Certainly could work like that. But eg there are channels like lin wood's, everytime they post you get a notification as if they messaged you privately. Then each message also has a comment section whereby you can interact with other anons.
Well I must admit I have no experience with it. I based my criticism on what I thought was a requirement to sign up to view posts, upon closer inspection this appears to not be the case so my bad. Carry On.
There are a lot more photos and it is a deserted wh. I’ve never seen it like that. And photos of outside seem to be present time with cherry blossoms. I am very curious. People are saying they are old photos but no proof. Ghost Ezra is also posting them. The last photos are with Trump in Oval Office with Lin in same clothes.
Yeah. I just found the photo of him with Trump in Oval Office it says from March 11,2020 with same tie on mother jones website article on Nov. 19, 2020.
This is the kind of stuff people need to pay attention too. Lin for sure has in the inside drop on things. I’m thinking by the end of May things are going to fun.
Alright guys, easy now. He’s trolling. Just search “lin wood visits trump” “lin wood White House” same suit he was wearing when he visited trump a year or so ago. Just Trolling.
He's often (intentionally) "out there" but ya gotta love him for his no-holds-barred way of forcing people to think, question the narrative and awaken by stating the obvious, exposing the truth, unveiling "secrets", "kickin' a-s and taking' names" and rubbing it all in everyone's faces.
Of course. Lin is doing what Trump can't. If Trump openly supported him it would negate much of Lin power and defense. Lin appears to be the Queen piece on the chess board. Lin has all the leverage and as much freedom on the board as anyone. Openly.
He's trolling.
Lin Wood Telegram thread "context"ed for browser consumption.
Thank you for this, Anon. I wish more people would do this with Telegram posts.
This, Fuck Telegram!
Telegram is hands down the best social media platform I am using atm.
Certainly could work like that. But eg there are channels like lin wood's, everytime they post you get a notification as if they messaged you privately. Then each message also has a comment section whereby you can interact with other anons.
Well I must admit I have no experience with it. I based my criticism on what I thought was a requirement to sign up to view posts, upon closer inspection this appears to not be the case so my bad. Carry On.
You should check it out, once you figure out how to use it, it will change your understanding of social platforms.
It chows my internal memory, otherwise it's great. Is there a setting to stop mem chow?
Lin Wood is winking very hard to not so subtlety shout "Biden is DEAD"
Thank you! I can only see this stuff if kindly Anons like yourself do this.
Good job!
Yeah but no time stamps proving anything. Could’ve taken these pics when Trump was in still
The one of Lin with Donald in the Oval Office appeared in Mother Jones magazine last year.
Telegram seems to have timestamped the photos from 4/21/2021
Anybody know when he got his executive assistant? If that was recently, that would lower the time span down.
Whaaaat? This is weird... anyone see any dates on the pictures?
You are freaking out...man.
Did you say "yeah, sure" or "yes, sir"?
I can't pull over anymore!
Littering AND??
Why? These are from when Trump was in office.
Well, it concludes with a photo of him and Trump in the Oval from last year...
There are a lot more photos and it is a deserted wh. I’ve never seen it like that. And photos of outside seem to be present time with cherry blossoms. I am very curious. People are saying they are old photos but no proof. Ghost Ezra is also posting them. The last photos are with Trump in Oval Office with Lin in same clothes.
Yeah, this is when he visited Trump. Same tie.
Yeah. I just found the photo of him with Trump in Oval Office it says from March 11,2020 with same tie on mother jones website article on Nov. 19, 2020.
Funnily enough I also noticed Lin making a post replying to GhostEzra. Does this legitimize Ezra?
This is the kind of stuff people need to pay attention too. Lin for sure has in the inside drop on things. I’m thinking by the end of May things are going to fun.
This is funny. If real and current this is the best trolling Ive ever seen.
Someone in the comments stated these pics were from March 2020. I did have a good laugh!
Pede above did NOT locate any match from tineye, however.
Alright guys, easy now. He’s trolling. Just search “lin wood visits trump” “lin wood White House” same suit he was wearing when he visited trump a year or so ago. Just Trolling.
Hopefully this Lèse-majesté tour of the White House will continue until he's playing with the bring-me-a-Diet-Coke button on the Resolute desk.
My wife asked how he got in. I told her Trump gave him the keys. Much laughter was to be heard.
I dont know Metadata well but I feel like you should be able to pull it pretty easily
Lin is chumming for the sharks. Either he's all in with the biggest bluff ever or he's holding a royal straight flush and knows it.
I like the one where GhostEzra suggests looking for Biden in the graveyard. What message is that sending?
that Biden is a ghoul? kek
never doubted my boi
You need on a list. Unless no one is there ??
Odd very odd humm?
He's often (intentionally) "out there" but ya gotta love him for his no-holds-barred way of forcing people to think, question the narrative and awaken by stating the obvious, exposing the truth, unveiling "secrets", "kickin' a-s and taking' names" and rubbing it all in everyone's faces.
R you kidding me?....
I love what Lin Wood is doing!!!!
Oh I cannot wait to go through his telegram!! It comes next!
Oh shit!!!! Hahahahahahahaha
So how many accounts are you up to this year?
More hours in fake accounts then it ever spent working that’s a fact. Lol
Of course. Lin is doing what Trump can't. If Trump openly supported him it would negate much of Lin power and defense. Lin appears to be the Queen piece on the chess board. Lin has all the leverage and as much freedom on the board as anyone. Openly.
Well stated. ?
Wow. I’d never thought of it that way before. Nice analogy.
but noot a knight, he flat out says he not mounting a cycle since his law school daze
2020 photos
Lin is doing much, much more than these troll photos. He is terrorizing the deep state in the deep south lately. Enjoy the show.
Just pointing out the photos aren’t recent.
Prove it, or GTFO
Yeah those upvotes are glowinggggg
Proof or gtfo, seconded.
"2020 photos"
-- Can you prove that? (TinEye, as noted, has no matches for these photos appearing before.)
Lindell <> Lin Wood, pede.
do you understand what poking the bear is or in this case poking a corpse
Damn.... life must be so sad.
Praying for you, kiddo