she and her lawyer should contact every family that had a loved one die at that hospital a start a class action lawsuit. This whole Covid sham benefited the hospitals, all for money, human life is expendable.
It also benefitted the DS/Chynuh/Dems. They needed as many dead bodies as possible to scare the shit out everybody, making it easier to steal their freedoms/will to live free.
I can tell you from intimate knowledge that it didn't help most hospitals. Hospitals are going out of business or struggling financially. Had to spend egregious money to house the vaccines to boot.
What everybody should have learned in the last year (in case they did not know it already) is that the only person that you can trust with you and your family's safety is YOU. Fuck the doctors. Fuck the government. Fuck the politicians. Fuck the media. Fuck them all. Every institution in our country.... every authority in our country and globally is completely full of shit.... They are all self-serving or too stupid to know better.
Most people who live in another country for 3 years or so it’s pretty self evident. You see how you get by just fine without all these built-in safety mechanisms for your detriment.
District 14 is partly in the Bronx and partly in Queens. Lived near Elmhurst General Hospital (as it was called) years ago. My GF lived near Parkchester in the Bronx and I lived in Woodside Queens near the Bulova factory. Visit the area often. Many great restaurants. Current map shows the Hospital at the border of the Queens part of NYCD 14. I think DJT is familiar with the area. It's a great place that needs better leaders.
I moved 3 years ago. Elmhurst is a shithole. Over populated and filled with trash. Corona used to be a nice park. Now all you see is it littered with baby diapers and trash from hispanics barbequing.
I know a family whose 25 year old son died from Covid at the beginning of the pandemic. I went to the funeral and everyone was talking about how his death didn’t make sense Bc he was calling and texting ppl on the phone the day he died making plans to get drinks when he was out of the hospital... then later that night “he turned” and had to be intubated and died. I knew he had been killed for insurance money//higher death count. I thought about contacting his parents, but they are publicly posting about wearing masks etc. buying into the narrative. I am praying everyday that they discover the truth. I thought about telling them about the whistleblowers but I have a sense that they will spin out even more knowing the truth and lash out at me. So all I can do is pray that justice is served.
Holy fuck...yea he was murdered 100%. That's not how disease aren't just completely fine and then "turn" and then die hours later. That's like the laughable CCP propaganda at the very beginning of covid showing people walking down the street and just randomly collapsing.
What do you expect at a for-profit hospital? That they do things for the well-being of the sickly or that they do things for the well-being of their bottom line?
Most hospitals are ‘non-profit’, but everybody works on the profit motive. They just use the non-profit status because they can. The problem is the government money which distorted the incentives
Quercetin is not hydroxychloriquine. They are different. They share one function in common, in that they both help your body absorb zinc. But they are different from each other. Quercetin is found in many foods that have intense color, such as beets and grapes. HCQ, not so much.
She is a hero! Prayers for Nurse Erin’s protection. I remember watching her documentary a year ago. It was like a horror movie....checking into the hospital only to check out in a body bag. Those poor people. I cannot believe we are still dealing with this.
My friend's mother was in the hospital with the China germ. The hospital told my friend that she would be coming home soon, then told him she was dead. Something about the ventilator fucking up and none of the staff got to it on time.
Medicine is the third leading cause of death due to preventable errors and negligence. They sure charge a lot of money for that too.
At some point we must go after these evil people ourselves. The names of every administrator in that hospital that signed a covid document for mo et. Every doctor that signed off every med tech in the lab. They have names and addresses. If we wait for legal justice itbwill never happen. The state including the courts sanctioned it all.
she and her lawyer should contact every family that had a loved one die at that hospital a start a class action lawsuit. This whole Covid sham benefited the hospitals, all for money, human life is expendable.
It also benefitted the DS/Chynuh/Dems. They needed as many dead bodies as possible to scare the shit out everybody, making it easier to steal their freedoms/will to live free.
Method of their madness, citizens don't mater, only power, control and money.
They also scared them so much they would not hesitate to get their poison. Now they're dropping like flies.
