Former Democrat House Majority Speaker for the state of Oregon, Dave Hunt has been arrested and charged over human sex trafficking
? These people are sick! ?

Yep. More to come when he starts talking.
There's no "meat" in democrats doing anything illegal, from sex trafficking to treason, even stealing the presidency.
The meat is that he was arrested.
A democrat. Being arrested. In Oregon.
Except maybe how old he thought she was. There was a video awhile back talking about these undercover ops saying these cops are hanging out at the social media sites of teenagers and that the ones that have gotten arrested this way believed they were going to be meeting underage girls. My guess is that it is not his first time.
Yep. People go to prison for a lonnnng time for soliciting sex from what they believe is a minor.
Except he was "charged with commercial sexual solicitation, a misdemeanor."
He would have had much different and more severe charges if they claimed to be underage.
Agreed. Thanks for filling me in.
I'm not saying that's what happened. When it mentioned he was arrested by an undercover cop it just made me remember a video I had seen awhile back dealing with undercover and teenagers and I was just curious. I now know that he was just charged with a misdemeanor so it doesn't apply.
"Maybe" does not imply I accused him and secondly men that solicit hookers do not only do it once and thirdly I don't require reprimand or guidance from any green horn. Have a nice day.
Is sex work illeal in US? Surely calling a Prozzie inst a big deal. If it made news it must be the age of the girl in question surely
It is in many states. And it’s news since it’s a politician. We can’t assume she was underage without knowing more.
Hot Damn! Here we go, boys! It has been a steady Drumbeat of happenings over the past few days. Looks like we are going to go into overdrive!
I will say upon waking this morning seeing this and the Gates divorce it's the first time in a long time I've had that almondy feeling that something is happening.
What??! I haven’t seen anything about the gates! Dominoes falling....
You're kidding me? Lol there was literally a post that reached hot begging people to stop posting the Gates story over and over
I KNOW!!! With my dedication to alternative news—I’m shocked I missed it. Still good even when 12 hours old.
but "they are going to continue their foundation work"
Another one bites the dust, hope he turns in others to reduce his sentence.
Let the dominoes fall
Gee, I kind of like how these arrests are being made, surreptitiously. While everybody is looking at the Gates divorce and the audit.
Sounds like its just a misdemeanor solicitation of a prostitute.
3:22pm (322), 3/5/2021 (=13). Ooooo I got the heeby jeebies.
The ( D ) in front of his name is a dead give away. D for diddler or demon - choose ur label.
Great news, but we want to see " current " more so than " former ". There's a whole plethora of crimes they are all involved in ( R's too of course ) even right now, so take ur pic and round them up.
I'd be surprised if any of the Democrat Party leadership aren't pedophiles because the New World Order Bolsheviks wouldn't trust anyone they didn't have complete leverage over.
Not just Democrats. Look at how the traitor Republicans voted in January. And why, exactly, is Cheney suddenly running her mouth?
There’s got to be a lot of DS pawns freaking out about.
This shows that the globalists do not totally control everything. Our founders provided us the United States, with three levels of government. And that is paying off now. The bad guys control the federal government, but they do not control all state and all local governments, and, apparently, do not control all law enforcement. If they did, this guy would not have gotten arrested.
If I do a pic search of Dave Hunt Oregon will I find he looks like a creepy pedo?
Yes. Dude is an asshat through and through
He looks like some kind of bug. HE'S GOT A CATERPILLAR HEAD!!
Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar: https://www.whatsthatbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/tiger_cat_ontario.jpg
Mr. Caterpillar Head: https://mandatemedia.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/11/20/davehunt.jpg
This month is looking pretty bad for the establishment
It's Oregon.
Let the smart part of the state keep working on melding with Idaho.
For the rest, let a solid 9.0 ripper reform the coast. If it goes 'cano then a solid N wind and jet stream for a few months would be nice.
Lecture me later.
The first arrest will shock the world
it's called a mockery.
Lib in Oregon? He will walk. (Use to be from Oregon)
This is another example of the headlines not matching the text. WHY DOES EVERYONE FALL FOR THIS?
Dave Hunt was one of eight men arrested in April by the Portland Police for soliciting sex from an undercover officer.
Officers posted decoy ads online and Hunt responded to arrange payment for sexual acts.
Obviously denies the allegations.
He was charged with commercial sexual solicitation, a misdemeanor.
He was speaker from 2009 to 2011
So the real story here is a guy that was an Oregon speak over a decade ago got arrested for answering an online ad for an adult prostitute that ended up being a cop.
It's called click bait. Don't worry we're in the same boat.