17 or anon #17. I mean, it's your shirt but I'd hate to see all that effort go into something with normie text on it.
I feel you but QANON refers to the movement and the anons along w the fact that many of the sites are titled
Most people won’t know what the letter q is without a title associated with it, I don’t want them to think I’m some lgtbq weirdo.
Great response AND bonus Qanon reference link! I didn't know that Q had ever used the term "Qanon" in a drop. Accept my updoot and be sure to post a pic of your shirt when it's done.
I’ll be honest I dug through hundreds of QANON posts to find one where Q seems to endorse the term QA lol
Most of them were referring to how the media tries to tie Q to the “anons” like you mention.
Side not there are a TON of great posts with the word Qanon in it.
I love those posts which put the media on blast for their constant attacks and talking about Q.
When Q called out antifa’s connection to ACTUAL NAZIS
and like clockwork a slew of articles comparing Q to nazis came out and Q says
“Sensitive subject?”
Kek ahhh it’s all so fucking epic the hype is driving me insane....
Sell them. And if you don't want the money, donate to your church or to families who need it or whatever you think is good. Be the change.
Yes! I'm going to do this!
Beautifully designed. I want one!
Thanks for the case of T-shirt envy.
Left handed compliment. Love the inspiration. Please continue Been_.
way to put a target on your back...