I can tell you from intimate knowledge that it didn't help most hospitals. Hospitals are going out of business or struggling financially. Had to spend egregious money to house the vaccines to boot.
What everybody should have learned in the last year (in case they did not know it already) is that the only person that you can trust with you and your family's safety is YOU. Fuck the doctors. Fuck the government. Fuck the politicians. Fuck the media. Fuck them all. Every institution in our country.... every authority in our country and globally is completely full of shit.... They are all self-serving or too stupid to know better.
Most people who live in another country for 3 years or so it’s pretty self evident. You see how you get by just fine without all these built-in safety mechanisms for your detriment.
Wow, You are giving more Fs then the DS on Satan’s Special night.
Ballsy move. Pray for her.
She is a true hero. Elmhurst is AOC land.
No it's not. Aoc is the Bronx. Elmhurst is queens.
District 14 is partly in the Bronx and partly in Queens. Lived near Elmhurst General Hospital (as it was called) years ago. My GF lived near Parkchester in the Bronx and I lived in Woodside Queens near the Bulova factory. Visit the area often. Many great restaurants. Current map shows the Hospital at the border of the Queens part of NYCD 14. I think DJT is familiar with the area. It's a great place that needs better leaders.
I moved 3 years ago. Elmhurst is a shithole. Over populated and filled with trash. Corona used to be a nice park. Now all you see is it littered with baby diapers and trash from hispanics barbequing.
I know a family whose 25 year old son died from Covid at the beginning of the pandemic. I went to the funeral and everyone was talking about how his death didn’t make sense Bc he was calling and texting ppl on the phone the day he died making plans to get drinks when he was out of the hospital... then later that night “he turned” and had to be intubated and died. I knew he had been killed for insurance money//higher death count. I thought about contacting his parents, but they are publicly posting about wearing masks etc. buying into the narrative. I am praying everyday that they discover the truth. I thought about telling them about the whistleblowers but I have a sense that they will spin out even more knowing the truth and lash out at me. So all I can do is pray that justice is served.
Holy fuck...yea he was murdered 100%. That's not how disease aren't just completely fine and then "turn" and then die hours later. That's like the laughable CCP propaganda at the very beginning of covid showing people walking down the street and just randomly collapsing.
Horrifying. That is so sad. I wonder how many were murdered.
Many more than they murdered during the False Flag of 911. They have made 911 look like child's play
Agreed. It’s so sad and infuriating.
Hope she has a good guardian angel for protection, we need to pray for her.
What do you expect at a for-profit hospital? That they do things for the well-being of the sickly or that they do things for the well-being of their bottom line?
I mean, there's only one answer here.
Most hospitals are ‘non-profit’, but everybody works on the profit motive. They just use the non-profit status because they can. The problem is the government money which distorted the incentives
Quercetin is not hydroxychloriquine. They are different. They share one function in common, in that they both help your body absorb zinc. But they are different from each other. Quercetin is found in many foods that have intense color, such as beets and grapes. HCQ, not so much.
She is a hero! Prayers for Nurse Erin’s protection. I remember watching her documentary a year ago. It was like a horror movie....checking into the hospital only to check out in a body bag. Those poor people. I cannot believe we are still dealing with this.
That nurse probably won't live for much longer.
My friend's mother was in the hospital with the China germ. The hospital told my friend that she would be coming home soon, then told him she was dead. Something about the ventilator fucking up and none of the staff got to it on time.
Medicine is the third leading cause of death due to preventable errors and negligence. They sure charge a lot of money for that too.
At some point we must go after these evil people ourselves. The names of every administrator in that hospital that signed a covid document for mo et. Every doctor that signed off every med tech in the lab. They have names and addresses. If we wait for legal justice itbwill never happen. The state including the courts sanctioned it all.
I watched that video that's referenced in the story a while back, well worth the time!
Is it just me, or is she also really, really cute? I mean the MARRYING kind of cute! Can you imagine growing up next door to a chick this beautiful?
Could be me, admittedly, she's exactly what I'm attracted to..., but my chin hit the floor...
And she's a Veteran?!?! She may be the perfect woman...
Mass murder.
We really need those military tribunals.